operation: The morning after

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you awoke to your alarm going off as you tried to reach for it but were being weighed down by what felt like a body. you then blink a few times as your vision goes to normal instead of sleepy as you look down to see the naked bodies of Ash, Cav, Frost, Dokkaebi laying on you. you slowly inched your way out of there grasp and headed and opened the door from Ash room and headed to your room down the hall and got dressed in your gear and walked to the cafeteria.

Ash, Frost, Cav, Dokkaebi POV

they all awoke and got dressed as they each walked out of Ash dorm in search of nightmare as Ash went to the Cafeteria and found you while Frost went looking around the gym and Dokkaebi used the cameras to look for you and headed over to were you and Ash were as Cav searched the male Dorms. In the end Ash and Dokkaebi found you and started heading over to where you were sitting as Ash texted the other girls where you were and they headed over to you.

Y/N: was eating some oatmeal and French toast as he took a sip of tea and looked up to see Ash and Dokkaebi walking towards him and he thought nothing of it as he just continued eating until he looked to see Ash on her phone texting someone then looked up to Frost and Cav heading towards you all.

Ash: "so we going to talk about what unfolded last night" she looked at nightmare with a look that said your not escaping this time.

Dokkaebi, Frost, Cav gave you the same look

Y/N: well seeing as how Ash had the balls to ask about last night to answer that question the events that happened last night were pure lust some of it was more passion but i'm not going to say who the passion portion of last night events connect with." I then get up and throw my tray away as I head to the Gym full of some other swat and SAS members working out. I then walk over to the pull up bar and start doing my rep of 250 pull ups then gets off and I do my rep of 100 sit ups and 150 push ups before heading to the track as I take my sweat stained shirt off and run my normal 4 mile run along the track as I noticed other female operators I hadn't met yet staring in shock but lust. I then walk over to grab my shirt and head out to my dorm as I do I feel as if i'm being followed so I stop and wait.

Nokk POV

I would use my HEL to cloak myself from view as I spotted the new member everyone talking about called nightmare I then decided to follow him as he stopped by his door I then turned the corner incase he turned around headed towards me which he didn't I then stayed close behind him just enough to slip into his dorm with him.

Nightmare: "you can come out now it's just us and I would say your sneaking technique is good but it's also flawed" as I said that I turned around to face the masked operative as I reach out for her seeing her jump back nearly grabbing her knife. "relax I just wanted to make sure you knew I could see you now if you would like I could help you with better cloaking tech to mask your footsteps along with it only being detachable from my hand print or yours." I walk over to a work bench in my sleeping area as I motion for her to follow me.

I then follow over to him still a bit shaken up as I look to see a mask somewhat similar to what I have now just lighter and smooth and doesn't require me to need a veil and helmet.

Y?N: "now with this mask it can fit the size of the user all you need to do is put it on and then say this so it get's used to it's new owner voice." I hand Nokk a sticky note that says to say voice recognition Nokk hand print scan new owner Nokk check all configurations are 100%. I then heard her say it all as the mask shrunk to fit her size as the hud lit up showing the cameras connected to the base could be shown. "now you have full access to the base security system but only cameras for now don't need Six trying to kick us out now do we hehe halo activate owner Nokk full body cloaking footprint mute"

Nokk: looked at nightmare confused to she looked around for a mirror and headed to the one in the bathroom and saw she was completely hidden as she walked back and noticed her footsteps were inaudible. "thanks Y/N I owe you one" I then deactivated the cloak "halo disengage mask locks" the mask opened up as she took it off and gave you a deep kiss that lasted a good 4 minutes before she pulled away and put the mask back on "engage locks and GPS tracking"

Halo: "mask locked GPS enabled" it then brought up a mini map of the base along with other operators nearby in 800 meter radius.

Nokk: walks out of the dorm as she heads to her dorm and takes her mask off and lays on the bed for the first time in awhile smiling and feels happy.

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed this next chapter will be more of well you'll see there might be slight smut with Nightmare soon

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