the first mission

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six POV

going over a file as the file reads "hostage situation 3 hostages one 4 year old girl a mother and father each 32 they are being held on the 2 floor of a national art museum" she then walks over to the announcer system "I need operators Nightmare, Nokk, Echo to report to my office for a mission briefing."

Nightmare: getting his gear on as he heads to the weapons locker as he grabs his ar-15 and equips it with a ACOG along with a silencer as he grabs 3 smokes and 2 stuns and heads to six office waiting for the other operators to arrive.

A/N: because this is my story i'm saying fuck it and changing weapons operators use in game to what I feel suits them all gadgets will stay the same cause ya the fuck would I change those lmao

Nokk: puts on her gear just without the cloaking active as she grabs a silenced vector with REFLEX sight and 2 stuns and walks to six office and stands by Nightmare waiting on echo.

Echo: grabs 3 flashbangs along with a silenced FAL with laser sight and ACOG and a berretta 87 and headed to six office.

six: "so we have a hostage situation happening on the second floor from we heard it's a little girl and her parents it's also not that guarded on the bottom floors the second floor is heavily guarded so best bet is start from the roof and work your way down any questions."

Echo, Nokk, Nightmare: 'no'

six: "then dismissed jaeger is waiting for you so get going" I then put the file back in locked cabinet and sips some coffee as I watch the operators. "let's see if your everything your file says you are Y/N."

Echo, Nokk, Nightmare POV

they all get in as Nokk sits very close to Nightmare like inches from being on his lap close Echo notices but pays it no mind not thinking of it as they start to ascend to there destination they land a good 300 feet from the mission zone to not attract attention of the hostage takers.

Echo: loads his guns and gets out and heads over to the mission zone waiting by a number of swat teams and news reporters waiting on Nokk and Nightmare.

Nightmare: walks out with Nokk following close behind as they stand by Echo "so we going in from the roof while we have some swat go in on the first floor for escort of civilians or is this going to be a grab and bag type situation here"

Echo: "swat going in bottom floor as we work our way from the roof to the hostage area" he then starts moving past the reporters as he finds the swat commander and tells him our plan then heads to the side of the building and takes out his grapple and launches to the roof ledge and starts climbing.

Nightmare and Nokk: both of them do the same as they walk up the side of the building and get to the roof and drone out the area.

Nightmare: "so hostages are in the third room to the left 2 guards watching the entrance 4 guards watching the hostage inside another 3 guards patrolling the halls" he then moves his drone into a place that small enough to hide it and mask it from view but big enough to retrieve it.

Echo and Nokk: moves to each side of a window and jumps down as Echo shoots a guard on the right and slits the other guard neck as Nokk shoot's 3 on the left only leaving the guards in the hostage room and on the first floor.

Nightmare POV

He jumps down as he whistles startling the guards making them aim there guns at him he then drops a smoke by his feet as he shots a guard standing on the left side of the room then takes his scythe out killing 2 more guards that where in the back as he walks to the last guard holding the little girl by gun point. "sigh when will they ever learn" I then drop my weapons and pull out my phone and sends a message to Nokk mask telling her to take the guard from behind the window. I then toss the phone somewhere that won't damage it. "alright i'm unarmed as you can see now let the girl go and nobody else needs to get hurt." the guard backs up closer to the window grip tightening on the gun as I inch closer doing exactly what I expected.

Nokk POV

scaling the building as she takes her knife out and cuts into the window and removes the glass carefully then drops it making sure nobody was under her then grabbed the white mask/guard and stabs into him then drops his lifeless body below where the glass is and swings into the room as she retracts the grapple and puts her knife away. "halo disengage cloaking."

halo: "cloak disengaged"

Nightmare: puts his gear back on as he puts his scythe in it's disk form and puts it in a pocket inside his coat as he puts his pistol back in it's holster and his AR on his back he then walks over to the wife and husband and pulls out his Krambit and cuts the rope binding them and pulls the tape off there mouth. "you guys are safe now swat is waiting to escort you onto the first floor and can give medical attention if it's needed." the family then hurries out of the room and towards the swat team. I then go and grab my phone I threw half way across the room I then call Jaeger. "mission complete get ready to meet at the evac point." he then hangs up and starts walking out the room with Echo and Nokk as Nokk is holding onto your arm tightly and you see Echo look. "Echo you say anything about this i'll make sure you don't have the ability to have children ever we understood." Echo nods and walks up ahead of them faster in fear.

Time skip to the base 1 hour later

Echo, Nightmare, Nokk POV

Echo: walks into his room and lays in his bed as he pulls his phone out and watches some anime

Nightmare: walking into Six office as he knocks on the door waiting for a response.

SIX: "come in Y/N"

Nightmare: opens the door and walks into the room and takes a seat at one of the chairs in front of a huge desk with paperwork and 4 monitors with 2 keyboards connected to them.

Six: "I assume your here to debrief your mission"

Nightmare: "mission was a success no civilian causalities I suggest we send a clean up crew for the area sweep some of the guards bodies aren't technically in the building hehe other then the that the mission went smoothly."

Six: "alright your dismissed for some down time and try to keep it down this time."

Nightmare: I got up and headed to the door. "no promises Six." I then walked out and headed to my dorm as I stopped to see the door already open so I open it slightly further to see the lights off so I inch my blade out a little.



Nightmare: you nearly stab DOC out of being startled and the slight adrenaline going throughout your body as u sheath the blade as a man in full camo and looking bulky as he hands you what looks to be vodka and he says in a thick Russian accent "easy comrade this a celebration drink up it'll help ease the tension assuming your not a lightweight like most of our other comrades on base." the man let's out a chuckle before downing the already half drank bottle of vodka he had in his right hand." you then drink some vodka and goes into the kitchen area and cuts a slice of cake and eats it.

A/N: this the end of this chapter next chapter will be base shorts #2 sorry this chapter took awhile been busy with classes but i'll be back to a semi regular update schedule sorry the ending was meh kinda didn't want to over do it ok bye now.

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