Birthday fun

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The party was today and I was pacing my room back and forth nervously. At some point Jack came into my room drinking a bottle of whiskey and laid down on my bed watching me pace back and forth. "Hey kiddo what's up?" He asked drinking his alcohol. "I'm nervous." "Hey don't be nervous the party is going to be awesome!" He said trying to put me at ease. "No not that... Today I have to tell my friends I'm leaving to go on tour with Vic." I said and Jack sighed. "I'm sure they'll understand. Oh and I hope you like our music!" Jack smiled. "Why?" I said sitting next to him on my bed. "Because the DJ cancelled so we all decided to throw you a awesome birthday party with us as entertainment! Your dad is also playing tonight." Jack said patting my head. "Jack stop it I'm not a cat." "Your a Barakat." He laughed. "You're drunk shut up." I laughed and then he fell asleep.

I walked out to the living room and all the guys were either cleaning and setting up a stage outside and setting up the bounce house. I walked outside to see Vic and Mike set up the grill while Jaime ran outside with carne asada and Tony sighed shaking his head at Jaime with disapproval. "Here's is the vegetarian hot dogs and burgers." He said as Vic and Mike nodded and Jaime came with the carne asada and Vic and Mike cheered. "Yeah! Carne asada!" They cheered and Jaime made faces at Tony. "Fuck you Jaime! I'm going to watch Star Wars and you can't come!" Tony shouted at Jaime. "Don't let him get to you Tony. He doesn't know any better." I laughed patting his shoulder. "Yeah I know." Tony smiled and walked into Vic's room to get his movies. "Hey do you want to go out to get some ice cream?" I turned to see it was Alex. "Sure." I said when Alex looked around the room. "Hey where's Jack?" "He's drunk and asleep in my room." I said pointing toward the first door in the hallway. "That jackass..." Alex said walking back to the yard to get his keys and letting Vic know that he and I were going out for ice cream.

