operation: blackout

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Six: "will operators Twitch, lion. Nightmare report to my office with gear for mission briefing" she then sat down and sipped her coffee as she put up a view of a mansion along with showing local police outside with a few swat all waiting in front of the mansion trying to negotiate with the current threat.

Nightmare, lion, Twitch head to the locker/armory and get there gear as Nightmare is the first to make it to Six office as he looks up to see the monitors.

Lion: grabs an mp5 along with 2 stuns and a colt commander and heads down to Six office as now Nightmare and lion are waiting for Twitch who is close behind lion.

Twitch: heads into six office as she has AR-57 and berretta px4

Six;: Alright so here what we know this mansion is an underground smuggling ring for guns, drugs and occasionally people mainly people of high value I want Nightmare and his team to head on down an see what the cops situation on this is like and if they made any progress in getting into the mansion. as back up team you'll have operators Ying, ash, sledge. your dismissed jaeger is waiting for your team at the helipad with the others.

time skip to everyone arriving at mission area 45 minutes later

Twitch, lion, Nightmare all exit and heads to the cops and swat

Nightmare: walks to what looks like to be the commanding officer. "so what's the situation"

officer: "well we sent a team and haven't heard from them since the team was meant to be undercover for months and we finally caught these bastards but this was supposed to be a quick and easy deal but as you can see it turned into a sorta stand off. from what we saw on cams the deal is going down in the basement area it's heavily guarded on the first floor. I suggest you be careful this place is run down there wires everywhere and the basement area turned into well a maze of sorts due to structural damage."

Nightmare: "alright good to know" he then walks over to lion and twitch "so we need to enter from the second floor carefully the place is falling apart by the minute and watch out for sparks only shoot if needed let's keep this as quite as possible until we get to the basement. once down there well it's shoot to kill also look for .undercover cops assuming there not already dead the cops are secondary objective."

Twitch and lion: both nod as they walk to the building and spots an opening on the second floor and rappelled into it as they climb in soon followed by Nightmare.

lion: "I'll go left twitch take right nightmare take point radio in if you find anything" lion then goes down the left hallway and opens what remains of doors as he stops and spots what looks to be one of the family members dead corpse now turned to bone from being here for years,

Twitch: walks down the right hallway as she checks each room and stops as she spots something covered under a tarp she keeps her pistol trained on it as she takes the tarp. she then radios in for you and lion. "uh guys you might want to come see this I think I just found what is being dealt down there." as that was said a few minutes later Nightmare and lion both enter with eyes wide open>

Nightmare: "shit if this is what's being dealt we need to get down there fast twitch grab a vile of it and head back to jaeger mw and lion will take care of this" she nods and takes a vile as she goes out the way they originally came and tells jaeger as they lift off and fly back to base.

nightmare and lion: "what was that it looked like a batch of chimera but mutated" currently running through as they kill guards here and there and enter the basement but stop

nightmare: "which way do we go now" as that was said he then looked to the right as he saw 6 heat signatures. "guess we going right" he then takes off down the right hall way with lion following after they both stop by a corner.

lion: "look they got cases of that stuff down here I don't think this was just a smuggling ring this is a hideout which means those cops might be in worse condition then we think" he then waits for the guards to pass before leaving and taking a left then another right then going straight he then ducks behind some crates. "so plan of action here nightmare"

Nightmare "just stay here I'll start a blackout then need you to throw stuns and fire at anyone who moves near me while you where running down here I found out what they do to unwanted visitors let's just say those cops aren't dead but there not alive either all we need is those files and I can handle the rest got it" lion nods as he does he hears a click then ses sparks fly then darkness. nightmare walks forward as the guards are to distracted and disoriented he then uploads a file drive into the laptop and start downloading videos pictures text files on everything that's been going on as he hears shots behind him then silence he then steps back and to the side as he sweep kicks a guy and stabs him with his knife he then rolls forward shooting 3 more trying to flank lion. he runs over to the laptop to see it done and takes the drive. "alright I got it let's go."

nightmare and lion: both head out of the building as before they go nightmare use a light er he got from a guard and ignites one of the sparking wires creating a fire as well as lighting the boxes with the vile they found as they repolled out the side of the mansion as fast as possible and ran to the cops that where 20 feet from the mansion.

nightmare: then walks over to the police captain as the mansion is burning down fast due to the heavy amounts of structural damage. "so good news we destroyed a white mask hideout bad news your undercover cops were already dead well more tortured brutally then dismembered then put back together." he then pats the officer on the back and walks over to where lion was which was with jaeger.

lion and nightmare head back to base as nightmare puts his gear away and heads to his room knowing twitch gave Six the mission report. nightmare then opened a book cutting into a little and placed the file into it then putting the book on the shelf as he lays down. nokk then jumps onto your lap and nuzzles into you as you both fall asleep. lion heads to the cafeteria and grabs some food after putting his gear up he then heads to his room and eats then showers as soon after he lays in bed and fall asleep.

A/N: so this is where things take a dark turn and after the filler chapter and the smut chapter your going to learn of Nightmare past and true abilities as well as a huge plot twist

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