Home sweet home

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After I fell asleep I woke up to the sound of screaming. I jumped out my bunk and landing on my feet this time. Finally! I ran to the front lounge and peeped from the curtain to see a ton of fans with signs and posters outside the bus. Fans screamed even louder. I smiled and waved and I ran to wake up the guys. "Hey dad." I whispered shaking Vic. "Mmm what...?" Vic groaned. "There's screaming fans outside the bus. There is like a lot." I said and Vic looked at me. "Go to sleep you're dreaming Amb's." Vic said falling back to sleep. "Whatever dad." I said going to Alex's bunk and five staring him in his boob. "Ow! What the fuck?!" Shouted Alex getting up. "There are fans outside." I said plainly. "Oh well let's go see'em." Alex said. "Help me wake up everyone." I said tugging on his arm. "Fine you wake up Oli and the guys and I'll wake up my guys." Alex said. I ran to Oliver's bunk. "Oli wake up! Look what's outside!" I shouted. "Help me get the guys up please Oli." Oliver ran his fingers through his hair and got up. "Fine." He said getting out of his bunk and hitting everyone's bunk. "Alright lads lets go see what ducky is quacking about." Oliver ordered. All the guys got up and ran to the front lounge. "Holy shit that's crazy." Alex smiled in astonishment. "How did they find us?" Oliver laughed. "I haven't the slightest clue but I think they didn't have much trouble finding us in this big ass bus." Lee laughed. "Where are your guys?" Oliver asked me. "Sleeping let me go wake most of the guys." I ran up to Tony's bunk and nudged him. "Tony. TONY! Wake up look outside!" Tony sighed and got up. "For what?" "Go see." I said pushing him. I ran to Mike and Jaime and I immediately woke them up. "Guys go look out the window." I said and Mike carried Vic out his bunk. "Let's go see Vic." Mike said. By the time he got to the front Mike was so shocked he dropped Vic on his face. "Berto get your ass up and look what's out side!" I said. He wouldn't get up so I pushed him out of his bunk and dragged him by his legs to go see. "I want to go outside but I know they'll kick my ass and rip off my clothes." Alex laughed. "I'm not going out there till I see our body guard or security." Jaime smiled. "I'm going to climb up to the roof." Rian grinned. "You kids in?" Rian asked pointing at Berto and I. "Hellz yeah!" I said pushing Berto and Rian and ran to the hatch in the back lounge and climbed the small latter I climbed out and fan were crowding the bus. Rian climbed out and Berto handed me my camera. "Good job." I said patting his head and taking my camera. Rian and Berto waved at the fans and I took a ton of pictures from here. "I'm already taking pictures and it's just the morning." I laughed. "Where is security already? I'm starving." I said as I went back into the bus. "I'm starving!" I said rummaging in my bunk for Oreos. "What're you eating?" Tony asked. I covered the pack or Oreos with my pillow and grinned at him. "Nothing..." I said and Tony jumping in my bunk and reaching under my pillow. "Share or your turtle suffers!" Tony yelled. "No!" I was cut off by banging on the roof of the bus. "Open up its Mohamed your security guard." I ran over and let him in. "Hey Mohamed!" Jaime said running to him and hugging him. "It's been forever!" Jaime said cuddling with him. "Yes but you'll only see me for today." Mohamed corrected Jaime. "Hey man!" Vic said walking over to him. "How are you Vic?" Mohamed asked patting his back. "I'm good I'm a father now." Vic smiled. "Woah I see you got busy." Mohamed laughed. "Amber come here!" Vic called I got out my bunk and walked over to him. "Amb's this is Mohamed." Vic introduced me. "Uh hi." I said awkwardly being shy. "Hello you have a very pretty name." He smiled. "You actually do look a lot like your father." Mohamed smiled. "Thanks." I said looking down at my feet. "She gets really shy." Tony grinned high fiving Mohamed. "What's up man long time no see." Tony smiled. "Hey it's Mohamed!" Mike shouted patting his shoulders. "Hey guys!" He said hugging Jaime, Tony, Mike, and Vic. "It's nice to see you all are having a lovely