During the ride over to the ice cream shop. I was just looking out the window and I heard Alex sigh uncomfortably. "So... Amber what's on your mind?" "Um not much really I'm just nervous is all but I talked it out with Jack." I smiled at him and he only laughed. "Amber when Jack is drunk all his says is it's ok I'm sure they'll understand or some other bullshit." He laughed. "So what is it that's making you feel that way?" Jack asked me. "It's just that I'm leaving on tour with Vic and the guys but that means leaving my friends behind when I just made them and I'm nervous when I have to tell them I'm leaving." Alex chuckled and smiled. "No worries Amber I know they'll be confused or upset at first but in the end they'll be cool with it." He said right as we pulled into the parking lot of the ice cream shop. I got triple scoops of vanilla and Alex got triple scoops of rocky road. We jumped back into the car and headed back to the house to see the guys hanging out in the front yard. "Hey! It's the birthday girl!" Vic said getting up and opening the car door from me. "Why are you guys outside?" I asked pushing away Jaime while he tried to take a lick of my ice cream. "We got tired of being inside but you can go on ahead." Vic smiled having Mike get up and open the door for me. I stepped inside and there stood every single person I invited shouting at me. "Happy birthday Fuentes!" I looked at the guys and they nodded and smiled at the look on my face. "You guys are the best!" I shouted hugging them all. "You earned it mija." Vic said as I walked inside the house to see Kenny and Darin. "Happy birthday beautiful." Darin winked but his smile fell as Vic glared at him. "Happy birthday Amber!" Shouted Kenny. "Thanks guys! Where's Sean?" I asked when I saw a guy with bright cherry hair walked in with familiar sunglasses. "Happy birthday Fuentes so how about the number." He laughed tossing me a wrapped gift. "Very suave Sean." I laughed when Austin and all the other guys walked inside and Kenny started freaking out. "Holy crap! How'd you get of mice & men and all time low here?!" She said squeezing my shoulders. "They're my dad's friends." I smiled uncomfortably. "That pretty cool Amber is your dad some sort of rock star or something?" Asked Darin and I shrugged my shoulders. "He says he's in a band and they're playing later." I said shyly and Sean started jumping up and down on the other side of the room. "Amber! Is that Austin Carlile?!" "Last time I checked yeah... He's my dad's friend." "I'll be right back I need to take a picture with him!" Shouted Sean. "I'll join you!" Kenny said running after Austin with Sean. "So I guess it's just us now huh?" Darin said looking at his beaten up vans. "Yup but that's alright." I laughed patting his shoulder. "So you look nervous what's wrong with you Dulce?" "I wrote you a card and my mom helped and I realised it was pretty embarrassing." He said turning red and I laughed. "It's okay Darin I'm sure I'll like it." I winked at him and he sighed with relief. "So where's that Berto guy at?" He asked with a hint of jealousy. "I'm right here Dulce." Said a familiar face. "Oh well I'll just go." He said with a hurt face. "Wait Darin don't go." I said grabbing onto his hand. "You're my friend too and I want you to stay here." I said smiling at him and he gave a weak smile. "Well I have to use your restroom. Could you point me toward it?" Vic came and smiled at me patting his shoulder. "Is there a problem here?" "No Vi- I mean dad. Darin here needs to use the restroom could you point it out for him?" Vic smiled at Darin and nodded. "Sure thing mija." Vic and Darin left only leaving Berto and I. "Hey you happy birthday." He smiled at me holding out a bag. "Thank you Berto. I'm glad you made it." I said smiling at him as Jaime, Alex and Jack looked at me raising their eyebrows and making faces and fell on each other like they were a couple. "It was really no problem Amber. You look good today. But I mean you look good everyday." He chuckled and I laughed with him for being a dork. "You're so weird!" I laughed and we decided to go outside and Austin and his guys were tuning up getting ready to play. "Hey I know them I went to see them in concert!" Berto said with excitement. "Apparently everyone knows them or has seen them in concert." I sighed when Austin took his place and grabbed the mic. "Hope you guys are enjoying the party and this goes out to Amber my sort of niece." He laughed as he began to sing a song called the depths and another one called second and Sebring. Darin caught up with Berto and I and he put his arm around my shoulders with a smile. "They're really awesome!" He said and I nodded as Kenny and Sean ran up to us. "Amber your party is awesome!" Sean and Kenny said out of breathe. "Thanks! Let's go up front!" I said as we ran toward the stage they stood on and jumped up and down enjoying ourselves. After they were done playing Alex and his guys went up on stage. I smiled at Alex when he called me up on stage. "Hey I think now would be a good time to tell everyone that you're going on tour." He said and I thought for a second and nodded. Alex pulled me on stage and he took the mic. "Hey guys the birthday girl has to say something before we play and we hope you all understand." Alex said handing the mic over to me. "Hi guys... I'm happy you guys all came but I wanted to tell you all that I'm leaving for a little while." I said taking a deep breathe. "Because I'm going on tour with my dad. But I'll be back at Clairemont as soon as I get back." I said taking in another breathe. "I hope you all understand." I said trying to get off stage when Berto came forward with his arms out to catch me. "Don't worry Fuentes I'll catch you." He smiled. I shrugged my shoulders and jumped off stage into Berto's arms. "Hey watch where you're putting those hands! That's my daughter." Vic warned glaring at Berto. "Yes sir." Berto said putting me down. "Thanks Berto! You're a good friend." I smiled as Alex spoke into the mic. "Happy birthday Amber! We love you!" Alex said as they started playing their songs time bomb and weightless. "These guys are awesome!" Screamed Darin and Sean as Kenny and I just stared at them and laughed. "We know!" As we jumped up and down and scream the lyrics out. "Happy birthday!" I turned around to see Kellin and another familiar face I could quite put my finger on along with other faces I had no clue who they were. "Oh hey Kellin." I smiled. "Who's your friends?" "Them well they're bring me the horizon!" He shouted and the all smile at me and waved. "Did I hear bring me the horizon?!" Shouted Kenny when she saw Oliver Sykes. "Marry me!" She yelled jumping on top of Oliver. "Please get off me." Begged the skinny Englishman. "Kenny get off of him." I said dragging her off when Sean saw Oliver and pushed her off him. "Get off Oliver! He's fragile!" Yelled Sean helping up Oliver. "I'll never wash the hand again!" He said when Oliver touched his shoulder. "No please do wash your hands."

