11. Jenna

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I put the phone down with a sigh, silently cursing old Madeline for leaving her granddaughter in such an unstable home. I know she thought she was protecting Tallulah, but she got it so wrong.

It was a miracle that the girl was as well rounded as she was, given the way she had been brought up, her art giving her the perfect escape from their version of family life. The day Megan had sent her down that snowy hill had been the day her life changed, no longer perfect her parents didn't care for her, she was thrown aside for the viperous Megan.
Still it wasn't long now and then the family could slink away, leaving Tallie free to enjoy life.

I fired off a couple of emails, letting my housekeeper know Tallulah would be with us for the next few months and touched base with the gallery staff to make sure everything was going well there, before going back to my notes from my earlier brief conversation with Lady Kingswood.
Such an opportunity for Tallie, Kingswood Park was the perfect setting for the sculptures and tomorrow morning I was meeting with Lady Theodora Kingswood to see the area she wanted to offer.

She had seen both the recent article and also seen the sculptures when displayed in Hyde Park. She also hinted at a possible commission piece in the future. I was so excited for Tallulah, support and interest from the Kingswood family would take her to the next level. I hoped she was ready.

Kingswood Park was bathed in sunshine the next morning when I drove through the estate to the main house, parking next to a sleek grey Maserati, I grabbed the portfolio and headed for the door to be greeted by a uniformed butler.
"Ms Cavendish?" He asked and at my nod opened the door. "This way please, Lady Kingswood is waiting for you in the parlour"
I follow him through halls that make my gallery look pokey and tried not to feel intimidated, waiting as he opens a door and announces me.
"Miss Cavendish, m'lady" he said steeping aside to let me in.

Lady Theodore Kingswood sat smiling at me, as I entered, "Welcome to Kingswood, please call me Teddy and you are Jenna?" she said getting up to shake my hand, but it was the man stood by the patio doors that held my attention, it was the live version of Tallie's latest sculpture.

"This is my godson Logan Blackbourne" Teddy said looking between the two of us, as I continue to stare at him, "Have you met?"
I shake my head, not knowing how to explain the familiarity and then his name registered, Logan was Megan's boyfriend. Was this a joke, I wasn't going to let Megan ruin Tallies work!

"Why are you here?" I ask him bluntly, part of my mind recognising how rude I was being but this was too far.
"You know who I am?" He responds looking a little confused.
"You're Megan's boyfriend. I won't let you hurt her, no matter what Megan has told you" I snap at him and gasp as he grins at me.
"Thank god for that" he says with a chuckle, holding his hand out "Shall we sit?"

I settled on the sofa and watched as he poured tea for Teddy and I before sitting back as regarding me.
"Megan was a relationship that was of no interest of importance to me, we dated a few times but she made it out to be more, that we were more, it was always going to end that weekend, my family did not like her and I learnt she did not respect them or their relationship choices, seeing the way Megan and her parents treated Tallulah made me feel disgusted, there was a discussion and I made it clear to both Megan and her father it was over. But. However much I wish I had done it sooner, I might have missed the opportunity to meet Tallulah" he trailed off and I waited seeing him trying to get his words together.

"In my family, when we love, we love fully and forever, I have never felt for anyone, anything near what I felt on just seeing Tallulah, I want to get to know her better, I do however recognise that my past link with Megan is a huge barrier" he looks at me, waiting.

"It is, Megan treats Tallulah like dirt, all her friends do to and her parents let them, they are the worst, they should protect her but don't" I look between Logan and Teddy.

"Is the offer to display real?" I question softly.
"Absolutely, I was aware of her work, it had already been brought to my attention and I would have jumped at the chance before if I had known or seen that magazine article before Logan brought it to my attention" Teddy explains "She is an exceptionally talented young lady"

"And if she's not interested in Logan, does the offer stand?"
Teddy laughs at the affronted look on Logan's face. "Regardless, I want her to display with us, both at Loxley Manor and here at Kingswood, Nothing that happens between Logan and Tallulah will change that" she confirms "But I do hope it will give her a chance to get to know him, away from her family, from the little Logan has told me and from what you have just said, there is no way he could safely pursue her, if she was at home"

I look at Logan, thinking about how much trouble he had gone to to set this up, he seemed genuine, he felt sincere, but could I really take that risk. I wondered what Tallie's feelings would be, given her sculpture and her reaction over it.

"Tallulah is moving in with me for the next three months, her parents have asked her to give Megan space to calm down after the events this weekend..."
"Is she okay, they didn't hurt her?" Logan cuts me off, his whole expression showing his concern.

"Yes, Tallulah is stronger than her family gives her credit for, this is a blessing for her, she can work without interference" I tell them.
"You've seen her... I don't trust Megan, or her father not to physically hurt her" Logan pushed.
"I saw her the day after that party and have spoken to her since, I will be picking her this afternoon"

He look relieved and I wonder how much he knows about Tallulah and her situation, there were times I could curse my old friend for the position she left her granddaughter in but there was little any of us could do except support Tallie where possible from her horrible family.

I turn my focus back to Teddy, seeing her smiling at Logan proudly and I realise the bond between them, there is love and respect, something Tallie is in short supply of.

"Tallulah's next exhibition space is inside and a small venue, how soon were you thinking of" I waited, knowing some venues planned months and even years ahead. Mentally I am reviewing the venues coming up and where i could add or slot dates in.

"As soon as you are able to set everything up, and for up to 6 months, I also have some estate events coming up where an artist in residence would be very attractive. I am involved with a charity supporting sports for all and our open days bring in lots of funding for them" she tells me and I sit back in shock.

"Tallie is a fantastic up and coming artist but she's not yet well known, do you not need someone famous?"

Teddy laughs "I've seen her work, she will be and we will be able to claim we saw her potential early" she grins at me then looks at Logan "Besides if what Logan wants plays out, she will be family one day"

I look back at Logan again, seeing the determination on his face. I take a deep breath "She has work available to do a second location, it would take a minimum of two weeks to get everything in situ... But only if Tallulah agrees"

"Wonderful" Teddy beams at me and I watch Logan shake his head ruefully.
"Are you going to tell her i'm involved?" he questions softly and I contemplate his question, I know I should warn her in advance but my gut was telling me everything would be okay.

"No, I will tell her about the venue offer and let her decide based on the opportunity offered, anything else will be for you to work out with her later, her work, her art, deserves to be shared and it would be a shame if she rejected this chance because of you"

"Thank you" he says and once again his looks catch my attention, he looks happier, had she really made such an impact on him.
"Don't hurt her" I warn him and he looks me in the eye as her replies.
"Never!" he pauses and grimaces "Not intentionally" he amends, acknowledging the spectre Megan and her family may have on his plans.

By the time I left, we had agreed provisional dates and I have left a contract with Teddy and a promise to them both to talk to Tallie as soon as possible to confirm everything.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now