6. Logan

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I feel the weight has lifted as I leave the room, smiling as seconds later I hear the crash as Megan throws something the other side of the door.

"Logan?" Mr Johnstone is stood looking at me, his gaze assessing me.

"I apologise if I have caused any upset, but Megan and myself have parted ways and I think it best if I leave" I say politely, keeping my gaze on him, not missing the flash of rage that crosses his face.

"I'm sure my daughter didn't mean to upset you, for the sake of your relationship would you not give her another chance.?"

I shake my head, was he for real, trying to get me to stay with her. "No sir, I believe this is for the best, please enjoy the rest of your weekend" I move to pass him but his hand comes out and grips my arm.

"I don't think you are understanding what I mean, whilst our friends are here, I would request you continue as if nothing has happened" his grip tightens as he tries to intimidate me.

"Sir, I suggest you let go before I remove your hand myself, its actions like this that make me staying any longer impossible"

"Then get out and stay away from my daughter" he stepped back and I headed for the door. My gaze scanning the area looking for a sign of Tallulah, hoping I hadn't just caused her problems, well more problems with her family. But there was no sign of her, and much as I wanted to search the place for her and takes her away with me, I couldn't, not yet.

My phone rang as I was driving back to the city and I answered it, knowing my family would have a field day with this.
"Logan... Are you in your car?"
"Yes Eli, I am, now what did you find out?" I grimaced at my tone with him but I was worrying more about Tallulah the further I got from her home.

"What happened?" Paris asked and I cursed the invention of speaker phones.
"Paris, later, I will tell you everything, I promise, just not now" I reply and I can almost picture her frustrated face at my words, but I knew she would wait, till I was ready.
"Just are you okay?" she asked softly and I grinned, realising how wonderful my family was.
"I will be" I promised and could hear them murmuring together before Eli spoke again.

"She's gone"
"What did you find?"
"Its only a surface search" he starts and I shake my head, what he would consider surface, most would consider invasive. "The family looks above board and respectable on the surface, Mr, Mrs and two daughters, Megan age 28 and Tallulah aged 19 however a lot of the inheritance is tied to Tallulah remaining in the family home until she is 21, once this date passes then the trust's become accessible to the individual parties, Megan has a couple of hundred thousand in cash coming to her, The parents get the family house and majority of the estate, Tallulah gets the contents of her grandmothers library, some jewellery and a property in Cornwall"

"How is she tied to the house?" I ask.
"Looking at the wording its more protection for her, her family cannot throw her out, if they do they get nothing, any of them.  Tallulah can chose to leave, to walk away from the family but she would forfeit her inheritance, and from the notes the family lawyer has put in their file. She could go to university and remain within the terms of the will but she choses not too. she has an active following for her sculpting, and has recently displayed work in Hyde Park.  She's not hurting for money, she has already amassed a small fortune from her work."

"And personally?"
"Nothing on social media, except regarding her art, as far as i can see she lives above one of the out buildings on the estate, rather than in the main house.  She's private about anything personal, no current health issues, but some historic concerns about scarring.  No partners - male or female, current or historic, that I can find, but..." he pauses and I wait in silence.

"You could at least prompt me, it builds on the tension" he laughs and I scowl in the car.
"Eli, there's enough tension"
"Okay, sorry... There is one caveat on the will, a way of getting her out of the house and keeping her inheritance.  It comes to her early at the point of her marriage"

"Thanks Eli, I just stirred up a hornets nest, and with me out of reach, I wouldn't put it past Megan to have a go at her. They aren't exactly loving and caring to her" I tell him.

"Do you want me to keep digging?" He asked and I paused, wanting to know everything about her, but from her. But I also wanted to make sure she was safe.
"Please, but just the family, unless it could affect her safety... I'll learn the rest from her"
There was a second of silence before he spoke again. "Congratulations Lo, I'm glad you've found her"
I felt me head and heart race at his words, I had found her and it was just starting to sink in.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now