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At the cafe

The four of them sat at a table close to the window so they could see the situation outside the cafe which was quite busy with pedestrians. The new cafe was very comfortable, a home-like atmosphere enveloped the four of them. The light that is not too bright adds to the family atmosphere. The four of them were very comfortable with each other company. Talking about what tomorrow will be like and then laughing at the jokes Jisung said.

"Seungmin hyung aahh, please teach me to do Mr. Lee's assignment" Jeongin said hopefully.

"Which assignment?" Felix asked with a confused face.

"The assignment of resume the book" Seungmin answered with a sigh of relief.

"Hyung, have you all done that assignment?" Jeongin asked the three of them.

"Of course" said Seungmin confidently.

"I'm still halfway through it" answered Jisung with a disinterested face.

"I didn't even know that there was an assignment" Felix answered softly but his three friends could hear him.

“Good hyung.” Jeongin gave Felix a thumbs up.

Felix only responded by rolling his eyes.

"Tomorrow after class you guys go to the library. Meet me at table number 11 next to the history bookshelf," Seungmin ordered.

"Okay sir" said the three together.

The three of them looked at each other then laughed loudly. Seungmin also laughed with the ridiculous behavior of his friends. The cafe was quite quiet, only a few people were there. So they don't have to worry about disturbing other people.

Jisung looked at his watch and it was almost 5 in the afternoon. So he decided to say goodbye to his friends because he had to go to the cafe where he worked.

"Guys. Sorry I have to work now" said Jisung looking at his friends.

"Yeah hyung. I think we all have to go back to our dorm too. Isn't it Seungmin hyung?" Said Jeongin who saw Seungmin playing with his phone.

"Yes, I want to study in the dorm" said Seungmin, putting his cellphone in his pocket.

"Felix, are you okay going home alone?" Jisung asked Felix with pity.

"Hey. I'm single pringle. I'm used to like this. I won't feel lonely. They'll take me to the front of our dorm building," said Felix confidently.

"Yes, of course. Wait! What!!??" Seungmin replied with a confused face.

"Yes. We'll walk together" Jeongin spoke as he clapped his hands.

Jisung smiled at his friends. He was very lucky to have all three of them. They are always there whenever Jisung needs help. And Jisung always tries to repay their kindness. Because one of the most valuable things in his life is friends. Happiness that comes from friends is hard to find because now many people are friends not because of sincerity but only based on personal needs.

They leave the cafe and decide to separate. Jisung had to take the opposite way from their dorm. The four of them said goodbye and encouraged Jisung. This made Jisung smile widely.

The cafe where Jisung works is not too far away, only two blocks from the campus. Takes 10 minutes to walk. After a few minutes of walking he finally saw the cafe where he worked. The cafe is across the street. So he had to wait for the traffic light to show a sign so he could cross the road.

While waiting for the traffic light, Jisung saw that the cafe where he worked was quite crowded with customers. This makes Jisung excited because he really likes to give service to his customers.

The traffic light had changed to indicate that he was allowed to cross. He crossed the road along with other pedestrians. He walked over with a smile on his face.

After arriving across the street, Jisung immediately entered the cafe and greeted his friends who were working.

On the other hand, when Jisung was crossing the road. There is one car at the front. The driver accidentally saw Jisung and stared at him for a long time until Jisung entered the cafe.

"Chan hyung" the driver called out to a friend who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Hmm" Chan responded flatly.

"Did you see the guy who crossed earlier?" Asked the driver.

"Which one? I didn't see it" said Chan looking left and right  for the mention person.

"Ah never mind, it's not important" said the driver.

I'm sure I've seen him, like I've seen him with an old friend thought Minho while start to drive.


Another update today.
Do u guys like long/short chapter?
Cause this chapter kinda short for me.
Very bored chapter.

772 words!

𝙒𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 [𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙜] ✓Where stories live. Discover now