reunion." Oliver smiled. "But how are we going to get out of this hell hole?" Matthew asked. "Leave that to me." He said patting my head as he walked by. "Amber you come first." He said calling me over to the door. "Dad." I said looking scared. "Everything will be okay." Vic called out to me. I took a deep breath and grabbed my camera. "Make a pathway!" Mohamed yelled. "Amber go! Start running." He yelled. I started running and then I heard some fans running after me. I pushed harder and I ran to the security and flashed my pass. I walked into the green room and slid against the door breathing heavily. "Amber!" I got up and heard Jack calling me. I opened the door and poked my head out. "Yeah Jack?" He ran to me and hugged me. "I was worried." He said breathing heavily too. "That's something my dad should be saying." I laughed. "It's different shorty I'm your boyfriend." He joked. "In another world Barakat." I said punching him in the shoulder. "Ah... Young love." Oliver smirked leaning against the wall. Only a few seconds later Zach came running through accidentally knocking him over. "Hahaha! You alright Oli?" I asked walking over to him. "Yeah." He said as Zach helped him up. We stepped aside when we saw the rest of the guys running inside and Vic holding onto Mohamed's back. "My frail legs couldn't take the exhaustion of running." He grinned like a preppy girl. "Wimp!" I called out to him. "Am not shut up!" He laughed. I looked at Berto and nudged him in the shoulder. "Want to go see more of the venue?" "Nah I'm really tired I'm just going to nap in the green room." He yawned. I shrugged my shoulders and walked up to Jack and tapped his shoulder. "Yes sweetheart?" He asked and I just rolled my eyes. "Want to come exploring with me around the venue?" "I thought you'd never ask." He winked. "I can't believe you're trying to get fresh with me Amber." He joked. "Oh yes I'm minty fresh!" I shouted and everyone looked at me. "What?" Oliver asked looking at me with a confused look. "Nothing Oli." I said as I playfully pushed Jack and ran around the venue with him. I took pictures and we sat on opposite sides of the wall in a corridor. Jack kicked at my left foot with his foot. "What are you doing?" "I'm just bored... But you know I got something on my mind Fuentes." Jack smiled looking over at me. "What?" I asked crossing my arms and looking at him. "After this we won't be seeing each other for awhile." Jack sighed sadly. "It's alright Jack we can always hang out whenever you're in California." I said slouching against the wall. "Who else is going to bother you?" Jack whined. "Believe me I have plenty of other people to bother me." I chuckled. "Hey I got a idea. Let's take a picture together." Jack suggested. "Fine." I said and sat next to Jack. "Get closer." I scooted close to him and he pulled out his phone. He turned to me and kissed my cheek and took the picture. "And you call me fresh?" I glared at him. "Amber!" I turned and saw Jaime running towards us. "What's up Jaime?" I asked getting up. "Vic said to head back because the show is gunna start soon." "Alright I'll be right there then." I said and Jack got up. "Let's go." He smiled at me. We walked back stage and Jack was trying to hold my hand. I kept slapping it and he just put his arm around my shoulders. "Are you really going to miss me that much that you're going to bother me?" I laughed. "Maybe more." He laughed. "Whatever dude." I said walking to the green room Vic was in. "Hey dad you called?" "Yeah. Today take it easy I bought you a couple movies and some snacks you can relax in here and Berto will be working today." Vic smiled. "Alright. Thanks dad." I said taking his hat. "Ahahaha!" Tony started laughing at Vic. "Bald! Bald! Bald!!!" Jamie shouted pointing. "It's just a small bald spot!" Mike laughed putting his hat on Vic. "There is nothing wrong with being a little bald! I hope you go completely bald Jaime!" Vic glared at him. "Can I still keep the hat?" I chimed in. "No." Mike said taking the hat and moon walking away. "You're a very odd yet hilarious man Mike!" I laughed. "I know." He said before tossing me his sunglasses. "Take care of my sunglasses." I sighed