London races

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The guys skipped out on the meet and greet and Mike carried me back to the bus. "She might have a concussion." Jordan said. "Might? She does. Someone try to keep her awake I'll go call the doc." Oliver said dialling the number. "Amber it's Hannah I need you to stay awake." She said loudly. "I'm not deaf I'm just tired." I groaned. "Here drink some cold water." Tony said handing me a bottle. Vic gave me a few pillows for support and Jaime was taking off my shoes. "Guys I'm fine." I yawned. "No Amber don't you close your eyes!" Vic scolded. "Fine." I said and Matt sat next to me. "So tell me about your life or better yet yourself." Matt suggested. Then everyone piped in. "Alright ask me something one at a time." I said and Mike went first as Alysha got me a bag of ice. "Where did you grow up?" "Mostly at the orphanage." I sighed. "What about before you lived there?" Lee asked. "With my family." "Did you have any siblings?" Jordan asked softly. "Yeah I had two older brothers Brooklyn and Benjamin." I smiled a bit. "Wait I thought you said you had two brothers?" I laughed and nodded. "I did. Our mom thought she was having a girl. But she got a boy." I smiled. "What happened to your family?" Jaime asked touching my hand. "I don't really want to talk about that." I yawned when the doctor came in breaking the silence. "Hello all it's Dr.Terrance. Who's hurt this time?" The doctor said making his way over to me. "Well you're new. What seems to be the problem." He laughed. "I got a concussion." I groaned. "Ah well that spoils all the fun doesn't it?" He smiled at he as he examined my eyes and asked me how I felt. "Well you got some concussion child but you'll be fine." He said when Vic cut in. "Is she able to rest?" The doctor was deciphering what to say in his head and nodded. "Yes she should be fine. Please be sure to check in with me." Dr.Terrance said as he began to wrap my head in gauze. "Why do I need this?" I asked and he chuckled at me. "Just because I like to make my patients into mummy's." He laughed more as he put the ice pack on my head. "Rest easy now." He said as I immediately fell asleep. The guys stared at me for awhile and stayed quiet. "When will she be able to come with us to shows?" Mike asked the doctor. "She can still go to shows just as long as she doesn't get hit in the head by any flying objects." The doctor said as Tony looked through the camera with Lee and Mathew. "She took great pictures." Mathew pointed out. "Yeah she's a great photographer!" Lee gushed when Jordan took the camera. "You're right she's a great photographer." Jordan said as Matt agreed with him. "Yeah she even got my butt and it's looking sharp." He laughed. The guys went to the back lounge and the girls were watching movies with Oliver and Mike. Meanwhile Vic was watching over me until his phone rang and he went to the back lounge with the guys.

Later at night

I couldn't sleep anymore and all the lights were out except for the light in the back lounge. Guess they forgot to turn it off. I grabbed my other pillow case and pulled out some Oreos. I was starving. I was eating my cookies and then I heard someone drop a can in the back lounge. Everyone but Vic was sleeping in their bunks, so it must've been him. I climbed out and I went to the back lounge to see Vic with a six pack of beer and his head in his hands. "I'm so fucking stupid." He wept. "What am I going to do with myself? I'm not fucking important to anyone!" He seethed at himself as he drank another beer. It broke my heart to see Vic like this. "Dad?" I walked in and Vic looked at me. "Yeah?" He said avoiding eye contact. "What's wrong?" I asked taking the beer out of his hand and sitting next to him. "Everything." He said wiping away new coming tears. "It's okay dad." I said hugging him. "Is it?" "Like you always say dad. Just wait things out. Things won't be bad forever I promise you." Vic smiled and hugged me tighter. "How did I ever get so lucky to find you Amber?" He sighed. We talked about what was going on and he was having problems again with Danielle. "No worries dad things like this happen. If she's hurting you then I don't think she deserves to be with you." I said and Vic nodded. "It's getting late you should go to bed. I'll clean up." Vic said grabbing a bag and putting cans in it. "Oh by the way you are important to me. Don't ever tell yourself your not dad." I said giving Vic a hug from behind. "Thanks mija." I went back to my bunk and I put my music on and fell back to sleep.

Vic Fuentes adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now