20 | Vantaluna

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He loves her so, like a daisy to the sun
But this immortal sun burns too much for them

Flying high, burning hot and bright
Hours? Years? How long has the sun held it's place in the sky?

It scorches the Earth, like an egg in a pan
They all wanted respite, though their hopes waned

Will tomorrow ever come?
Or are we resigned to this forever-day?

They held each other close in the horrible heat
While the world burned up all around

They were content with what was to come
Then, an idea from his love

If there is no more moon to replace the sun
Why not just create one?

While she planned, he was scared
The moon glows at night, with night was the dark

Though he despises the sun's powerful glow
The dark still scares him, for the dark is unknown

The sun will burn them all away
All because he was afraid of the dark

He wants to tell her he can't do it
But she's already long gone

Zipping through the sky
She ripples the light, like a stone across the lake

There she sat, the moon itself
But there was something wrong

She only sat alongside the forever-sun
It's burning heat was still on everyone

She needed help to replace the sun
The embrace of night to quell it's rays

But the night meant dark, the unknowable
But then would the unknown become known?

While he stewed in his fears, the moon began to burn
He needed to help her, his love was hurt

She needed him, and he needed her
So he became the night for her

The moon, and the night it calls home
The forever-day is over, and life goes on

Once he got there, it wasn't so bad
She opened his eyes to a new perspective

You can never know the unknown
But you don't have to conquer the unknown alone

The night holds the moon in it's arms
Forever a pair, their love so strong

He loves her so, like a datura to the moon
With his moon, nothing could go wrong

- 2/14/21

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