New house, new family, fresh start

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Vic and his friends or my Tio's didn't live to far from the orphanage surprisingly. But the weird part was that they had a huge bus in their driveway. "You like?" Mike asked me smiling at my curious face. "I guess why do you need a huge bus like that for?" "We need it when we go on tour and that's about a couple weeks away from now." Mike answered me. "But why do you guys need to go on tour?" I asked again. "Because we're in a band!" Vic shouted from where he was standing trying to open the door. "That's cool it sounds fun..." I said smiling. "Great because as your awesome dad I want to take you all over the world!" He said as he finally opened the door. "Yeah I thought we agreed I was calling you Vic..." I groaned feeling Mikes hand on my head. "Don't worry you'll warm up to him eventually." Mike said waving me over to come inside. "So this is your place?" I asked looking at a bunch of family photos of them and their parents. "So you guys live on your own?" I asked still looking around. "No we still live with our mom and dad." Mike said wandering somewhere else. "Mija are you hungry? Want tacos?" Vic asked me. "Tacos? I don't think I've ever had one of those." Right as I said that Vic immediately hugged me and caressed my head. "Mike call dad we have to give this poor child a taco fast!" He said as Mike immediately pulled out his phone and called their dad. "Don't worry abuelito will get you some tacos and they will be amazing!" "Thanks Vic." I said as Mike gave me the thumbs up. "Dad said he's going to be home fast with the tacos!" Mike said walking to the fridge getting a water and tossing one to me. "Thanks." "No problem..."

Probably 30 minutes later Mike and I were playing Xbox and Vic was cleaning his room. "So what do think of Vic? Be honest do you think he's nice?" He asked pausing the game. "Yeah but he has to relax on the whole me calling his dad thing... That'll happen on its own time..." I said unpausing the game and beating Mike. "Ah! How could you!" Mike whined and started button mashing. "Woah! Mike stop raging! It's just a game!" "I know it's just pay back..." Mike laughed as he beat me. We laughed and Vic walked into the living room feeling left out because he didn't know why we were laughing. "Hey what's so funny?" He asked us and we just started laughing harder. "Okay fine don't tell me..." Vic said with a sad look on his face. "Wait! Vic come back!" I called out to him and grabbing for his hat. "What are you doing?! Stop that!" He said laughing when the front door opened. "Boys I'm home with the tacos!" Vic's dad called. "Come on its time to meet your abuelito!" Vic said giving me his hat and dragging me to see his dad. "Dad! Guess who's here?!" Vic said jumping on the counter. "Vic get off the counter are you crazy?" His dad scolded cleaning paint off of his hands. "No but guess who's here?!" "I don't know who is here Vic?" He sighed as Vic pushed me in front of him. "Your granddaughter!" "Hi grandpa!" I said awkwardly waving at him. "Hi mija!" He said taking me in a big hug. Now I know they're all related because of their deadly bear hugs. "Abuelo! I can't breathe!" I gasped. "Oh sorry mija..." He said patting my head. "Are you hungry I bought tacos." He said opening a bag of tacos and putting on a plate for me.

