31. Tallulah

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"I am nipping to the bakers for some fresh bread" I shout up the stairs to Logan, before grabbing my purse and stepping out into the morning sunshine. 
Grinning to myself as I leave my husband to shower, we had been here three days so far and had only spent one out looking round, today would be different, we were going to visit grandmothers... my house.

Not that I regretted our time in the cottage so far, we had made good use of the huge copper tub, the shower, the hot tub and the loungers hidden in the enclosed garden. 'After all it was our honeymoon' he had laughed when I said people would think we are antisocial.

This morning I had woken with Logan sliding deep inside me and as he had rocked us both to a lazy climax, I had felt full of energy and starving hungry, showering first, I had left Logan slowly getting up and decided to make a start on our breakfast.

The cupboards had been nearly bare and I knew we would need to do a bigger shop later but until then fresh bread from the village bakery would be perfect, and at this time of day, it would probably be still warm as well, just the thought had my tastebuds tingling.

I had heard his mumbled shout as I closed the door and had grinned, knowing a pot of fresh coffee would be brewed by the time I got back with the bread.

As I wandered down the street, I smiled and said good morning to the people now starting their day, receiving similar greetings in return, I fell so relaxed and happy, that I didn't see the large Black SUV driving straight at me till it was too late.

My gaze catching a glimpse of the driver just before the vehicle struck me, tossing me up into the air and over the side, I could hear a high pitched scream and the sound of shouting and people running, a revving engine and then the numbing shock wore off and I felt my pain as I lay broken and bleeding in the street.   I could hear voices and see shadows moving around me as the buzzing in my head got louder and knew I needed help "Logan, please get Logan... Logan... Loga", I whispered out as blackness finally claimed me.

I remember a brief impression of flashing lights, shouts, flashes and pain lots of pain interspersed with me fighting the blackness, I had to make sure Logan knew what had happened, and my body knew when Logan reached me, my mind finally relaxing to the darkness as I whispered one last truth.  "It was Megan!"

I woke to the murmur of male voices in the corner of the room and turned my head to see, not expecting the pain that brought a cry from my lips as one broke away and rushed to my side... Logan.

"Baby, you're awake" he says softly, his hand coming up to cup my face as his lips drop to mine, pulling back as I try to deepen the kiss. I narrow my eyes at him, noticing the guilty look on his face as his gaze searches mine.  "How do you feel?" he prompts, pressing the button above my head and I can hear a buzzer in the distance.

"It hurts" I whisper out, even my throat feeling sore, he raises a small plastic cup of water and I take a sip.  "Did you catch her?" I ask my voice slightly stronger this time and start a little at the chuckle that comes from the corner of the room, I had forgotten Logan had been talking to someone and as I watch Noah Masters comes into view but before he gets the chance to say anything the doctor bustles into the room, a nurse at his side.

"Mrs Blackbourne, good to see you awake" he greets coming up to the other side of the bed, his gaze scanning the machines I am hooked up to "I'm Doctor Green" he introduces himself before pointedly looking at Logan.

"Are you aware of what happened to you" he asks carefully as he shines a pen torch in my eyes to check my dilation and responses.

"My sister ran me over with a car" I said clearly and saw the look of shock cross his face and his gaze go back to Logan who looked proud of me.

"Ah yes well..." the doctor stuttered out "I just need to do a few checks, is that okay?" he asked politely and I nodded, tensing again at the pain the move made, as he did his check up, the nurse writing down the comments the doctor made.

"Well Mrs Blackbourne, you are a very lucky young lady, there is nothing broken but you have extensive bruising and some abrasions to your arms where you landed, and a mild concussion" he explains and I nod, my gaze swinging to Logan.

"Did you catch her?" I ask again and Noah answers for him.
"Yes Tally, we caught her, she's been arrested and won't be able to hurt you again" he tells me, his hand coming up to squeeze Logans shoulder.

"Not your fault" I growl at him, knowing he will be beating himself up with 'what ifs' and guilt.

"It is" he argues and I lift my hand to smack at him, causing me to groan as I move and Logan to hiss and take my hand in his, holding me like delicate china.

"Don't move darling, if it hurts" he growls out, his glare fixing on the doctor who holds his hands up before instructing the nurse to up my pain relief.

"I shall leave you in your husbands capable hands" he tells me with a smile, "I will pop in and check on you later and depending on how you feel we can have a chat about discharging you" he offers and I nod.
"Thank you" I say as he leaves the room, taking the nurse with him.

I turn back to Logan, "Noah, come here please" I call and hear him move closer as Logan shoots me a confused look. "Noah, please smack my husband for me, its not his fault and everytime he says it is I want you to smack him" I tell him and Noah laughs, clapping Logan on the back.
"Bloodly hell, she's as mad as you" he chuckles smiling down at me.

"What happened after?" I ask and Logan again looks guilty "Noah" I remind him and he grins and he smacks Logan's arse.
"Not quite what I had in mind" I say, my eyes wide I watch them.
"Logan, please" I say again and he sighs, squeezing my hand gently in his.

"The neighbour banged on the door and I knew something was wrong, by the time I got down to you, two of the bakery staff had set up a screen around where you lay by no-one would risk moving you, just in case" he paused and I could see tears in his eyes "Baby, it nearly killed me to see you lying there like that, they had already called the police and an ambulance, you were in and out of consciousness" his hand gripped my tighter as he remembered what he had seen. "The baker was telling me what he saw as I stayed by your side, he was the one who got everyone together and took names and co-ordinated when the police arrived". He sighed "You said then it was Megan and from the eyewitness statements it was deliberate, I passed it all onto the police, and came with you in the ambulance, they wanted me to follow but you wouldn't let me go, each time they tried you screamed even through you were unconscious"

"He called us as soon as he got here and they took you off for tests" Noah picks up the explanation, "We were able to find her using our resources and turn her over to the Police"

"Thank you" I whisper to him, returning my focus to Logan, knowing he needed a distraction

"I guess this means no more discovery sex in new places" I say out loud and catch Logans eye as he looks first shellshocked then grateful, he know exactly what I am doing and grins at me.

"No baby, we will just need to be more creative and careful" he promises kissing me harder this time. I catch a glimpse of Noah laughing at his side.

"I want to get out of here, I don't like hospitals" I whisper to him and he smiles down at me.
"As soon as they release you, where do you want to go?" he promises and I smile back at him.
"Anywhere you are" I tell him and Noahs laughter is louder this time.

"God you two are as bad as each other" he laughs and Logan pins him with a mock glare.
"And you and your brothers are not like that with Paris" he taunts back, both of them ending up grinning at each other as I drift back to sleep as the pain killers kick in.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now