base shorts {#1}

836 3 1

short 1 shooting competition

Frost would be setting up the targets and scoreboard as Ash and Dokkaebi were taking the bets being placed on you and Glaz as your betting pool was 650 and Glaz was 720.

Frost: 3 2 1 go!" she then started the 1 minute timer as she watched you and glaz empty mag after mag within the one minute you had already beaten the 200 score and made it up 500 as Glaz was only at 340. Frost would be taking note of this as the timer buzzed showing the round was over. "and the winner is y/n by a mile." she then walked off as the operators who bet against you being IQ, Buck, DOC, LION, FINKA, castle, NOKK. they all groaned in annoyance knowing they just lost big time money.


Short 2 mall incident

Fuze and Nightmare along with Dokkaebi and Cav were heading to the mall in wearing civilian clothes as you all went to separate stores cav went to a knife store Fuze went to the food court which was near a store with ballistic vests Dokkaebi went to a tech store and you went to a clothing store full of cyberwear type clothes. a hour later you all meet in the food court well all minus Fuze.

Y/N: "hey um anyone where Fuze went." as that was said everyone looked around scared as they heard a loud scream and explosion. "god dammit this is why we never leave him alone for to long."

everyone then ran over to see a Fuze wearing a now completely burned vest with a half blown up shop as the store owner looks pissed. the store owner then yells "get out now!!" as that was said you pick up Fuze and ran to the car as you got in and drove back to base. "next time everyone has to have designated shopping buddy so we don't have another Fuze incident."


Short 3 strip blackjack

Ash and Frost and Cav and Nokk and Dokkaebi and Y/N were sat in a circle in Ash dorm as Y/N gave everyone 7 cards. "so rules are simple you go over 21 you strip you get under a person who got 21 you strip if it ends in a tie with people getting 21 those people don't strip." everyone nodded as they laid there hand out. Ash had 17 Cav had 19 Frost and Y/N had 21 and Dokkaebi had 20.

Ash: took off her gloves

Cav: took off her boots

Dokkaebi: took off her Bennie

everyone dealt there hand again Ash got 21 Frost got 19 Cav got 23 Dokkaebi got 15 Y/N got 25

Frost: takes off her boots

Cav takes off her gloves

Dokkaebi takes off her boots

Y/N: takes off his hoodie

all the hands were dealt as Ash got 25 Frost got 21 Cav got 21 Y/N got 19 Dokkaebi got 27

Ash: took off her jacket as she was now in a bra and jeans and boots

Y/N:took off his shirt earning a blush from the girls

Dokkaebi: took off her pants leaving her in a hoodie and panties

as the last hand was dealt nobody had won as Ash got 25 Cav got 19 Dokkaebi got 20 Y/N got 38 Frost got 27

Ash: is now naked

Dokkaebi: is now naked

Cav: is now naked

Y/N: is now naked

Frost: is only in panties which declared her the winner since she still had clothes on

Y/N: got up and was heading to the door as I was getting dressed the second he got up all the girls tackled him and had there with him as the night was going on and operators were getting ready for bed all that could be heard was loud moaning from Ash room.

A/N: short number 3 will be tied into the rest of the story mainly chapter 3 all the other shorts before short 3 have no effect on the main story prepare for a lot of fighting over you throughout the next chapter.

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