18. Logan

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The picture makes me smile and with one last look, I slip the phone into my pocket and pick up my keys, I was officially on leave, everything was in place and I could focus on Tallulah. She had been in residence for nearly a week now, time for me to join her.

I smile to myself again as I think of the picture Aunt Teddy sent me of Gaia and Tallulah in the winter garden with the sculpture of her and her grandmother, both their faces bathed in sun as they concentrate on something they are doing.

I was glad she was there and safe, and away from Megan and her parents. They were not happy with where Tallulah was spending the summer and that had Megan written all over it.

Uncle Milo had been the one to suggest that two of her trustees were invited to the press event they organised, this way it could stop her family interfering and it had. When Jenna had called and said her father was demanding she bring her home as she was breaching the trust rules, she had gone straight to the Trustee's and got their support.

The trust had set her Father straight and it had all gone silent... for the moment. I had no doubt Megan would not give up so easily and I cursed our history together as I knew it would not help me win Tallulah over.

Knock Knock

I look up as my PA Simon fills the doorway nervously "Sir, Megan Johnston is at reception asking to see you"

Fuck, I thought to myself, wondering what she wanted, I didn't want to see her, but I also wanted to know what she wanted. She knew it was over between us, what did she want?

"I'll give her 5 minutes, you go get her and stay with us, I don't trust this woman" I told him and he nodded before disappearing.

I dropped back into my office chair, my gut telling me she was going to be a problem. I reached over and hit the record function on the desk phone as she came into my office. Simon remaining behind her, just inside the door.

"You can leave us" she hisses at him but he stays still, he gaze furious as it swings to me. "Make him leave" she orders me and I shake my head.

"No, now, I am busy, what do you want Megan?" I ask, not bothering to get up and greet her, or even offer her a chair, she knew she was unwelcome here but she came anyway. I wondered hair she would play this, with anger or hurt, as the victim.

"Logan, I'm sorry" she lowers her voice slightly, trying to charm me "I want you to give us another chance, can't you see how perfect we are together" she steps forward, moving as if to come round the desk.

I hold my hand up to her "Sit down Megan" I instruct firmly and with a quick glance at Simon she does as I ask.

I watch her for a moment, internally berating myself that I got twisted up with her in the first place, the only positive to come out of us, was meeting Tallulah. I bit my lip to stop the smile that even thinking her name brought out.

"I am confused Megan. What are you sorry for?" I ask, watching the emotions chase across her face, as she works out what she thinks I want to hear, what she could say to bring me back. I silently laugh at my thoughts, nothing would bring me back to her.

"I am sorry I made comments about how your family conduct themselves, it was out of order of me to say anything, how they live their lives is their choice"
"And?" I prompt.
"My father should never have tried to make you stay and I should have warned you about what I had told them about our relationship. I know I pushed you too far but Logan, everyone says we are perfect together" she rushes out.

I shake my head, she really doesn't get it, can she be that obtuse. "And the way you and your family treat your sister?" I ask and see her expression change from hurt victim to anger at the mention of Tallulah.

"What business is it of yours how my family interact. What interested you have in Tallulah?" she spits out, her voice rising.

Simon straightens his posture by the door as her volume rises. Much as I wish there was no audience to our confrontation, I needed the witness. I sit back and look at her as she glares at me.

"Meeting Tallulah is the only good thing to have come out of our connection. It was very clear to me you were a convenient partner for social events, I wasn't interested in you and despite your machinations I did not included you in any family events voluntarily" I pause, looking her in the eye "And when you were around my family you were not welcome"

Her eyes narrow in anger "Is that why you are helping the scarred bitch?" she snaps.
I glare coldly. "What did she ever do to you?"
Megan stood up and stepped towards the desk "She is a freak" she hissed at me "And I know you are behind her going to Kingswood, but she can't stay out of my reach forever. And when I do get hold of her, I will make sure she knows its all your fault" and with one last glare she spins on her heel and leaves.

I wave at Simon to follow her "Make sure she leaves then let reception know she is not allowed in the building again" I instruct and watch him go before turning off the recorder.

She had threatened Tallulah and I had no doubt she meant it, now at least I could prove it, if anything happened. Not that I was going to allow anything to happen to her.

Knock Knock

Simon once again stood in the doorway "She has gone"

"Thank you Simon" I say getting up "I'm out of the office now, but you know how to reach me"

He nods, letting a little smile through "Good Luck Sir" he tells me and I grin back at him, clapping him on the shoulder as I pass.

"Thank you, I might need it" I say wryly, heading home to grab my bags and start towards Kingswood and Tallulah.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now