Vic sat me down at the table and watched me as I ate. "Dude I can't..." "Can't what?" Vic asked. "I can't eat with you watching me... That's kind of creepy. Just saying." I said as I bit into a taco. "This is amazing where did you buy this magical taco?!" I asked looking at Vic's dad or my abuelo. "I got them down the street." Vic's dad laughed eating his tacos. "Since you're done want to go see your room?" Mike asked me as Vic pushed Mike. "I'll go show you!" He said grabbing my hand and running down the hall. "Alright calm down Vic!" I shouted as he opened the door and showed me a room full of instruments. "Sorry about all the instruments everywhere we used this room to store our stuff..." Vic said stretching awkwardly. "No it's fine... Mind if I play with them for a bit?" "No not at all go ahead." Vic said sitting on the bed and watching what instrument I would pick up. "This is a nice guitar!" I said strumming the guitar. "Want me to teach you?" "Teach me what?" I asked Vic playing around with the strings. "The guitar of course..." He said grabbing another one from the closet. "Here this is the guitar I used when I was learning from my dad." He said switching guitars. "This is my favourite colour!" I said touching the red surface of the acoustic guitar. "Okay so you ready?" Vic asked sitting next to me passing me a pick. "Yeah..." "Okay so we are going to start out with the cords and then I'll teach you a song." He said starting with the E cord to the G and the rest of the cords. "Alright! You're a pro just like me now!" He said ruffling my hair. "Thanks Vic..." I said when Vic started playing a familiar song. "Hey I know that song..." I said humming it. "Can you sing it for me?" He asked me. I got embarrassed because I never sang in front of anyone in my life. Not even to Charlotte. "I don't think I have a good voice." "You won't know unless you try Amber..." Vic said looking at me. I shrugged and sang the song hallelujah as Vic played the guitar. When I finished Vic went quiet for a couple of seconds looking at his guitar and then at me. "That was beautiful, you have a great voice... Why did you think you didn't?" I shrugged. "I don't know... Probably because I've never sang in front of anyone before." I said looking at the ground when I felt a hand on my head. "Well you have a great voice Amber and I think you should sing more often." I sighed. "I'll try..." I said grabbing my mostly empty bag pulling out a pair of black jeans and a red shirt along with a green hoodie. "Is that all you have?" Vic asked me. "Ya but it's no problem to me and I don't want to be bothersome and make you buy me more clothes." I said opening the drawer to the dresser and throwing my stuff in it. "I'm finished unpacking!" I laughed as Vic had his phone to his ear. "We're going out to buy you clothes and I don't want to hear you don't want anything..." He said dragging me out of the room. "Jaime call Tony and meet us at the mall we're going to get Amber clothes." Vic said as his dad called me over. "Here's some money for ice cream or whatever you want mija." He chuckled giving me a twenty. "Abuelo this is too much money..." I said and he laughed. "It's okay mija it's just a present okay?" He said as Mike came in and I felt his chin on my head. "What's wrong little one..." "Nothing abuelo just gave me money for ice cream..." I said and Mike laughed. "It's okay it'll be enough money to buy some ice cream and get whatever you want." He said. "Well let's go Vic is already in the car waiting for us." Mike said giving me one of his hats.

We arrived at the mall safely and Tony and Jaime were their waiting for us. "Their she is! Amber!" Jaime said hugging me. "Hi... Can you let me go?" I asked trying to peel Jaime off of me. "Amber come here and hold my hand." Vic said holding his hand out to me. "Vic I'm 16 I don't need to hold your hand." "You're never to old to hold your fathers hand." Vic whined. "Fine I'll hold your hand if it gets you to shut up." I sighed as we walked into the mall. "Where to first?" Mike and Tony asked me. "Can we go to hot topic?" I asked and Vic nodded. "Yeah let's go." Vic said still holding my hand. "Okay Vic you need to let go of my hand if you want me to find things that I like..." I said trying to get out of Vic's hold. "Mija tu papa no está dispuesto a dejar ir todavía..." Vic told me in Spanish. "Well you have to let me go sometime Vic..." I sighed and Tony,Mike,and Jaime looked at me weird. "What? Did I do something?" I asked afraid. "No but since when did you understand Spanish?" Mike asked. "Since I found a English to Spanish dictionary on the floor one day when Charlotte and I were taking a walk... I couldn't put that book down." I said smiling at that memory. After we finished talking about Spanish Vic bought me ten outfits and told me to meet him by the ice cream shop and gave me money to buy things girls my age need. I didn't take long and I went to buy ice cream with the money abuelo gave me waiting for Vic and the guys so I headed toward the ice cream counter. "So what would you like today miss?" The guy behind the counter asked me. "Vanilla and chocolate please." I said taking the twenty out of my pocket. "Oh no it's fine it's free." The guy said handing me the cone. "Are you sure?" I asked him. "Yeah. I'm Darin by the way and you are?" "I'm Amber." I smiled at him. "So what high school do you go to?" "I just moved here with my dad and uncles." I said when Vic came over to the ice cream shop. "Hey Amber! You already bought ice cream without us?!" Vic asked with the guys walking along side him. "Yeah I did sorry." I said waving at Darin. "No worries... I got you a present!" Sang Vic giving a wrapped rectangle. "Thanks but you really didn't have to." I said opening it. "Wow a iPhone! That's so cool! Thanks!" I said hugging Vic while the guys high fived. "Knew she'd like it." Mike said as Darin waved me over. "Miss your recite." "Oh okay..." I said walking over to see a number on it. "Text me sometime." He whispered as I walked back to Vic and the guys. "Let's go Amber!" Vic said we all walked out and I fell asleep on the car ride home, but so far I thought Vic was a pretty awesome dad. I won't call him dad until the time is right though and I think that's pretty soon.

Vic Fuentes adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now