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Jisung POV

I don't know how many days I've been here. But Jongsuk said today is Wednesday. This means I haven't been to class for three days. It must be that Lixie, Innie and Minnie are really worried about me. Have they been looking for help? Of course they have. I'm sure they weren't just waiting for me to come home without doing anything.

Since yesterday I was released from the torture chair. My hands and feet are not tied anymore. Even so, I was still held in the same room from the first time I came here. They gave me new clothes, only a white t-shirt and shorts. They also provided floor mattresses, blankets and pillows for me.

I just spend my days daydreaming. I can't sleep because my body hurts all. They don't take care of the wounds on my body. It hurts so much when I want to move. As if my bones had moved inappropriately.

Jongsuk is the only person I can talk to. He would come here twice a day bringing food for me. Maybe it's late afternoon? It's time for me to eat! surely Jongsuk will come soon. Somehow the thought of having someone to talk to made me very happy. I will wait while sleeping.

I arranged my body position on the floor mattress, not forgetting the blanket I stretched out over my body. It is very cold here. I took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling. My mind drifted to my friends what they are doing right now. My eyes were getting heavy and I headed for the dreamland.


"Jisung?" Someone called me. Feeling disturbed I fix my sleeping position. Curled up trying to find warmth.

"Jisung? I'm Jongsuk, time to eat" the voice came again. Very familiar voice. I started to open my eyes slowly. Seeing Jongsuk's face that is slightly blurry makes me smile. Even though it's blurry but I can see that he's smiling back at me.

I got up and sat cross-legged on the floor mattress. I blinked, trying to focus my eyesight.

"Jongsuk, what do you bring today? I'm very hungry" I asked Jongsuk who smiled at my words.

"I brought you bimbimbap, bulgogi and strawberry milk" Jongsuk replied calmly and he still smiled at me.

"Can I eat alone?" I asked Jongsuk. He only shook his head in response. His right hand goes to my head and ruffles my hair.

"I will not let you eat alone because my boss can scold me" Jongsuk gave a reason that makes enough sense to me. I can only nod in surrender cause I don't want him in trouble.

In between him feeding me I decided to talk to him. "Jongsuk?"

"Hhmm" he answered without looking at me. His right hand holding a spoon took bimbimbap which he would feed me.

"You're older than me, right?" He nodded and directed the spoon filled with bimbimbap to my mouth. I proudly opened my mouth.

"Then I have to call you hyung" I spoke while chewing. I don't really understand what I'm saying. But Jongsuk hyung nodded again as a sign he understood what I said.

I swallowed my food. I reached for strawberry milk and drank it. After I drank, I held the strawberry milk with my two hands that were on my lap. "Hyung, why are you working with them?" I suppress the them word.

Jongsuk hyung looks surprised by my question. His face was confused whether he should tell me or not. But a moment later he smiled at me. "I used to live on the streets, Lee Know's father saved me and brought me here. They taught me everything related to the mafia. Since I joined I can support myself" Jongsuk explained briefly. Staring the other way avoids me. I nodded in understanding. But deep inside I was still curious so I decided to ask again.

"Hyung, do you also live here?"

He shook his head. "Then where do you live hyung?" Jongsuk hyung just chuckled. His hand went to my hair again. Ruffled my already very messy hair. I frown at not getting an answer from him.

"You want to know too much Jisung" he chuckled seeing me frown.

"I will leave this strawberry milk. You can drink it when you feel thirsty" Jongsuk hyung takes out strawberry milk from his hoodie. I nodded happily, grabbed it and hid it under the covers.

He stood up "Bye Jisung, I'll be back tomorrow!" he smiled at me and walked away.

"Bye Jongsuk Hyung!" I smiled waving at him.


No one POV






Short update after the long chapter. U need to calm down a little cuz we just in the middle of rollercoaster :))
I will give another update two or three days later <3

807 words

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