double trouble

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Nightmare POV: alarm going off as Y/N reaches for it turning it off as he falls back asleep only to be awoken by a loud thud outside and what seems to be arguing.

Y/N: "ugh why can't I go one day with just peace and quite nothing is ever easy around here is it" I get out of bed and stretch as I move my hair back and go to my closet throwing out clothes like a mad man till I find a hoodie with a snakes on the sleeves and a dragon on the back and some black skinny jeans that are ripped and puts them on. I then head to the bathroom and brushes my teeth. as I walk towards the door I wait and listen to hear what there arguing about and who exactly is arguing so early in the morning.

Twitch POV

Twitch: is getting dressed as she starts combing her hair as she walks out right into a candela "ahh shit what the fuck Ying" she covered her eyes as best she could which didn't really help since it was to disorienting. "that's it get out now! I've had with you and those stupid candelas going off in this room pack your shit and find a new roommate now!" in all her rage she nearly snapped her comb in half but decide to stop.

Ying: "no I'M not leaving and you can't make me and even if you do I'll just room with Y/N I'm sure he would love my company over yours after all I am the more experienced one and better looking between us." she then began walking past twitch and into the kitchen.

Twitch: pulls out her shock drone and controls it with her phone as she drives it towards the fridge waiting for Ying to open it which she does the second the fridge door swings open she gets zap

Ying: "ow you little shit" she then primes a candela and throws it towards twitch as she catches it before it goes off and drops it making it go of and since twitch was still in control of the drone and very blind right now she ended up crashing the drone into a nearby wall. "good luck kicking me out easily bitch." she grabbed her drink and opened it and sipped from it before walking out the room and into the hall.

Nightmare: walking towards Ying and twitches dorm "mind explain what all the noise and yelling was about." you could see he was stern and serious with a strong aura that said don't bullshit me on the explaining.

Ying: "one of my candelas went off again and twitch got pissed and kicked me out which didn't really work and so she used her drone to shock which only mad it worse so I made her crash her drone Into the wall after throwing a candela at her knowing she would catch it making the blinding affect all the more worse."

Y/N: "sigh so I guess you need a new roommate unless you want to make it up to her." he then looked down at the smaller girl waiting on her answer still with the serious look and his arms crossed.

Ying: "I think i'll get a new roommate~" she then wrapped herself around your arm and was now very close to you as if perfectly timed twitch walked out and down the hallway with her broken somewhat repaired drone and gave a death stare to Ying. Ying then decided to well move her hands up your shirt and along your chest further more provoking twitch and you.

Nightmare: "Ying get your hand out of my shirt and let me go before I pry you off myself and then go get your stuff and put it in my room by the closet and don't touch anything or you won't like what happens when you do."

Ying: let's go and blushes heavily as she then runs off grabbing her bags of clothes. make up and gadgets as she runs down the hall fast nearly bumping into tachanka and Fuze in the process.

Fuze and Tachanka: looks back and has a curious yet confused look on there face but just keeps walking into the cafeteria.

Twitch: fixing her drone or well trying to but failing as she thinks back to the hallway incident. "ugh i'll get her back for that no matter what Y/n will be mine" she then stops as she hears a door open and peeks her head out to see who it is and smirks she then get's up and walks towards Y/N. "well hello there big boy looking for something or someone." she slightly unzips her jacket letting her cleavage show as she press it on your chest.

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