The right plan?

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Felix POV

It's been a week since Jisung disappeared. All campus residents have known this news since yesterday. Many ask because they care, but also not a few who ask just out of curiosity.

Hey look at them Jisung's friends

Poor them

Where did Jisung actually disappear?

I hope Jisung is fine

Why are they here? They should be looking for Jisung

What kind of friends are they, Jisung is missing and they are here? They should try to find Jisung!

I held my friend's hands through the hallway filled with other students. My grip gets tighter every time I hear what they are talking about us. Like I said, many care but many criticize. As long as they know that my two friends and I have been trying to find Jisung.

"Lixie hyung, don't listen to them." Jeongin's voice calmed me a little.

"Yeah Felix, fill your mind with good things" Seungmin smiled at me. His hands massaged mine. I smiled and nodded slowly.

The three of us arrive at our lockers. The gazes of the other students were still the same. I try to let it be. They don't understand what really happened. Their opinions are not important to me. The most important thing is that Jisung returned safely.

"Hey guys" someone came up to the three of us. I looked at him. Likewise with Jeongin and Seungmin.

"YAH !! Can you guys think about your own business!?" The student shouted at the crowd of students who immediately turned away in fear.

"Thank you Yugyeom hyung!" Jeongin gave a sweet smile to Yugyeom hyung.

"That's fine. Sometimes these demons need to be punished in order to understand" Yugyeom hyung replied calmly with an innocent smile.

"The news about Jisung has already spread, are you guys okay with that?" Yugyeom hyung asked us.

Yugyeom hyung is the head of the council. And he is also Jinyoung hyung's cousin. So I'm not surprised if he finds out about Jisung's news. But what I'm asking is how do all the students find out ??

"Hmm ..." I just mumbled trying to find the right word to answer his question.

"Actually when they ask how you are? I have to say I'm fine but I'm not really fine at all because they don't understand..." Seungmin explained to Yugyeom Hyung.

Me and Jeongin nodded in agreement.

"Hmm okay. I'm sure Jisung will definitely be found safely" Yugyeom hyung smiled sweetly. His eyes explained that he really cared about us and Jisung too.

"I hope so hyung. It's been one week. And I'm starting to worry" I tried to hold back my tears. Behind Jisung's disappearance there is a possibility that he will return unsafe. Almost all kidnapping cases end that way. This made me experience excessive anxiety.

"I really miss him too. I can't stop thinking about it" Jeongin tried to finish his words even though his voice broke.

Seungmin just silently looked down. Why does all this have to happen to us? To Jisung? Is it Jisung's fault that he deserves to be in this position? No its not.

"Guys. Please don't get too caught up in this situation. Jisung will definitely come back safely" Yugyeom hyung assured us again.

"And my purpose for coming to you is..." The three of us raised our heads to see him. Because we are not as tall as Yugyeom hyung.

𝙒𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 [𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙜] ✓Where stories live. Discover now