and nodded. "Sure thing." I said throwing myself on the couch and putting Mike's sunglasses on the side table. I took out the movie John Wick and played it while eating some Oreos and peanut butter. "Get him!" I heard security shouting outside. Probably a crazy fan again. I thought to myself when the door open and slammed shut with a tall dude. "Hello." He said breathing heavily. "Stranger danger!" I shouted with my mouth full of Oreos. "Shhh! Shut up girl." He said with his thick Italian accent. I looked at him with a "really?" Kind of look. "What do you want?" I asked sitting on the couch. "I just want to meet pierce the veil." He said with a hopeful smile. "Sneaking backstage into the green room is not the way to do it." I sighed and walked over to the TV and paused the movie. "What are you doing here?" "I live with one of the guys." I said plainly not telling him anything too specific. "Wait a second I know you!" He said all excited like. "No you don't." I said sitting on the couch. "Yes I do! You're Amber Fuentes! Vic's daughter!" He smiled. "Yep that's me..." I smiled and offered him a Oreo. "You're kind of cute." He smirked at him. "Flirting isn't gunna get you anywhere homie." I said sitting putting the movie back on play. "Oh alright then." "So are you seriously going to miss the performances just to meet pierce the veil? That's kinda dumb. Why pass up the chance to see them live and sneak backstage?" I said grabbing a bag of chips. "Because I really want to meet them." He said anxiously. "Fine well if you're going to stay here make yourself comfortable and don't bother me when I'm watching this movie. It's one of my favourite." I said and right as I turned my head away he started asking me questions. "Who's your mother?" "None of your business." "Are you really Vic's daughter?" "Listen if this is going to be some game of 20 questions I'm kicking your ass out. Understand me?!" I said throwing a empty jar of peanut putter at him. "Okay okay no need to be violent." He whined. The show was about done from what I heard and then the guys burst through the door. "You guys sounded like you killed it out there." I said and they all noticed that guy that was a little too excited. "Who's your friend?" Jack asked eyeing him. "He's not. He snuck back stage just to meet you guys." I explained. "You got a name?" Lee asked him. "Yes my name is Alex." He said almost running up to Vic. "Woah. Um what's up? Want a picture or something?" We all decided we'll hang with the guys since he made such a effort to meet the guys. "Where's Berto?" I asked and Rian yawned. "He's back at the bus.""Oh cool." I said taking out the movie and getting my stuff together. "My god Amber you tore up everything." Alex laughed at me. "Hey I was hungry." I laughed. "I can see that. No need to worry no more though because we're going out to dinner." Alex said giving me a tight hug. "Amber lets go to the bus." Tony said taking his last picture with Alex. "Bye Alex it was nice meeting you!" I smiled and the guys waved at him. "Be safe!" Vic called. "He's really got that dad thing down." Oliver smiled at me. "I think so too." I laughed. Jordan came up to me and gave me a pair of headphones. "Here these are a present from me ducky." Jordan said ruffling my hair. "Here's my hat." Lee said hugging me. "Here's some of my pocket lint." Matt told me. "Here's my comb it's to brush hair." Mathew told me. "Um alright then." I laughed and hugged the guys. "And here are some clothes from my store." Oliver winked at me. "Thanks Oli." I said. "Amber get your booty over here!" Alex shouted for me. "Yeah Alex?" "The guys and I thought that you should come on tour with us. What do you say?" I thought about it a lot but I thought even harder. "Come on! You and I can live together on the bus and we can share a bunk if you want!" Jack said hugging me. "As much as I'd love to stay with you guys I think my place is at home right now." I said hugging the guys and kissing jack on the cheek. "Someone's getting a little fresh I see." Alex grinned raising his eyebrows at me. "I'm fresher than Will Smith. If you get what I'm saying." I laughed and so did everyone else as they caught on.

