warm welcome to rainbow

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as I was walking through the halls other operators peeked out and a few minutes later continue with what they were doing earlier some where at the shooting range testing out there guns along with Russians drinking and betting against each other. some where in the cafeteria while the rest just went back into the gym to workout. I stopped in my office and signaled Ash and Frost to wait outside they then walk out and wait in the hall. I take a seat in my chair behind my desk. "so guessing we can skip the formalities Y/N L/N as you know your here because I needed a new recruit one that was above most people standards and wasn't apart of a CTU which ties into my next question." she then pulled up a feed from off of Caviera camera when she went to try to get to you. "mind explaining how your able to even make our top operator and one of the most feared operators of rainbow have psycho manic breakdown to the point she cut Ash and Frost and had to be put in a straight jacket just to be brought here."

Nightmare POV

"no not yet it's best for that be revealed on it's own after all I wouldn't want to have to do anything bad to the operators or a women such as you and well that gas was only a quarter of what i'm truly capable of seeing as you and those two cute operators you both can come in now since you've been there the whole time." as I say that they both stumble in trying to act like they weren't caught. "now which one of you lovely ladies would like to let me stay with them since the male dorms are full." as if it were magic the second I say that Frost arm shoots up. I nod and grab my gear as I head out with Frost leaving Ash there with Six.


" with all due respect ma'am are you sure he's the right fit for rainbow we hardly know anything about him besides his kill count and name." she looked up at Six hoping for an answer as six said. "I trust him and that should be more then enough reason for you and the operators to trust him as well and if worst comes to worse i'll just reveal his file but knowing him sooner or later he'll open up about himself more for now your dismissed and please make sure lion doesn't try anything to this recruit like the last one." Ash then walked out towards the cafeteria to see lion being chocked by his own wrist with both his legs fractured and a knife tip in his shoulder blade. I sighed and walked over to lion. "why do you always get yourself into situations like this one of these day's Doc won't help your ass." I then signaled for Y/N to let him go and he did as he spun his knife before putting it back in his sleeve and sitting back at his table eating as if nothing just happened. I sat down beside him. "so mind telling me why how you nearly killed lion."


After getting settled into Frost room I walked out and then went downstairs towards the cafeteria and got my food as I found a empty seat as I started eating. as I was I felt a hand on my shoulder and a man in yellow gear asked. "what's so special about this one." as he said that all the other operators looked at us waiting for something to happen. I then got up and started walking away until I got pulled back as that happen I was able to flip back over the attacker and grab his wrist since I was still behind him I then kicked in both his legs as there was an audible scream then loud crack as I pull my knife out as it was about to pierce his shoulder and lean close and whispered in a more demonic voice. "this answer your question next time you try something I won't hesitate to cut into you and skin you alive like an animal we understood lion." he nodded slowly still being chocked and bleeding rapidly as his knees bones started breaking and prodding out of his legs.


As I finished telling her what happened she looked scared but happy probably because someone finally taught that lion guy a lesson. I finished eating and throw my tray away as I headed to my room and grabbed my gun as I walked to the gun range and equipped my ACOG scope on. I then went over and set up a midrange target and started firing at it emptying my mag within 15 seconds as the empty mag dropped I set up 5 more targets and put in a 30 round mag. as I was doing that a few other operators some from GSG9 and SAS were watching I then dumped the mag into the five targets within 16.5 seconds and got up. "you all enjoy the show if so I wouldn't mind having a friendly competition not that any of you could beat me."

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed next chapter will be a side chapter for the shooting competition so it will probably be shorter then the usual chapters

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