The Show

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Minho POV

Where did Jisung go?

Why do I have this wieird feeling in my chest?

I continued to follow Jisung from a distance. I was careful that he didn't feel like someone was following him. His movements were strange, why did he often go out without his friends. This whole thing felt like a puzzle to me and I had my intention that I had to find out the meaning behind it all.

After following him from a distance, I saw him stop in front of a cafe that I recognized. Jaejae Bakery. What is he doing here?

I saw him enter the cafe. I have to be patient because if I entered now I would be caught and he would also see me in person. So I have to wait patiently. About five minutes later I decided to come in, but before that I had put on a mask that I always carried with me wherever I went and took off my jacket so he wouldn't recognize me.

I entered the cafe and the smell of warm bread that just came out of the oven greeted my nose. I stepped up to the cashier trying to order something. It's just for acting because it would be weird if I walked into this cafe and sat down without ordering anything. So I ordered a milkshake and a croissant too.

The cashier at this cafe is processing my order so I have a chance to look around the cafe looking for the person I'm looking for. And found it. He sat at a table in the corner of the cafe. He was sitting and chatting with someone, but I couldn't see his face because Jisung was blocking my view.

My eyes immediately looked for a spot where I could sit watching the two of them. A table that is neither too far nor too close. Where I can see the man's face and listen to their conversation. After the cashier finished processing my order, I paid for it and brought my order to a table that was very strategic to eavesdrop on their conversation.

I sat down two tables away from theirs. And I sat with my back to them so they can't see my face. When I walked here they didn't notice me or even the other visitors at all, they were too busy talking so I was quite relieved if they didn't feel my presence.

After a few minutes of sitting down, I began to take out a small mirror from my jacket pocket. Because I couldn't see directly so I used a mirror instead. After several times focusing on the direction of my mirror and acting like I was fixing my messy hair. Finally I can see the man's face.

The man I never thought I would meet with Jisung. Jongsuk. What is he doing here? What was he doing with Jisung? What is the relationship between the two of them? And how do they know each other? All these questions floated in my head like a bee that keeps flying in its hive without knowing a way out.

My mind immediately messed up, anger, revenge, curiosity and jealousy became one. I don't like seeing Jisung with other men, let alone a man who can uncover secrets that have been kept neatly all this time. I can't lose Jisung. I'm not ready to endure it all. I'm not ready for the worst.

My phone beeps indicating a message I have received. A growl escaped my mouth, annoyed who messaged me at a time like this. I grabbed it and opened the message, a number I didn't recognize.


I know you're here, Lee Know.

Fuck. I know who is this. I looked back and found him already looking at me with a smirk on his face. When I wanted to get up from my chair and approached him he instead looked at Jisung and asked him something. I'm still watching the two of them with my current position.

A moment later they got up and started toward the exit. I followed them again but Jongsuk led him to an alley which was quite quiet. Anger started to envelop me. Without realizing it, my hands clenched into fists and my eyes stared at Jongsuk. What will he do to my Jisungie?

𝙒𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 [𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙜] ✓Where stories live. Discover now