Who's Chris Motionless?

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We landed in Germany and our first show was in Berlin. A great city of awesomeness! Vic said he'd take me around on our days off to go to museums and all that. I was really excited. I didn't sleep the whole ride to Germany not only from excitement but the feeling of turbulence in the plane. Vic would wave at me every now and then and I would wave back. I refused to eat the airplane food. It was nasty and I didn't know if my food should be furry or not. So I ate peanuts the whole time until I left the plane.

"Hey mija!" Vic said hugging me to the side. "Hey Vic." I smiled at him and he looked at his watch. "We have a couple of hours to kill before the concert. Want to go to a museum?" Vic smiled at me and I nodded. "Can we? Let's go!" I said jumping on Jacks back. "Slow your roll Fuentes!" Jack said trying to get me off of him. "We're going to the hotel to catch some z's." Mike said as all the guys headed over to the taxi line. "You guys go ahead I'm taking Amber out to a museum." Vic said as we took a separate taxi. "Vic what museum are we going to?" "We are going to the Neues museum." Vic said patting my head. "Cool." I looked out the window and saw all the people walking around on the sidewalks and the shops. It was amazing. "Hey." Vic said poking at me. "Another band is coming along with us but they're not coming till tomorrow." Vic said a little mellowly. "But. But. The singer of the band is here and I want you to be careful around him." Vic said. "Oh well who's the singer?" I asked him and he just shrugged. "It's not that important but his name is Chris. He's covered in tattoos and stuff." Vic said as I reached for his sleeve. "Why don't you have any tattoos?" I asked and he scooted away a little. "Because tattoos are lame!" "Yeah but the guys have some and you always say how awesome they are." I said and he sighed. "Because." "Because why?" I asked him and I heard him sigh loudly. "Because I'm scared of needles." Vic said. "It not a big deal Vic. Tons of people are scared of needles." I said and he sighed. "Okay I guess it's true." Vic said when the taxi came to a stop. Vic paid the taxi driver and we walked a block or two to the museum. It was huge. "Hey Amber here is some cash just incase you want something." Vic said handing me a bunch of Euros. "This money is cool." I said while shoving the money into my pocket. Vic and I walked around the museum and saw a bunch of cool statues. We took a lot of pictures and just walked through the garden the museum had. We were in the garden and all of the sudden a little boy with his mom started crying. "Mutti! Er ist beängstigend!" Cried a little boy in German. Vic and I waved it off until I saw a tall guy, dressed in all black, with eyeshadow, and covered in tattoos from his arms. "Chris?" Vic asked peering over at the tall guy. "Oh hey Vic." Chris smiled. "Scaring kids now I see." Vic chuckled and so did Chris. "You know it." He said when he looked behind Vic's shoulder. "I think a fan is following you." Chris said pointing over at me. "Haha fan? Nah that's my little girl Amber." Vic said bringing me close. "Hi I'm Amber." I said shyly. "Well aren't you cute! I'm Chris." He said patting my head. "So what brings you guys here?" Chris asked us. "I wanted to take her to a museum." Vic said hugging me from the side. "It's a nice place." I said and Chris laughed. "Yeah I know." Chris said when his phone went off. "Sorry guys hold up a minute." Chris said taking a minute to talk on the phone. "Vic what do you mean he's a bad influence? This guy is a complete sweetheart." I said and Vic yawned. "Yeah well just get ready to start sharing a bus with him." Vic said stretching and looking at his watch. "Hey kiddo I think it's time to call it a day for now. I'm jet lagged and you need to get some sleep because I need you awake to take photos." Vic said. Chris turned around putting his phone away and clasped his hands together. "Who wants a smoothie?" "Actually..." Vic said when I stopped him. "I do!" I said ignoring Vic's protests. "So you know what you want to get?" Asked Chris. "No could you order for me?" I asked him. "My pleasure." He said with a smile. "Vic want anything?" Chris offered. "Sleep." Vic said sitting on the closest bench slowly dozing off. "So you're Vic's daughter?" "Yeah well he adopted me not too long ago." I said watching the people making smoothies. "Do you call him dad?" "No not yet. I haven't quite got there yet." I said and Chris nodded. "It's understandable." Chris said. "The guys should be coming here tomorrow I think." Chris said smiling at me. We got our smoothies and we found Vic sleeping on the bench we left him at. "Vic get up." I said shaking him trying to get him awake. "Don't worry Amber I got this." Chris said handing me his smoothie. Chris grabbed Vic and threw him over his shoulder. "Let's go." Chris said taking back his smoothie and we walked back. "So you guys cabbed it here?" Chris asked. "Yeah. The guys are at some hotel somewhere. I'll call them." I said when he put my phone away. "We are staying at the same hotel." He laughed as he called for a taxi. The taxi ride to the hotel was quiet and a little uncomfortable because Vic was leaning his head right on my shoulder snoring. "So how are you liking Germany so far?" Chris asked me over Vic's snoring. "It's nice." I said pushing Vic's head away from my shoulder.

Vic Fuentes adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now