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i sat here going through some old files trying to find new recruits when i stumble upon an old friend file who i thought would never appear i then read through the file to see he was the infamous nightmare i then got on the intercom. "can operators Ash, Frost, Caveira report to my office." a few minutes later they all arrive i then show them the file on nightmare. "i want him brought him he can prove very useful to rainbow assuming he isn't already here." as this was said the girls had a very shocked looked on there faces well all but ms Caveira she had a smirk on her face as she said. "breaking him will be fun." the tv behind six then turned on first to static then to a masked man twirling a knife as it earned a chuckle from six. "right on time as always."

??? POV

"good to see you to six ahh these must be the ones coming to retrieve me i presume just know i won't be going in that easy so i suggest you prepare yourselves ladies i'll be waiting" the tv cuts to static as i then display my location showing a waypoint to my current location which is a warehouse not far from the base. a few minutes later i was packing up my clothes as i put my scythe in it's compact form wich turns it into a small disk like shape as i load my gun and sharpen my knives as i hear six dismiss the three operators from before to get ready. i walk up to a sniper perch on the roof as i put my gun into single fire mode as i adjust the sniper scope zoom to a 5.0 as i wait keeping one hand with a blade out knowing the girl they call Caveira is a quick and silent one.

Ash, Frost, Caveira POV

they were gearing up as they seemed nervous even Cav was nervous especially after how he managed to get contact to the base security system they finish gearing up and head to the parking garage and get into a black suv and drive to the warehouse location as they do a shot rings out hitting the front right tire then another shot hitting the left back tire making them spin out but not hit something hard enough to hurt anyone but hard enough to fuck up the rear end of the car. the girls get out as they point there guns at were the shots came from as another one rings out this one towards Ash feet making her jump back. as they started walking towards the warehouse they look up to see a figure then nothing as this happens Caveira runs after the shadow figure as she tells Ash and Frost. "cover me Frost I need you to flank him ash I need breaching over here." ash then get's her crem launcher as she fires it and the doors blow off the hinges as it does they make sure to check the surrounding area to see nothing they then split up each taking a corridor as Frost takes the right Ash takes the right corridor and Caviera takes the middle corridor.

??? POV

I would be whistling and walking along the middle corridor as I check the cams to see Caviera coming I then close then open my eyes as there a bright orange as the lights flicker then burn out and break as all that can be seen is my eyes and in an instant I have Caviera pinned with my knife to her throat and her knife to her knee as I felt her struggle I chuckled and let her go. as I did she tried to flip and pin me in doing so I was able to cut her shoulder and flip over her as I did I phase shift through the wall leaving her there as I activate the gas in the room as I did all that could be heard was her yelling in anger and screaming as soon she was swinging her blade wildly backing into a corner thinking her true fears came to life when in reality it was Ash and Frost. I whistle behind them all as i'm perched on my scythe. they turn and point there guns at me I remain calm. "tell six i'll be at base soon." with that a vanish leaving them to try to help there friend who is having a psycho manic breakdown I gather my stuff and wait outside as I see a chopper with a doc coming in as it was impossible to see I was there as I had cloaked myself and got on the chopper waiting for them to arrive. a few moments later they arrive with Caviera in a straight jacket I then decide to mess with her and make my still orange eyes uncloak making her scream and wiggle around in the jacket as I cloak back before anyone ever notices i'm there. a few hours later we arrive at base as they get out and six is standing there waiting for a report on the mission.

Ash, Frost POV

they then step out as the Doc runs Caviera into the base and into the medical wing as Ash then says. "ma'am the mission wasn't a complete success we almost had him but then he just vanished whatever he is or did to Cav with all due respect ma'am that isn't a human it's a fucking demon." as that was said I walk out of the chopper holding my bag as I was still cloaked and uncloaked as I wink at six as I say. "it's cute you think i'm a demon but I prefer to be called nightmare after all you witnessed some of what my power is and the mission was a success glad to see you still find ways to surprise me especially with Cav heh I bet the guys in base are going to tease the shit out of her the next few weeks about this." the girls all jump and yell minus six as she was laughing and directed us to follow her. as I did I could feel the girls fear but at the same time they felt happy that they got a new recruit even if i'm a monster to them.

A/N: this will be my more descriptive and longer book so prepare for some slow updates but with very long chapters.

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