Day off

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We were having a sleep over with MIW and Josh picked a movie to watch first. "We're watching the grudge." "But I want to watch insidious!" Shouted Devin. "After this movie." Josh said putting on the movie. "Amber if you get scared you could hold my hand." Jack winked. "No thanks." I smiled. Devin sat next to me the whole time laying his head on my shoulder. "Hey Devin? Do you want a pillow or something?" Devin looked at me and smiled. "You are my pillow... And you can call me ghost." He winked as he snuggled up closer to me laying on my shoulder. Jack saw and he laid his head on my lap. "Amber can you be my pillow?" I was about to answer when Vic picked me up and pushed Jack and Devin away. "She's no ones pillow she's my daughter!" Vic said hugging me. "Thanks Vic." I said slipping out of his grip and pushing Mike over so I could sit next to Chris. "Hey Amber." Chris smiled at me. "Hello." I said leaning my head on his shoulder and grabbing the tub of ice cream. "Is that what you came here for? Not to sit next to your best friend Chris?" He said with the look of betrayal on his face. "Pretty much." I said laying my head on his lap and watching the movie.

After the grudge was over we started watching insidious and Vic was getting tired and he eventually fell asleep. "Hey Amber want to drawl on his face?" Angelo laughed and Jack tossed me a sharpie. "Come on Amber do it! I'll treat you to dinner or something." Jack said. I looked at Tony, Mike and Jaime and they nodded. "Do it we'll be so proud of you." Mike said and Tony brought out his phone to record it. "Do it Amber!" Tony cheered and Jaime just gave me a thumbs up. "Fuck it." I said opening the sharpie and I drew a few tear drops on his cheek and a target on his forehead. I would've drawn a penis but I didn't want stuff to go to far. When I was done everyone was laughing and clapping. "I'm so proud." Mike said wiping tears from his eyes for laughing so hard. "I think he's going to be so happy when he wakes up." Alex laughed. "I would." Zach said and Rian nodded. "This is amazing." He said getting up to take pictures of him. "Are you done with the sharpie?" Jack asked and I shook my head. "I'm going to draw a moustache." I laughed and Chris cheered me on through whispers and Devin was just laughing loudly. Ricky was covering Devin's mouth and Devin ended up bitting his finger. "Devin bit my finger!" Ricky shouted and Ryan handed him a band aid. "Why do you have band aids on you?" Ricky and Chris asked. "As you can see Devin likes to bite and I've been bitten by him multiple times." Ryan said showing us his hands. "Hey Amber? Want to paint Vic's nails black?" Josh suggested holding up my bottle of black nail polish. "Yes!" I said grabbing the bottle and started painting Vic's nails. "You guys should do his make up too!" Zach suggested. "Alright! Chris could we borrow some?" I said. Chris nodded. "Yeah hold on." He came back with eye liner and so on. "Let's make this fucker beautiful." Devin said as he started putting blush on him and we did his eyeliner and mascara. "What colour eyeshadow should we put on him?" Ryan asked Chris. "Whatever you want." Ricky pointed to two different colours and Ryan took Ricky's advice. "Let's do it." I was done and I sat back with Angelo. "Your dad is going to be so mad when he wakes up." Angelo said nudging my shoulder. "It's okay I'll just blame it all on Jack or Jaime." I laughed. "Tony has evidence so you can't lie!" Jaime said. It got later and all the guys fell asleep. It was only me watching Forrest Gump because Chris got sleepy in the middle of the movie. The movie finished and I got bored. I decided to do everyone's make up and nails. "It'll be so funny when they wake up." I thought to myself. "Now to go plant all of this stuff on Jack." I laughed quietly. After I planted everything on Jack. I crawled next to Vic and fell asleep next to him. "Sleep tight. Alright?" I said turning over and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to laughing and shouting. Everyone was yelling at Jack. "What the fuck?! Blue isn't even my colour!" Mike shouted. "Yeah! He's more of a purple! And as for my nails! I don't think black is my colour!" Jaime said as Alex pulled Jacks hair. "Guys I swear I didn't do this!" Jack said with his hands up. "Then who did?!" Vic shouted. "I look like I just came back from a kiss concert!" Everyone was silent and all turned to me and Devin. "So who did it?" Ricky asked and Devin and I looked at each other. He winked at me nodded. "I did it!" He said raising his hand in the air with a big grin on his face. "That's it ghost! No makeup for you! You're grounded!" Chris said at Devin. "You're not my dad!" He shouted and ran everyone just sighed and started running after him. Vic stayed and smiled at me and sat down next to me. "So guess it's just us girls." He said wiping his hair over his shoulder. "Totally." I said rolling my eyes at him. "So what do you want to do today?" He asked laying back on the floor. "You have the day off today?" I asked him laying next to him staring at the ceiling with him. "Yup today we can do whatever you want." Vic said. "Can we go out for breakfast today?" I asked him. "Of course let's go get the guys." Vic said and he turned back to me. "How come you don't have any make up on?" He asked me suspiciously. "Because I didn't want any." I said getting up and running to the bathroom to shower. "Can I do your makeup?" Vic asked knocking on the door. "Sure. Are you any good at it?" I asked. "Have you seen my eyeliner? Girl I'll do you're make up so good you'll be finer than a fine point sharpie!" Vic said trying hard to sound ghetto. "Aright then." I laughed getting into the shower. 5 minutes later after I got out all the guys came back with Devin and they looked ready to go out. "Hey guys could you pass me my bag." I said as Mike bought it over to me and I changed in the bathroom. "Dress up or no...?" I asked myself when Jack whispered into the door. "Wear a dress." I threw my hands up and sighed. "Fine..." I said throwing on a floral skull dress that Kellin got me for my birthday. "Okay Vic come in and do my make up." I said while grabbing the rubbing alcohol for his face. Vic walked in and saw his face and took a deep breathe. "Pass me the alcohol to take this off." Vic said quickly taking it all off. "Now then time to do my baby's makeup." Vic said taking out eyeliner, mascara, blush and all this other stuff. I'm not one to wear much makeup so I guess this is the stuff I have to put on my face. Devin came in and watched Vic start putting on make up and pushed him aside. "Vic let the pro take it from here." Devin said pushing Vic out and locking the door. "What the fuck?! Ghost!" Devin ignored Vic and did a really nice job doing my makeup. "There you look like model now." He smiled at me and winked. "Thanks ghost." I said hugging him.

Vic Fuentes adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now