There was an intermission between the bands. "So you're really leaving on tour?" Kenny asked me with a sad face. "Yeah I'm just as bummed as all of you are." I said when a phone was shoved into my face. "Well here! I have to have your number then! It gets boring just harassing these two all day long." Sean said cleaning off his sunglasses. "Fine you win this time." I said putting my number in his phone. "I'm really going to miss you Amber." Darin said and I smiled. "I'll miss you too Darin but don't worry there is always FaceTime!" I said when Vic came to sit next to me with a present in his hand. "Oh my god is that Vic Fuentes?!" Shouted Kenny. "Yeah... And he's my dad." I said shyly as Vic smiled at me and my friends. "Really?!" Kenny and Sean asked with excitement. "Yup." I said when Vic cleared his throat loudly. "Amber mija I bought you this... It's a gift from all of the guys and myself to you and I'm sure you'd really like to have this around." He said handing it to me. "Here open it." I tore the paper and Kenny, Sean, and Darin looked over my shoulder. "What is it?" Kenny asked when I saw a box with a bitten apple. "A laptop? Thank you." I said shocked as hugged Vic. "No problem." He said hugging me tighter. "Make sure to thank the guys okay?" He said and got up to talk to Kellin. "Oh my gosh! Now we can Skype!" Sean said as Kenny hugged me. "That's so cool!" "I know Amber your dad is really cool!" Darin smiled.

Soon the guys were back to playing and my friend and I were having a great time. "Amber I haven't met you well enough yet but we're happy to be here!" Said Oliver. They started playing sleepwalking and drown. Then it was just Kellin and his guitar. "Amber your friend Berto requested this song for you ain't that sweet?" He winked and started playing stomach tied in knots. I just stood there listening to the song until I felt someone put their arm around me it was Berto. "Hey Amber I like you." He whispered to me. "That's cool." I said a little embarrassed. "Hey! Stay ten feet away from my daughter!" Vic glared as Mike stepped in between us. "This is the perfect amount of space." He laughed. The song soon came to an end and it was Vic and the guys turn. "Happy birthday mija! Papa loves you!" Vic shouted into the mic as everyone let out a snicker. They began to play one hundred sleepless nights and props & mayhem. Kenny, Darin and Sean ran over to me and we call had a ton of fun then we started to sing along even though most of the people I invited either knew or did began to sing along. Today was the greatest day ever. At some point Darin and I began to sway our bodies and as we did he gently reached out for my hand and he held it for a long time. But Kellin had to come in a separate us. "Hey buddy I need you to back up." He chuckled. Darin nodded and looked at me shyly. "Sorry I didn't realise." I shrugged Darin off and smiled. "It happens."

After the party was over the guys began to clean up and Kenny, Darin, Sean and I also helped out. "So Mr.Fuentes could I get a picture with you after we finish cleaning up?" Sean asked excitedly. "Sure thing." He smiled going inside to put away equipment. "Amber I'm coming on tour with you!" Shouted Sean when Kenny threw a small rock at him. "Shut up I am!" She teased laughing. "No one is leaving." Darin laughed stacking up chairs. "We are officially done!" I said sweeping whatever was left of the piñata. "Yay! Now we can take a group picture with the guys!" Sean and Kenny screamed running inside. "They're insane." I laughed. "Yeah I know." Darin laughed when he remembered about something. "Oh! Here this is for you I forgot to give it to you earlier." He said handing me a envelope with a card inside.

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