24. Tallulah

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Knock Knock

"Come in" I called groggily, a quick glance at the clock showing me it was just after 3am.  It had been a week since Logan had made his feelings clear at the BBQ and every day he had chipped away a little more, so even my dreams were full of him and waking was sometimes a slow process.

Teddy put her head through the door, looking both apologetic and furious "I'm sorry to wake you, but there's been an incident in the studio, The police are here and need to speak to you".

I was already up at the word studio, but froze when she mentioned the police "What's happened?" I ask hurriedly grabbing clothes, pulling leggings and a sweatshirt on over my shorty pyjamas and sliding into trainers, I joined her at the door.

Her hand stilled my rush and I could see the worry on her face, "Someone broke in and smashed up your work, it looks like they tried to set a fire in the corner of the room, but it didn't take, they triggered a security lock, so the team was notified and went to investigate and..."  She paused again "The security camera's recorded what happened, we know who did it"

I knew what was coming, could feel the words forming in the air between us and whispered "Megan?"

Fury crossed Teddy's face "The fact that you guessed that so easily makes me think that this sort of thing has happened to you before or the threat of it. has it?"

I shrugged, there had been many times in the past when my work had been accidentally broken, but that was at home, to do it here was a rapid escalation.

"Tallulah" teddy prompted and I nodded.

"She's done it before" I admit.

"Well this time she doesn't have your parents to hide behind, I won't have anyone doing that in my home" Teddy rages and again I am struck by the start difference in households... this one cares.

"Come along, let's join the Police, Luka is with them at the moment" she tells me and before I can form the questions I hear his shout.

"Tally! Aunt Teddy, Whats going on" Logan rushes up towards us, clad only in jeans that encase his long legs his top half bare and suddenly I'm speechless, my gaze roving over his toned abs and I hope Teddy can fill him in as I can't seem to do anything as he advances towards us and then I am wrapped in his warmth and I can feel his muscles bunching as Teddy explains what's going on.

"Logan, you need to let her go, the Police are waiting downstairs" Teddy is telling him and I can hear the smile in her voice, as he reluctantly unwraps himself from around me, his hand finding and twisting his fingers through mine.

"I'm coming with you" he declares and I see Teddy roll her eyes at him, as she led the way downstairs, as if anyone expected anything else.  He had proved time and time again this week, he could be very possessive and protective.

I can see multiple flashing blue lights reflecting off the buildings through the window as Teddy leads us into the library where two police officers and a fireman are stood with Luka.

"Miss Johnstone?" one of the officers steps forward, only to be intercepted by Logan.

"You are?" Logan questions and I see the officers eyes narrow at him, before he focuses back on me.

"Miss Johnstone, I am Detective Inspector Chisholm, we would like to ask you a few questions" he says and I feel Logan's hand tighten before he guides me to the sofa and sits down beside me, my hand still in his.

I grin to myself at his behaviour before looking at the inspector "How can I help?" I reply.

I watch as everyone settles in around us and the second officer pulls out a picture passing it to me. "Do you recognise this person?" he asks.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now