29. Lucy

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"Its beautiful" I tell Teddy as we walk through the seating arrangement, Tallie had requested out doors and natural and Logan had spared nothing to make her dream a reality.

After the trustee meeting and when Teddy had rejoined us with Lily, Logan had requested we host the wedding at Kingswood, as soon as possible and like his cousins and sister and would we get it together for them.  Teddy had looked at Tallulah who had blushed and nodded before adding that she had no clue what she wanted and trusted them to put together something that everyone would love, then she had asked Lily to be her maid of honour and if Gaia would be her bridesmaid and wedding fever had begun.  We had two weeks to pull everything together, Logan clearly worried about how her family would react and with both of them wanting to keep it small we had succeeded.

Logan had spent that time, fussing around her wanting to make sure everything was what she wanted and eventually the poor girl had enough, they had been strolling through the grounds by the lake and somehow, Logan had ended up in it.  Both had returned soaking wet after Tally had gone in after him, worried when he didn't immediately surface.  

I grinned as I adjusted the flowers lining the aisle, my son had always had such a lacklustre love life, never giving me any hope of him settling down, then he had seen Tally and the rest was history, to say he doted on her was a huge understatement.  The age gap was immaterial, Tally had an old soul and matched him.  They were perfect for each other.

"Hello" I heard Jenna call.

"Down here" Teddy called back and we watched as she joined us, Her eyes wide as she looked around.

"My god ladies, this is just incredible, Tally will love it" she took in the whole set up and I passed her a tissue as she started to sniffle.  "I wish her grandmother was here to see this, its perfection"

The missing statue had been returned last week by Graham Trentson, who had updated Logan and Tallulah that Megan had vanished, the statue had been in her room at her parents and the police has agreed that Trentson could return it to her.  Her parents had blamed Tallulah and had said they did not know where their other daughter had vanished to, we did not believe them but the Police were looking.

Teddy and I laugh as we all move back towards the house, Tallulah, Gaia and Lily were all upstairs and Logan was in the study with Paul, Knox Masters and Niko, reviewing Tallulah's security and I knew Logan was going to contact her parents to tell them about the wedding... today.I grinned, by the time her parents would have a chance to process that the two of them would be on their honeymoon. he was taking no chances with his bride, not with her evil sister still on the loose.

The kitchen was bustling with staff getting the buffet ready and I felt emotional as Teddy came up and hugged me "How are you doing Mother of the Groom, ready to see your other baby get married" she laughs and I laugh back, thinking of Logan as a baby was almost impossible as the man he had become was so strong.

"I can't wait" I tell her, realising I can't, Tally was perfect for him and he had never been happier.

"And then comes babies" she sings in my ear, passing me and Jenna a drink.

"Babies, she's not pregnant?" Jenna questions looking bemused and her eyes widen.

"Logan is a twin, we have very strong genes, if she has multiples it would not be a surprise, but no, not yet" I tell her.

We chat for a while before it is time to get ready, Jenna heading off to talk to the harpist she had arranged to play during the ceremony and Teddy and I to get ready.

When I joined the girls, they had just finished their makeup and were wrapping in matching silk robes.  Gaia excitedly telling me what she had had done and about her dress, which I helped her into as Lily helped Tallulah, then they were ready.

I reached for Tallulah's hand "You sure about walking the aisle alone?" I asked knowing that Paul or even Milo, Niko or Luka would happily step up, as would no doubt one of the trustees that she had invited but she shook her head.

"I give myself to Logan, I don't need anyone to do it for me" she grins back and I can't resist pulling her into a hug, she hesitated for a second before her body relaxed and I was glad, when we had first met she was touch resistant not having experienced much of it in her family and nothing since her grandmothers death.

"I can't wait till you are my daughter" I tell her and she looks up at me with a watery smile.

"Thank you" she whispers and holds her hands out to Lily and Gaia "Thank you all for welcoming me into your family"

Gaia and Lily join us in another hug before Lily starts giving orders with a laugh, "Right, we better not keep everyone waiting, Gaia go with Nana and get ready downstairs, we will be right behind you" she instructs, passing a flower basket full of petals to Gaia, and handing the bouquet of blush coloured flowers to Tally.

"Beautiful" she announced, picking up her own posy and shooing us ahead as she guides Tally out, shaking out her train and veil.

I watched with pride as Logan stood proud at the alter, Rome and Rio at his side as best men, as he had been when it had been their turn with Ama, his gaze looking down the aisle waiting for his unicorn to appear, I was watching him and knew the second he saw her, his whole body relaxed and the smile that took his face was pure love.  I felt Paul thread his fingers through mine and squeeze as lifted his handkerchief to dab under my eyes, smiling down at me, before we looked back at the aisle.  

Gaia had taken her flower girl role to heart and was happily spreading the petals as she walked, her eyes sparkling, she looked so happy, followed by her mother, our Lily, whose gaze was locked on her husbands, whose gazes held promises that were probably not family friendly, Lily's mouth quirked up at the corners as she looked back at her husbands, my gaze caught Teddy's and we share a look that as best friends for so long needed no words, we were so proud of all our children and to see them all together celebrating was everything a print could wish for.

Then the harpist changed the music and there she was our bride... Tally's eyes looking only at Logan as she confidently made her was towards him.

I almost laughed out loud when Logan swallowed hard and tugged at his collar nervously as he stood still waiting for her to reach him.

I gazed around at the guests they had invited, it was definitely heavy with the grooms invitees but I know Tally wouldn't care, and everyone could see the love between them.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see the photographer working her way around the room, taking photos of guests all watching the bride step towards her groom...

As the ceremony started and they recited the traditional wedding vows, I looked around again and could see our family all holding hands and in their minds I knew they too were running through the vows that they too made together.

And then it was done... The celebrant announced them as husband and wife and Logan immediately swept his wife up into his arm, spinning her around and laughing as he crowed aloud, "You're mine, my darling and kissing her soundly to our applause.

The photographer capturing everything she could and I knew these photos would tell a special story.  She organised us into family groupings for photo's as staff carried round trays of champagne for us to toast the happy couple. Then the staff brought out the buffet and they cut the cake, each grinning at the other as they carefully fed each other a piece , before Logan had to kiss her again, making us all laugh at his antics.

The sun was staring to set when the dancing started, The solar lanterns casting a soft golden glow as  Logan and Tally moved with such grace, totally attuned to each other as they danced the first dance, then Logan and I, as Paul danced with his new daughter and I hoped this was a start of something new and good for both of them and that the issues with her family would not spoil things for them.

As the evening wound to an end it was time for them to leave , guests forming a lines to wave them off as we tossed birdseed and petals and the photographer clicked away.

Then they were off and Paul wrapped his arms around me and I leant back in his embrace as we watched till the tail lights of the car had disappeared from sight.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now