19. Tallulah

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I am in the studio when I my senses tell me Logan has arrived, I start to feel restless, as if everything is about to change and wonder if I should call Jenna, get her to pick me up for the weekend, but the thought of not seeing him makes me feel equally antsy.

"Tallie!" I hear Gaia shout just as she rushes through the door. "Tallie!"

"Yes Gaia" I laugh at her excited face, before seeing her mini me behind her.  This must be...

"This is my cousin Rowan, she's staying for the weekend, can we create something together?" she rushes out, not waiting for my response before rushing over to 'her' area.

I start to laugh before my breath catches, I had been moving stuff over to the kiln, and that included 'him'... right next to Gaia's area.

"Gaia Wait!" I shout just as I hear the girls reaction.

"Wow... that's Uncle Logan.  ohhh" they say together and I hurry over to them, grabbing a drop cloth and throwing it over the him.

"Wow Tallie, that's amazing" Gaia tells me and I blush at the compliment, my mind racing as I try to work out how to ask the two children to keep 'him' a secret, but before I can speak we are joined by more of the household.  

Lily comes into the studio with two women at her side, and I can feel the walls starting to close in on me, as I panic, its too late now to beg the girls for their silence, i can only wait for the axe to fall.

"Hey Tallie, I've brought my sisters to meet you" Lily calls coming across to join us "This is Paris and Geneva" she introduces us and I can see the family resemblance to Teddy and the other Kingswood's.  "I see you've already met Rowan, her mother Ama is locked in the study with Aunt Lucy at the mo, so you'll meet her later"

My nerves spike again, just how many of the family were coming this weekend.

"Pretty much all of them" Geneva responds with a laugh and I realise I had said that out loud.

I groan "Sorry" before realising the danger next to me.

Gaia had stepped closer and was removing the cover "Mom, look at this" she said excitedly and I froze, panic taking over as 'he' was revealed.

Lily was the first to speak, her voice reverent "Oh my god, that is incredible, Tallie, its perfectly Logan"

I blushed and stared at the floor, embarrassed as they all crowded closer. Lily had spent the week letting me know that Logan was interested in me and dropping hints in her brothers favour, Teddy and Lucy had as well, it seemed the whole family were aware and ... supportive?

A hand patted my arm and I flinched, bring the focus back to me. "Tallulah?" a soft voice queried, but I could only shake my head.

"Girls, you tell no-one about this sculpture" Lily instructed them and I heard their murmured agreements.  "Good, now go and find Nana, she will get you a snack and not a word remember" she told them and I tense as the girls left me with Lily and the others.

"Has anyone else seen this?" Lily questioned quietly and I shook my head, but then realised someone had.

"Just Jenna" I whisper out.

"You like him too" Geneva said softly, it wasn't a question but a statement and I shrugged, not knowing how to answer it.  After all I had met him only twice, but I couldn't deny there was a connection there.

"Then we will help you" Paris added and my gaze finally came up to hers.

"How?" I ask worriedly and they all laughed softly.

"Come and sit down" Geneva said, waving us over to the worktable and pulling out a stool, Lily heading for the small kitchen area to the side.

"In the absence of a large gin, I'll make us all tea" she called and I sat back and watched as they settled around me.  Geneva and Paris looking round at the currently started sculptures and other crafts.

"You are very talented" Geneva offers and I feel a rush of pride in my work, and that she has said so.  I knew of her work as well, having sold one of my sculptures to a hotel that she had designed  the interior for years ago.

"So are you, I've seen your work" I tell her and she grins at me as Paris laughs at her expression.

"Another artist in the family for you to talk your mumbo jumbo to" she teases and I can see the contemplation on Geneva's face as she looks round.

"Actually I have two projects coming up that I could do with custom artwork for" her face lights up at the possibilities and I blush again. "Once this weekend is out of the way, lets sit down and discuss them" she offers and I nod again shocked that she wants my work.

"Now" says Lily, putting a tray of mismatched mugs of tea on the table "Let us tell you all there is to know about Logan" and they do...

A long while later, I lean back  "Don't you think i'm too young for him?" I ask them curiously.

"No!" They all exclaim together before Lily continues. "There is a decade between my parents and it works, age is just a number and I think that you are probably far more mature than most your age"

"And what about Megan, don't you think I should take that into account?" my voice sounds nervous even to my own ears.

"Megan may be your sister, but the woman is a bitch, she never got close..." Lily pauses before continuing. "He may have been with her physically but that's all it was, neither his heart or his mind was engaged with her, it could have been anyone convenient, he was just coasting before you"

"I agree, I never met her and if she had been important we would have, I know Logan would never bring anyone into the family unless he was serious" Paris added and I blushed again.

Geneva reaches over and takes my hand in hers "Is your bond with your sister close enough to make it matter to you?" she asked carefully and I shook my head.

"We are not close, but when she finds out she will not be happy... and my parents will support her, she is perfect to them" I tell them and see the understanding in their eyes.

"Logan won't let her get near you" Lily says confidently"None of us will",  but I know I will have to return home at some point, the trust made sure of that. 

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now