Tour bitch

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We walked around and Jack tried buying me everything in sight. "Stop! It's not my birthday anymore!" I shouted at him. "It's cute Amber he really likes you." Erin gushed. "Amber is the best girlfriend ever." Jack smiled. "Here I bought you these flowers." I sighed and just took them. "Thanks Barakat." "Awe Amber and Jack are so cute!" Jessica smiled at us. "I know I totally ship them." Jaime laughed. "What's their ship name?" Alysha asked hugging Mike from the side. "I'm thinking of Jamber or Amback." "I go for Jamber." Mike said. "I like that name too." Tony smiled. "What do you think ladies?" Jaime said and they all nodded and Jack looked at me batting his eyes. "Jamber is our ship name and it's going to be sailing forever." Jack grinned. "Sure whatever." I said as he held my hand. "What are you doing?" "Making sure you don't get lost." Grinned Jack. "I won't." I said trying to let go. "You're 5'1 and I'm 6'2. You're going to get lost shorty." "Fine whatever." I groaned. "Awe look they're holding hands." Alysha pointed out at Jack and I. "Oh young love." Mike sighed jokingly. "He's old I'm young." I laughed and he held his hand to his chest. "That hurt my feelings." "I'm sorry Jacky." I laughed. Eventually we all got bored and found a cafe to hang out in. "So how long have you two known each other?" Jessica asked me."For far too long." I sighed when Jack hugged me. "We're in love!" Jack shouted smiling and rubbing his face on my arm. "Jack your stubble is scratching my arm!" I said pushing him off me. "So what about you guys?" I asked. "3 years." Mike said kissing Alysha. "2 years with my handsome storm trooper." Erin said hugging Tony. "4 almost 5 with my dragon." Jessica said kissing Jaime. "That's awesome." I smiled. "You guys are the coolest girlfriends I've met all tour. Danielle and I didn't really see eye to eye. I tried to be cool with her but she didn't want to be friends." The girls all nodded. "Oh we know. We've met and she's nice once she gets to be around you more." Erin sighed. "She's not the nicest person in the world but she's nice." Jessica said. "When she wants to be." Alysha added. The girls all nodded in agreement. "She's nice when Victor is around." Mike said.

Meanwhile at the tour bus...

"So you're going to play a game with us alright?" Oliver instructed at Berto. "You sure that I'm supposed to clean out everyone's bunk?" Berto asked unsure of himself. "Sure it is. You could even ask your girlfriends dad.Hey Vic isn't it our favourite game to play?" Oliver shouted over at Vic. "Yeah go on play the game! You'll feel really accomplished after that. Then you can go and use the sponge and soap on the bathroom!" Vic smirked trying not to laugh. Alex patted Berto's back. "You're going to need these." Alex said passing him thick yellow gloves. "Is it that bad?" Berto asked looking at the gloves. "You might need this too." Lee laughed handing him a mask. "Is he our tour bitch?" Rian whispered to Oliver. "Pretty much yeah." He snickered as he watched Berto clean out everyone's bunk.

