8. Lucy

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"Lily, say that again, you want me to do what?" I ask, unsure I had heard correctly.

"Mum, please listen, Logan has found his unicorn, he hasn't told me but Paris said he met her and asked Eli to do a check.  Please mum can't you get him to talk, invite us all to dinner or lunch on Sunday, i can feel its true but he's not returning my calls" Lily muttered frustrated.

I grinned to myself at her news, finally, hang on its not that awful girl we saw him with... what was her name Melanie, Mary, something beginning with M, I was sure.

"Its not the dreadful Megan, he ended things with her and that's when he met this girl" Lily answered my unasked question.

"You cannot make your brother talk, he will tell us when he is ready" I tell her and she huffs at me. 

"If you won't help, I'm phoning Paris" she warns before ringing off.

I laugh, knowing it will be driving Lily nuts, not knowing something important like this.  I reach out and dial Teddy's number, wondering if she had heard anything.

The phone rang once before she answered "I don't know anything" she said before I could even ask anything.

I laughed again "Finally you admit it, I told you years ago, you know nothing, its always the best defence"

"I take it Lily called you" she replied.

"Yep, wanting me to get him round here so she could ambush him for information, how did you hear?"

"Paris called the twins and I overheard Rio telling Amalie, from what I could hear he was going out with the sister originally who was a bit of a bitch and is now saying he's found his unicorn"

I groan frustrated that she knows more than me "Damn it, I'm going to have to get him here, just so we know the real story, want to join me, it may be less suspicious" I offer and laugh as she tells me she's on the way.

I send Logan a quick text asking him to pop in for lunch and head for the office to give Paul a heads up Teddy was on her way. 

Logan messaged back just as I entered the office and I smiled, he was coming and I had no doubt he was aware of the questions coming his way.  So, If he was coming then he was ready to share his news.

"What's put that smile on your face?" Paul asked pushing back his chair so I could come and settle comfortably on his lap.  His arms wrapping around me as his head dipped into my neck.  I grinned to myself, knowing how lucky I was that I had found my soulmate and our connection was as strong now as it ever had been.

"Teddy is coming to lunch" I said.

"And" he prompted knowing there was more, Teddy coming to lunch was not out of the ordinary, we were as close as sisters, and had been best friends since childhood.

"Logan is coming to tell us about his unicorn" I add and he raises his eyes at me.

"His unicorn?"

I nod, and wait, watching him process his thoughts.

"Not that Megan girl" he questioned and it was my turn to process, I hadn't realised he was aware of Megan.

"No not Megan, but possibly her sister, but its all hearsay until Logan tells me" I tell him and he nods.

"Does he know Teddy is coming" he muses.

"Yes, he asked, I think he wants something, he said yes to lunch as soon as he knew she was coming" and my mind wanders to what he needs.

Paul kissed the top of my head and chuckled "I am out for lunch, but tell me when I get back, I know the two of you will do everything you can to help him" he smiles at my shocked face.

"You don't think we will be interfering?" I query and feel relief when he shakes his head.

"Lu, you know our son, he won't let you interfere, not unless he wants you to" he replies and I nod again settling back. Savouring being held by Paul and letting my mind think about our son and his unicorn.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now