10. Tallulah

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Returning from my walk, my heart races as I realise my studio door is wide open and I know I had locked it.  I rush forward, keeping as quiet as I can, remembering I need to be cautious, with the whole family on the warpath over Logan's rapid exit and the finger of blame pointing once again at me.

Megan is stood at my work bench a chisel and hammer in her hand and my breath catches for a moment as I revert to the small child I once was. But that child was gone, hardened by the cold selfish family who blamed her for everything, and tempered by the grandmother who had protected her, helped her find her own strength, and backbone.
My gaze quickly scanned the room, checking on the covered drying cage in the back corner, where... he was. I relaxed a little, if Megan had seen that I had no doubt she would want to murder me.

"Megan, what are you doing in here?" I ask bluntly stepping into the room, straightening my back as her glare hits me.
"You ruined everything, its all your fault" she spat, bringing the hammer down on the workbench with a bang. I felt my pulse speed up but kept my gaze steady.

"How is this my fault, I barely said two words to him and left when your friend was a bitch to me." I replied calmly. Moving towards her, knowing if I showed any fear she would pounce.
"You and your pitiful scar, he said we were cold and had the cheek to question how we treated you, how dare he, with his own families behaviour cast blame at me, it's disgusting" she screams out, lifting the chisel and throwing it at me, I twist hearing it hit the wall behind me with a crash, but I keep my gaze on her, I know she's not finished yet.

She lifts the hammer and rounds the bench heading my way but hurried footsteps on the stairs make her pause and our father appears, glaring at me before heading for Megan and taking the hammer from her.  "Enough" he barks and she looks back at him shocked but I'm not, I know that if she attacked me and I left, it would breach the conditions of the will, they would end up with nothing and they weren't going to risk that, not even for Megan.

"Daddy, she ruins everything" Megan cries grabbing onto his arm and I shake my head as his glare comes my way again.  I never knew what I did to make my family treat me the way they do, my grandmother had never had an answer when I had run to her in tears and asked her.  But the hate was there.

My Father paused and looked my way "Call Jenna, I think it would be best if you worked at her gallery for a while" he said guiding the now sobbing Megan away. "I will inform the trust that you have work commitments" he added and I knew he was covering his back.

I sighed and closed my eyes, only 18 more months and then I would be free of them.  I grabbed my phone and called Jenna.

"You okay?" she asked and I can hear her worry after I had explained what had happened. "I can't get to you till tomorrow afternoon, I have a meeting with a potential venue. Will you be safe? I can rearrange the meeting if not. But its an ideal opportunity for you especially as your going to stay with me for the duration of the tour?"

"Jenna, its fine, I can stay out of their way till then, it will take me that long to get some of this stuff packed up ready to go" I tell her

"Bring him with you" she orders and I don't need to ask who she means, she was so taken with the sculpture and my heart raced a little as I thought of it, I knew it would have to come with me, I couldn't risk Megan finding it, she would really want to kill me then, not to mention the thought of her hands on it made me feel physically sick.

"Okay" I whisper and she rings off to promises of getting to me as soon as she can.

I send my Father a quick text letting him know that Jenna was coming tomorrow and I would be gone for the next 4 months for the duration of the tour.  I wasn't expecting a reply but it hurt when he sent back one word "Good"

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now