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With a deep breath, Jisung stared at the college gate. Honestly he was not ready to start studying on college. Ready or not he had to face all of this. For the sake of parents and also for his dreams.

Today he went to college because Felix has already left early. He and Felix were roommates. They have known them since high school. They are also known as birthdate twins. And now they go to the same campus and also become roommates. My life is very lucky thought Jisung.

Jisung was born from a simple family, his father and mother loved Jisung very much. Jisung is an only child. So he lives with all the love his parents give him even though they are rarely at home because of work. Living like that doesn't make Jisung a child who depends on other people. He is a very independent and confident person. His friends really liked him because he was very friendly. Always smiling and always appreciating other people.

Jisung wants to become a music producer. He is talented in singing as well as rapping. Only Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin know about this. To achieve his dream he has to work in a cafe. The money from his salary will be used to buy music composers.

Jisung was still standing in front of his college gate until a voice startled him.


"Oh hey Seungmin, what's up?"

"The sky" Seungmin replied.

"The cloudy sky" Jisung confirmed Seungmin.

"Whatever. So .... What are you doing here? Are you not going in?" Seungmin asked as he stepped into the college yard.

"Seungmin aahh, wait for me!" Jisung shouted, generating stares from the other students.

After successfully catching up with Seungmin and walking side by side while chatting about their teacher's assignment. Finally they reached their lockers. Their lockers are side by side with Felix and Jeongin's lockers so usually they will meet at that locker.

"Hey Seungmin?" Jisung called him.

"Hmm" Seungmin responded.

"How about this afternoon we go to the new cafe in front of college building?" Jisung offered.

"Okay, cool. But we ask Felix and Jeongin first," Seungmin's said.

Then Jisung and Seungmin went to their first class. After opening the classroom door, Jisung saw that the class was still quiet, there were only a few students. Jisung found that Felix and Jeongin had sat in their usual places. In the back corner next to the window. Seungmin sat opposite Jeongin. Jisung sat opposite Felix. Jisung and Jeongin sat by the window. Felix sat behind Seungmin.

Felix and Jeongin stopped chatting when they saw their best friend enter the class.

"Jisung, Seungmin, why are you taking so long?" Felix asked, looking at them.

"Blame Jisung" Seungmin answered Felix's question while sitting on his chair.

"Hey why blame me?" Jisung stopped beside Seungmin's table and looked at him.

"Yeah Hyung, why is it wrong with Jisung hyung?" Jeongin asked Seungmin. Jeongin is the youngest among them.

"He was daydreaming in front of the gate so I have to wake him up from daydreaming" Seungmin explained.

"I'm not daydreaming, I'm just thinking about something" explained Jisung as he walked to his desk.

"Thinking what?" Felix asked.

"It's nothing" Jisung answered.

They continue their chat about the new cafe in front of the campus. The four of them agreed with Jisung's invitation. 5 minutes they chat finally the class is full of students. After that the classroom door opened and Mr. Kim their teacher entered the classroom and the class began.

𝙒𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 [𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙜] ✓Where stories live. Discover now