Fast times at clairemont high

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"Mija... Wake up! It's time for school!" I groaned and slapped the person away. "Mija come on! It's time for school you're going to be late!" I got up to see Vic and nodded. "Okay I'll get ready right now... But it's my first day do I really have to be on time?" I whined at Vic as he just laughed. "No you can't and hurry up..." Vic said walking out. I sat on my bed and grabbed my bag full of clothes and lazily put them on.

A couple minutes later...

I walk out to the smell of fruit loop dust and sweet stuff. "Amber! Come and eat!" Mike called me. "I'm coming!" I shouted back at him. "Look what papa made you!" Vic smiled and shoved me towards the table. "Thanks Vic..." I said eating pancakes and fruit loops. I finished and turned to Mike who fell asleep in his bowl of cereal. "Mike wake up you're going to drown yourself in cereal." I yawned shaking him awake. Mike jolted up and looked at me for a second with milk dripping from his face. "You got a little something there..." I said giving him a napkin. "Smile mija! It's your first day of school!" Vic cheered. "No Vic! I'm still half asleep!" I whined but smiled anyway. "Who cares! Oh and here's your lunch." He said checking his watch and grabbed Mike and I too the car. "Ack! Vic! You're choking me with my own shirt! What's your rush?" I asked him yawning. "School! The bell will ring in like 15 minutes and it takes us 10 minutes to get there!" Vic shouted quickly throwing Mike and I in the car but landing on two other peoples laps. "What the fuck?! Tony? Jaime? What are you doing here?!" Vic asked the two. "We wanted to wish Amber luck on her first day of school!" They both said. "Hi Amber!" Jaime said waving at me. "Hi." I said awkwardly as Vic started the car. "Let's go seat belts!" Vic said. "So we can be safe!" Jaime said like Dora the explorer. "Shut up!" Tony said poking at Mike who was sleeping.

We were barely on the road 5 minutes and Tony suggested Vic play one of their CD's. I assumed it was a recording of a garage band that they have. Or so I thought. "You guys have an actual band?" I asked them. "Yeah you didn't know?" Jaime asked me. "No I assumed you were in a garage band..." I said awkwardly. "Well now you know!" Tony smiled patting my head. We sat in silence listening to the music until Vic stopped the car. I felt my stomach turn and flip. "Alright Amber this is where you get off." Vic said turning to me. "Alright Vic I'll see you later..." I said right about to step out the car when Mike stopped me. "Here this is my lucky hat." Mike smiled as they all waved goodbye to me. I stood in front of the school and took a deep breath. I had only took one step when Vic yelled. "By honey have a good day at school! Love you!" I looked up to see a couple students looking at me and laughing. "I love you too dad..." I said fixing my hat and walking into school with my head down. I pushed the front doors open and immediately bumped into someone. "Oh man I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going..." I said sincerely looking at a old woman. "Not to worry dear I'm alright... Welcome to Clairemont High I'm Mrs.Bow and you must be Ms.Amber Fuentes." She said holding her hand out to me. I carefully shook it and smiled at her. "Your father and uncle were the best students I ever had. Such sweet boys." She said looking off somewhere. "Oh they didn't tell me they went here." I said shuffling my feet awkwardly. "Well maybe they had forgotten to let you know... Speaking of best students meet our school president Darin Dulce." She said waving him over. "Hello Mrs.Bow." He greeted her when he turned to me with a even bigger smile. "Hey Amber!" Darin said with joy. "Hi Darin it's good to see you again..." I said awkwardly. "Well I see you two are well acquainted you'll make just fine friends... Darin would you be a dear and help Ms.Fuentes find all her classes?" "Of course Mrs.Bow." He said walking me to the office and asking for my class schedule. "So what do you think of the school?" "Um... I'm not really sure I just got here and Vi- I mean my dad said that it's a great school and the year goes by fast." Darin shrugged. "I'm not sure but that's because I'm usually stuck doing homework and school stuff because I'm the school president..." He said scratching the back of his head nervously. "Oh that's cool... But must suck most of the time..." I said plainly looking down at my feet as we continued walking. "So this is your first class heh... Lucky for you I'm in it too." He said trying to act cool. "Hello Mr.Zile this is Amber Fuentes she's our new student." Darin piped. "Oh hello Ms.Fuentes please take an open seat." He said emotionless and turning back to the board. "He seems nice..." I groaned to myself finding a seat next to the window. "Hey you new?" A girl whispered to me. "Uh yeah... Why?" I asked awkwardly. "Because your sitting in my boyfriends seat dumbass." She whispered with hate. "Well I don't see anyone here and Mr.Zile said to take an empty seat." I stated to her as she kept glaring at me. For all I know this bitch didn't have a boyfriend. I was listening to the lecture Mr.Zile was giving when a piece of paper hit my head. I turned around and no one seemed suspicious so I picked up the paper and opened it. "Hi ^-^" was all it said so I turned around the see a guy with sunglasses smile at me. "Hey their I'm Sean... Who are you?" He asked me intently. "I'm Amber and I'm turning around now." I said turning to face the board. I sank a bit in my chair from how slow Mr.Ziles English lecture could be. I sighed and yet again another paper hit my head. "Got a phone?" It read. I sighed and shook my head lying only to get hit by another one. "Then what's in your pocket?" I turned around and whispered. "Not a phone...!" I said as he raised his hands in defence. "Geez fine..." He said making a paper flag as the bell rang. "Finally!" I said to myself as Darin can up to me. "Hey was Sean bothering you?" He asked me putting his arm around my shoulders. "Yeah..." I said taking his arm off. "Fast times at Clairemont high... They said but not in Mr.Ziles class." I said to myself. The day went by at snail speed.Guess no one has ever heard of fun here.

Vic Fuentes adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now