We made it to the airport and the guys gave me their goodbyes. "It's not forever guys we're going to see each other again!" I said walking over to teary eyed Oli. "I'm going to miss you the most ducky." He said hugging me tight. "I'll miss you too Oli! But we always have our technology." I said nudging him. "Bye Amber! I'll miss you! I'll be texting you everyday!" Jack shouted. "You do that buddy." I said patting his back. "Bye Amber!" Rian said tackling me. "Bye Rian! Zach help me!" I laughed. "Bye Amb's till the holidays or whenever." Zach smiled at me. "For sure Zach!" I walked over to Vic and the guys and they were already to go. "Let's go home." Yawned Jaime. "I need my beauty sleep." Mike yawned louder. "I want free peanuts!" Tony shouted. "I want to go to my bed." Vic groaned. "Me too." I said just when the doors opened to board the plane. "Thank god the flight is direct." Mumbled Mike. I found my seat and it was next to Vic. I slept the whole way back. I took 13 hours as a challenge to sleep for those hours.

I was woken up by someone shaking me awake. "No I don't want anymore snacks..." I mumbled. "I'm not a flight attendant its your dad loser. Wake up we're back in California." Vic laughed. "Ah hell yeah!" I said grabbing my shit from the top cubbies and ran out the plane. "Freedom!" I yelled and I ran to get my suitcases. "Amber wait up!" Yelled Jaime. "No!" I screamed as Mike caught me. "No more running young Fuentes." Mike laughed. "Boo!" I shouted. "Girl why are you acting so crazy?" Tony asked me nudging my arm. "I missed walking on ground." I laughed. "You need sleep." Jaime laughed. "She's been sleeping for 13 hours!" Vic laughed. "Let's go check out of this place." Mike said as we found the exit and showed out passports to the guards and we finally left. "I missed California. Sorta." I joked. "You probably missed us!" I heard a familiar voice. "KENNY!" I turned and saw her with a sign. "We kept calling you after you trampled Berto." Laughed Sean. "Oh that explains why he isn't here yet." I chuckled. "Hi Amber." Darin smiled giving me flowers. "Hey Dulce I missed you guys!" I said hugging the three of them. "Awe group hug." Mike said getting into the hug and so did the rest of the guys. "This is the most awkwardest hug I've ever been in." I laughed. "Just let it happen Amber!" Sean shouted. "Hahaha alright." As we all broke off the hug Berto came stumbling over. "Hey guys." He waved at everyone. "Let's go home and hang out!" Vic smiled. "Want to come guys?" "Sure!" They all said and all of them headed to Sean's new car. "Sweet ride Sean." I commented. "Want to go for a ride in it with us?" "Sure!" I said and gave Vic my suitcase. "Meet ya back at the house." "Sure thing!" I called back. "What about me?" Berto asked. "Don't you have your own car?" Mike asked. "No I took a taxi here." Berto smiled. "Fine come on with us." Tony sighed. "We'll drop you off at home." "Thanks man." Berto said getting in the car with the guys. "So what'd you bring us?!" Kenny shouted in the car. "I bought you guys the gift of friendship!" I laughed. "Fuck friendship right now. How about those souvenirs!" Sean laughed putting on his sun glasses. "Yeah. Here I got you guys some bracelets while I was wondering the streets of Berlin." I laughed. "Why were you wondering?" Darin laughed as I handed him a bracelet. Kenny grabbed the purple one and Sean grabbed the red bracelet. "Did you miss us?" Sean grinned. "I missed Kenny and Darin." I laughed. "You're a bitch!" He laughed. "I missed you too sorta." I laughed. Finally we made it back to my place. "Home! Abuelito!" I shouted running towards the door when it swung open. "Mija! You're back! Where is your dad and uncle?" "They're getting food and dropping off a friend." I said and he smiled hugging me tight. "I missed you the house has been so quiet without you three." He said and the Vic's car pulled up into the driveway. "Hey pops!" Mike and Vic called. "Hey boys!" He said as he walked over to Vic and Mike and giving them a hug. "We got pizza! Your favourite Amber!" Vic winked at me. "Haha thanks dad." I said and everyone else gasped. "You started calling him dad now?" Kenny shouted. "Yeah it's a long story." I chuckled as we all went inside. "Movie night?" "Yeah let's do that." I said. I caught up with my friends and my abuelito. Life was good at the moment. I know something is going to fuck that shit up. "Hey Fuentes get your head out of the clouds and let's go get some ice cream!" Sean said throwing popcorn at me. "Alright I'm coming." I said getting up and heading for the door.

Vic Fuentes adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now