13. Tallulah

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Jenna had been avoiding telling me what was bothering her, for the last week but finally I had cornered her at the gallery and I watched, as the emotions played across her face, whatever she was avoiding had to do with me, I was sure of that.

"You're not sending me home?" I asked suddenly and that seemed to snap her out of her funk.
"Never, no, its just I am not quite sure how to tell you..."
"Just say it" I encourage felling secure, now I knew I was staying here.

"Last week before I picked you up, I had a meeting and received an offer any agent would kill for, for any of my artists but especially you... an offer to display your sculptures at two key locations and a request for you to be artist in residence for the summer at the main venue" she pauses and I see her gathering her words so wait, I didn't have long till her next words shocked me.

She waves at the statue under the cloth behind me "I met him there" she whispers out and I gasp, shaking my head as she continues, but my heart has started to race.

"He had asked his godmother Lady Kingswood to consider you, she had already seen your work in Hyde Park and its her you would be displaying for at Kingswood Park then at Loxley Manor, but he didn't hide the fact... in fact he was very clear he would be around and he asked if you were safe. What happened at that party?" she looked at me but I just shook my head, I had nothing more to tell her. "I had to check, to make sure it was a genuine offer before I sent over any contracts and I have amended the contract to protect you more but its such a brilliant opportunity, I just don't know what he wants... what you want" she looks at me and I lift my hand to my chest wondering if she can see my heart racing as I think of him.

I think about the opportunity but for the first time, my mind refuses to focus on my art, my thoughts are all off him... Logan Blackbourne.

"Tallie... I can say no, if you want me..."
"No!" I say quickly, shaking my head at her, "I want to do this"
"And Logan?" she asks with a worried smile.
"Yes... No... I can't stop thinking about him," I raise my hands to stop her warning "I know he was with Megan, I know he's older than me and that we only exchanged a couple of words but I have never felt such a connection to anyone like this, am I mad for wanting to see what happens?"

Jenna shakes her head "If you want to explore then go for it, but with caution, Megan is going to be extremely unhappy if she finds out, you know that" she warns softly, but pats my hand in support "I will print you off a set of the contracts, read it through before I send it through to Lady Kingswood, I can add or change anything if you want me too" she reminds me before leaving me staring at my covered obsession.

Could I really believe he was as interested in me as I was him.  I didn't think it had anything to do with Megan, that was very firmly over, judging by her hysterics and Fathers reaction. 
And the way he had looked with Megan at the party, he did not want to be at her side, his eyes were assessing when he looked at her and my parents, he saw through them.

I lifted the dustsheet free and gazed at the statue, even now it both excited me and scared me.  I wondered what he had ever seen in Megan but then I knew she could be charming... if she wanted to be, but if she was his type, then why was he looking at me.

"He is your best work yet" Jenna says making me jump as she comes back into the room, a set of papers in her hand. I quickly fling the sheet over the sculpture, not wanting to share him with anyone... even Jenna.

"Contracts, read them through and think about what is best for you, whatever you choose I will support you" she tells me before leaving me again.

Jenna had already tailored her standard contract and I agreed with each of her changes, knowing if she hadn't already put them in I would never have suggested them, I was never one to rock the boat or demand anything for myself.

Growing up had been reasonably normal for me until my accident, then I had been pushed to the fringe of the family. No longer perfect, I was not good enough for them and Megan and her friends used every opportunity they could to bully and belittle me, any friends I had were usually scared of being picked on too, so they didn't last long or kept a safe distance. 

My grandmother had been my rock, she had taken me under her wing when she moved in with us when I was twelve, Megan had been away at University, Mother and Father had taken advantage of her now living with us and for most of that first summer, we had not seen much of them as they travelled and did their own thing.  That time cemented a bond that came back to haunt them, with my Grandmother making sure I was happy, safe and provided for... though I wish I knew what she was thinking with her will, tying us together until I was 21.

Still she had introduced me to Jenna and she was nearly as close to me as my grandmother had been, and without her support and guidance I would not have survived living with my family, this last couple of years.

I gather up the papers and head off to find her, locking the door to my work room... and him, behind me.
"All good?" she asks when she see's me coming into her office and I nod. "Great then I will send them through to Lady Kingswood and set up a meeting for us all."
I nod again and she smiles at me "I hope you are ready for this, I have a feeling everything in your life is about to change"

"For the better?" I croak out in response and she laughs.
"Absolutely, We won't let it be anything else" she promises.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now