School supplies

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"Amber wake up!" Vic shouted from his room. "I'm already up. You don't need to wake me up today." I said poking at my bowl of fruit loops. "Are you feeling alright Amb's?" Mike asked me putting a hand to my forehead. "Yeah I'm fine." I said putting the spoon in my mouth. "You can't tell us anything. We're always going to be here to listen." Vic said. "I'm good." I said grabbing my bag and walking to the car. I sat in the back seat and I just huddled up in the corner of the seat and the door. "I'm so fucked. I hope she won't do anything to me. If she does the the gloves are going to be slipped on real quick." I said giving myself a pep talk. Shortly after Vic and Mike got in the car and dropped me off at school. "Let us know if you want to get picked up early." Mike pointed at me from the window. "Yeah thanks." I walked through the doors of the school and scurried away to my locker where my friends were waiting for me. "Hey guys." I said opening my locker. "What happened to you? You look like shit." Sean said taking off his sunglasses to look at me. "Gee thanks Sean." I said grabbing some text books and walking to first period. "Amber can I have a word with you?" I looked up to see it was Phil. "Sure." I tossed my things at my desk and stepped out to talk to Phil. "Hey I heard someone is bothering you and you are acting different. Did something happen?" Phil asked with concern in his eyes. I went in for a hug and I sighed. "I'm just worried she might beat me up." I said. Phil patted my back and laughed. "You? Scared? Amber I heard about you beating up some kid so bad you broke his nose! Why are you afraid?!" "A word of advice. Don't start swinging until they hit you first." He winked at me and nudged my shoulder with his. "Let's get back to class I have a few lessons I need to teach you guys." "Oh god..." I laughed. We walked back in and I sat at my desk. "Amber want to come over for some cookies?" I turned to Darin and laughed. "Hahahaha sure I guess. Who invites someone over for cookies?" I laughed. "I think you might get a little more than cookies." Sean winked. "Milk?" Kenny asked with sarcasm. We laughed and we listened to Phil teach us about poetry. He made us right our own poem and recite in class I didn't do it though. I doodled on my piece of paper. "Ms.Fuentes I'd like to hear your poem." I sighed and got up. "Fine." I walked up to the front of class and held my paper like I wrote something on it. "Roses are red. Violets smell like poo. I'm tired of school how about you?" The class laughed and I gave my Phil my paper. "Is this a drawing of you on a pony named Jack?" "Sure. Yeah. It's a pony." I laughed. After class was over it was just the usual classes. In the middle of physics I had to use the bathroom. As I casually walked I saw a green headed girl watching me. "Oh shit I'm gunna die!" I thought to myself. I kept walking and ran into a stall. "I'll be safe in here." I mumbled to myself. I did my thing and came out to wash my hands. I walked around the corner of the hall and there was the girl with a sharpened fucking pencil. Really?! A pencil? Like Phil said if she hits first start swinging afterwards. She ran towards me and I backed up trying to dodge her. But she got me. "Ahhh! You crazy bitch!" I said holding my side. "Time to start swinging." I said waiting for her to come at me another time. "Stay away from Roberto!" All this for some guy? She really must be insane. "We are just friends!" I said when she ran at me. I punched her in the jaw and then she fell. "Well that was easier than expected... I'm going to head on out to the nurse." I said slowly scooting away from the girl passed out on the floor. "Hi nurse! I just got stabbed in my side with a sharpened pencil by some crazy girl. Who is by the way passed out in the hallway. But in my defence she came at me first and she is the reason why I'm bleeding out from my side." I said taking a seat. "Well that is descriptive. Hold on a second I'm going to get the principle and some security just to be safe." She smiled and walked out. A moment later Mrs.Bow walked in. "Ms.Fuentes! Are you alright honey?" I look at her and sighed. "I could be better but I was just stabbed in the side with a pencil." I said when the nurse walked in and took out the gauze and alcohol. "I'm going to need you to lift up your shirt." The nurse said. She put alcohol and it stung so much. "Ahhh!" I groaned out. "Hang in their honey I'm going to call your father." Mrs.Bow said stepping out. "Alright done. You should see a doctor after this." The nurse said. "You got it." I said as she finished up. I sat up and I looked over at the jar of lollipops. "Could I have one?" I asked excitedly. "Go ahead." She said getting up and going to the other room to answer a phone. I grabbed a few and ate the red lollipop. "Amber your father is here." The nurse said as I walked out. "Amber! Are you okay?!" Vic said holding onto me. "Yeah I'm fine but let's just go before the nurse sees how many lollipops I just took." I said and we walked out. "Let's go to the doctor." "Fine." I said getting in the car.