Meanwhile in the city

"Amber want some ice cream?" Jack offered me. "I'm alright I've already had enough." I said as the rest of our people walked around. "Want to get a portrait done?" Jack grinned. "Sure." I sighed and Jack paid the guy to draw us. He did this on two papers at a time. "You're such a beautiful couple." Said the old man drawing us. I was about to object but Jack poked my side. "Thanks." Jack smiled. We stood like this for 30 minutes. Finally it was done and he did a really awesome job. We found Mike and Alysha sitting on a bench taking a photo. "Hey guys." I said taking Mikes hat. "About ready to go?" Alysha asked me. "Yeah I can use a nap." I yawned leaning my head on Jacks shoulder. "Let's get everyone and head back." Mike said. "Alright. Jack lets go find Jaime and Jessica." I said and Mike went off with Alysha to go find Tony and Erin. We walked into a place filled with back packs and I found Jaime immediately. "Jaime. Let's go. I need to take a nap I'm tired." I said as Jessica came out from the corner wearing a hat. "I'm getting this hat." She said paying for it. We walked out and quickly found Mike,Alysha, Tony, and Erin. "Let's go my dad and the guys are probably tearing Berto apart." I laughed. "I can see it now." Jack joked.
We walked in the bus and saw it was spotless. The bus even sparkled a little. "Dad! I'm back!" I said as I saw him in his bunk watching coralline again for the millionth time. I climbed to his bunk and had my head on his bunk. "Hey dad. I noticed the bus is spotless and my friend is missing." I said. Vic jumped and hit his head. "Clean? It was like that when you left?" Vic said nervous. "Fine then." I smiled at him and ran to the back lounge to see bring me the horizon and all time low with Hannah playing call of duty. "Hi guys. I'm back. Where's my friend?" I said and Oliver fell over laughing. "He's cleaning the bathroom." "Shit." I sighed hitting Oli in the shoulder. I walked to the bathroom and I found him cowering in the corner with the broom handle pointing to the other side of the bathroom. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I swear that ball of toilet paper moved." Berto said scared like hell. "Berto it's a toilet paper roll. They're supposed to move when they fall over." I laughed. "Come on the chemicals are probably getting to you." I said helping him up. "Have you at least eaten?" "Not since you left." Berto said I sighed and made him take a seat in the front lounge. I grabbed my bag and poked at Vic. "Dad I'm taking Berto out to eat want anything?" "No but do you want me to come with you guys?" Vic asked. "No it's fine." I said and left with Berto. "Hey so you want to get a sandwich or something?" I asked and he nodded. "You know they were just messing with you right?" "They were?" He asked me astonished. "Yeah they basically made you their bitch." I laughed at him. "But it's alright you're not going to be anymore since you realised." I reassured him. "Whatever." He sighed. "So is what's the new kid at school look like?" I asked. "You mean bat shit crazy stalker girl?" Berto named her. "I believe that's the one." I chuckled. "She's short has black and green hair and she has a piercing on her eyebrow and lip." "Jesus that girl sounds like she's in a motorcycle gang or something." I said trying to imagine what she looks like. I texted Kenny really fast. -hey what does the new kid look like?- sure enough I got the same response and a tough looking girl came up. "Woah you're right. She's kinda scary. Why would she stalk you?" I asked. "Not the slightest idea but she's into me and it's kinda creepy." Berto sighed. "We found a place to get food and Berto ordered his food. "So you excited about the next tour destination?" Berto asked. "Not really I'm more excited about going home. I miss my bed and I hate living out of a suitcase." I said and Berto nodded. "You don't have any of your stuff don't you?" I asked. "Pretty much." Berto laughed. "Oliver lets me borrow so of his clothes." "Oli will probably let you have them." I said when I heard someone out of breath and calling my name. "Amber!" I turned to see it was Zach. "What's wrong?!" I said in panic. "You guys gotta come back to the bus fast." Zach shouted. Berto grabbed his sandwich and we ran back to the bus. "Dad!" I shouted when I saw him laying on the floor face first. "What happened?!" I said as he held his arm. "I fell asleep and I tossed myself the wrong way and fell out the bunk." Vic said cringing his face from the pain. "Better hope you didn't break your arm bro." Mike said trying to help him up. "Alysha I think you guys should go back to the hotel. We're going to take Vic to see the doctor." Mike directed. "Alright. Get better Vic." Alysha called. I sat next to Vic and he sighed. "I hope I just sprained it." Vic said while the guys filed up in front of us. "We will stay here and take care of the kids." Oliver said. "I'm not a staying. I'm going with them to see if Vic is alright." I said when Tony stopped me. "Young Fuentes. We need you to stay here and watch the guys. We'll let you know what's up." Tony said before hugging me. "He'll be better in no time Amb's." Jaime called. I turned back to Berto and the guys and sighed. "No need to worry ducky. You dad will be just fine." Oliver told me and ruffled my hair. "Alright." I said hugging him trying not to let any tears fall out. I was worried about Vic. "You're crying." Jack said peering into my face. "No I'm not." I said sniffling a little. "It's okay to cry ducky." Jordan said. "I told you guys already I'm not crying." I said wiping away the tears streaming down my face. "If it isn't crying then what is it?" Alex asked crossing his arms with a face full of sass. "I'm sweating through my eyes it's a medical condition." I said when Jack handed me a tissue. "What kind of medical condition?" Lee smirked crossing his arms. "It's a special kind." I said on the brink of laughter from these idiots. "Hey is that a smile?" Matthew grinned. "No." I said hiding my face in my hands. "Amber I'm going to wrestle you till I see your face." Rian threatened. "Fight me then!" I said running away. "He's not going to fight you Amber!" Zach called out. Berto ended up being shoved to the floor while we ran around the bus laughing. "I got her!" Matt said holding me back. "Don't fight the poor girl Rian." Oliver begged. "I'm not anymore." Rian said out of breath. "He's too old to fight me." I teased. "Well in that case!" Rian said and began to tickle me. "Hahahaha okay okay I give alright I'm sorry you're not old Rian!" I laughed. "Jack help!" I called and he came and threw me over his shoulder. "She's mine now and no one can do anything about it even you!" Jack said pointing at Berto. Alex tried dragging me out the bunk and we both fell out the bunk. My fall was cushioned by Alex. "Dog pile!" Oliver said as we were tackled down by one another till we were in a pile. "You guys are crushing me." I said slapping Oli in the butt. "I'm dying! Your elbowing me in my ribs!!!" Alex gasped. "Fine lets get up because Alex is being a baby." Jordan teased. "You guys want to go get some food?" Berto suggested. We all looked at one another and Oliver pointed at him. "Great idea tour bi- I mean Berto." He smirked. "Ducky grab your bag we're going out! Come on lads and Berto." Oliver said as he and the guys charged out. "They're still getting warmed up to you." I smiled. "I can tell." Berto sighed. These guys are what made me feel right at home. They may be annoying at times and piss me off but they know how to make me smile. My uncles and Vic included.

Vic Fuentes adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now