17. Tallulah

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I pulled the last suitcase downstairs and saw the amusement on Jenna's face, she knew I was nervous but was excited for me and we had spent a long time talking about what I would be do over the summer at Kingswood with my art.

I would have a few days to settle in before my work arrived at Kingswood, Jenna was going to be back and forth between the Gallery and Kingswood but she was confident it would all be okay.

I don't know what had been said with Logan and Milo Kingswood when Teddy had been showing me my rooms but Jenna had been much happier afterward and when we had done the press release, she had been very happy with everything.

The press release had been fun to do, the photographer and reporter both professional and it turned out fans of my work, both having seen the display in Hyde Park. Teddy and Milo had also surprised Jenna and I by having two of my grandmothers trustees there, who joined us for the lunch afterwards, both wishing me a happy summer before they left.

I didn't normally have much to do with the trustees, that was Fathers role but I had been pleasantly surprised at how nice they were and they both had fond memories of my grandmother that we had reminisced over.

I had worried that my family would try to spoil everything when the article came out but I had heard nothing directly from them, at least Jenna had not told me anything had happened. I knew she would tell me if there was a real problem. And now I was moving there for the summer, so it was happening...

I thought back to the meeting when Logan had been very attentive and shivered slightly nervous of the unknown of dealing with someone like him, but Teddy had been very clear that she would manage him if he got too much for me to handle.

The journey to Kingswood was quiet, Jenna tried to engage me in conversation but my nerves were making me freeze up a little and after turning on the radio, the rest of the journey was more relaxed.

My first real grin came when I saw Gaia stood at the top of the steps waiting for me. As I got out she came racing down the step and hugged me. I grinned down at her, not seeing everyone watching us, Jenna was watching from the other side of the car and Teddy was at the top of the steps with another woman.

"Welcome to Kingswood" Gaia said happily and I finally looked up to see the others watching us. I blushed embarrassed but hugged the little girl back "Thank you" I told her.

"Jensen will get your bags, come and meet my other Nana" Gaia told us excitedly, pulling me towards the waiting women.

I gulped, realising who this was... Lucy Blackbourne... Logans mother. I felt my nerves return at full strength and quickly looked behind me, relieved that Jenna was just behind us. She caught my eye and winked, she too knew who was waiting for me.

"Tallulah, it's good to see you, I want to introduce you to my best friend Lucy" Teddy says pulling me into a hug before I turn towards her.

Hands come up and cup my face, lifting it so I can see her clearly "I am so pleased to meet you Tallulah, I can't tell you how excited I am"she finishes and pulls me into a hug.

"Hello" I gasp out, causing all of them to laugh.

"Let her go Lu" Teddy laughed and nudged her friend, who seemed reluctant to let go of me.

"So Pretty" she said again looking at me and Teddy laughed slapping her arm.

"Stop it, you'll scare her away and the Gaia will be cross with you and I don't even know what Logan will do" she says mock seriously and I grin through my nerves as Jenna steps up next to me.

I listened as they all talk around me, giving me a chance to collect myself. This was Logans mother and she had hugged me. I shivered remembering Teddy's words and then back to how Logan had been when he was here...

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now