"How'd this happen? Vic asked me. "Some girl at school is just a crazy bitch and she started coming at me with a pencil and here I am now on our way to the doctor. Don't worry the girl is fine just passed out. I did that." I laughed a bit. "What am I going to do with you?" Teased Vic. "Throw a party in my honour." I laughed. We got there shortly to the doctors and he looked at my side and nodded. "Yup you need a few stitches and disinfectants for this." "Hold me." I said looking at Vic. Like hell I was going to be still and get stitches. I felt every stitch go in and it was horrible. "Am I done?!" I said holding Vic tighter. "Yes just about finished." The doctor said cutting the string or whatever. "Pick up this prescription at the nearby pharmacy." "Thanks. Let's go Amber!" Vic said taking the paper. "Can we get a ice cream?" I whined. "Sure thing tough stuff." Vic laughed. "Stab wounds earn you ice cream!" I shouted and ran out of the car when Vic parked. I got birthday cake ice cream and Vic got mint and chip. "Happy?" "Yes sir." I said as we walked out and went home. I walked inside and Mike was laying on the floor sleeping with his head in a pizza box. "Hey Mike... Get up." I said poking him. "Hey..." He yawned with a pepperoni hanging off his face. "You're home early." Mike said getting up and going to the kitchen to clean his face. "I got in a little accident today." I said when Vic walked in and nudged me. "Tell him exactly what happened." He nodded at me. "Fine..." I said walking over to the kitchen and lifting up my shirt a bit showing Mike the stitches and such. "What happened?!" Mike said holding his head. "I got stabbed by some crazy chick with a pencil." I said putting my shirt back down. "That's crazy! I'm glad your fine now!" Mike said hugging my head into his chest. "Thanks Mikey." I said walking to my room. I laid down and was about to shut my eyes when my phone started going off. "Hello?" "Hi girlfriend!" It was Jack. "Hey Barakat. It's been a while." I said walking to the stereo and putting on the story so far. "I've been great! I miss you Amber!" I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Yeah I miss me too. Where are the guys?" "They're at their own homes." Jack said in a pouty tone. "Whatever." I said when I heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Shouted Mike. I shrugged and I threw myself on my bed. "Good news! It's almost winter break!" Jack shouted. "Aaanndddd?" I questioned. "There are a bunch of tours going on." Jack said. "Amber Phil came to drop off your stuff from school." Mike said placing it by my bed. "Thanks Mike." He nodded and walked out. "Back to the tour subject... I don't know because I want to spend the holidays with the family and stuff." I sighed and Jack chuckled on the other line. "Are we family honey?" He laughed. "Hahaha you wish." I joked when my window slid open to reveal Kenny and Sean after. "What happened Fuentes?" Sean said climbing out from the window. "Aren't you guys supposed to be at school?" I asked. "We left." Sean laughed. "Amber you okay?" Kenny said coming at me. "I'm good. Jack I'm going to have to call you back." I said hanging up. "Crazy green haired chick stabbed me with a fuck pencil." I said lifting up my shirt flashing my stitches at them. "That's crazy shit." Sean said. "Want us to get you food?" Kenny asked acting like I couldn't get up. "Sure! How about pizza!" I laughed. "You got it Fuentes we will be back." Sean said opening the window and jumping out and Kenny followed after him. I laid back in bed and my phone went off again! Can't I have peace! "What's up?" "When does your break start?" "This Friday." I told Jack. "Okay see you around then!" He said and hung up. "Well I'm going to sleep." I said and tossed the covers off and fell asleep. Getting stabbed in the side is tiring work.

Vic Fuentes adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now