Base shorts [3]

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short 1: weapon training gone wrong


Y/N: sat at his workbench sharpening his knives and scythe as he puts his knives in it's case and get's up holding his scythe as he walks down the room past the recruits and other operators as he stops by a short looking women that had a mirror like picture on her workbench area. "excuse me are you the gadget maker and tester for rainbow ms..."

Mira: "she then turns around facing the tall man and looks up at him "yes I am and the names Mira do you have a gadget or weapon you need built or tested out to make sure it's in good condition" she then extended her hand out for a hand shake

Y/N: shakes her hand and slides to the side a little to let her get up and she did and motioned for you to follow her which you did and a few minutes later you were in a much bigger room with a lot of items most which are for throwables and what looks like items for a launcher. "so ever work on a double edge scythe." you then pull it out as it pops from it's disk form into a scythe and he flips and spins it.

Mira: "I take it we going be here a while MR nightmare now what exactly do you need me for is something wrong with it or do you want to test out a new upgrade." she then goes over to a cage and pulls it out as it's full of blades and blowtorches along with other wires and electronics.

Y/N: "more upgrade." he then walks to the cage "mind holding this for a second careful it's heavier then it looks." you then hand her the scythe as you do she nearly falls over but holds herself up just barely. you then grab an EMP like device along with some new blades as you turn around closing the cage. "so think you can break this EMP down for me so I can add it into these blades.

Mira: "ya just give me a second" she hands you your scythe back and goes over to a work bench and grabs a screwdriver and unscrews the ball form of the EMP as she grabs some plyers and takes the wires out carefully. "alright bring the scythe over here please"

Y/N: walks over to mira and puts the scythe on the table with the new blades he then takes the bottom blades off the scythe using a lighter and one of his claw like nails as there was a slight screeching noise.

Mira: looks in shock but then regains her composure as she wraps the new blade tips with the EMP wires carefully as she does this she bolts in and slides the blades into the sockets where the original blades were and tightens it as there are sparks that fly making Mira nearly drop the scythe. "alright all done now to see if this new version works mind doing the honors." she hands you your scythe back

Y/N: swings the scythe then turns into a disk and throws it into a nearby target as he does the lights flicker then shots out as glass breaks and the sound of a generator powering down can be heard then yelling and loud footsteps going towards the room your in. "whoops hehe" he then summons the disk back as he does every operator breaks down the door all of them heavily pissed off and ready to kill you. he then jumps out a nearby window and runs as every operator but mira is chasing him.

A/N: you now have a scythe that is now half an EMP and also electric blades for when you don't turn the scythe into it's disk form and yes you do have demon claws i'll get into your full backstory and abilities the main ones you have are teleportation and psycho manic gas and the ability to use it and well become a person or persons worst nightmare/fear think of scarecrow fear toxins just 10x worse since you can do much more then what the fear toxin can do heh

next chapter is smut everything past that well let's just say it's about to get very dark and very real very fast.

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