Chapter 4

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Prince Lì Kǎi Chéng POV

As soon as Master Yán signaled the start of the match, two clan heirs closed in on me from either side. I swiftly dodged, my sword flicking Fei Yu's weapon upward as we spun away from each other. Hao Xuan pressed his advance, and I aimed a blow at his left torso, but he deftly parried it. He countered with a clockwise spin, unleashing a pyro attack towards my right side. Quickly adjusting my stance, I swung my sword, slicing through the fire and deflecting it harmlessly away.

Before I could retaliate, Fei Yu intervened, sending ropes of fire hurtling towards me. With precise cuts, I severed the first rope, sidestepped, and cut through the next. The ropes followed my every move relentlessly. While I managed to evade most, a few persisted, attacking from multiple angles. They snared my arms, allowing Fei Yu to pull me towards him. Swiftly spinning counterclockwise, I delivered a forceful kick, snapping the fiery ropes and sending Fei Yu sprawling into the dirt outside the ring.

"Fei Yu of the Ban Clan is out," announced Master Yán.

Hao Xuan charged next, his sword swinging fiercely as we clashed. I met his attacks head-on, blocking and parrying each blow. He intensified his assault, his sword now wreathed in flames. Retreating strategically, I led him to the edge of the ring, then abruptly halted. Digging my feet into the ground, I timed his approach, spinning counterclockwise into a direct attack towards his chest. He managed to block it, but I kept the pressure on.

Hao Xuan retaliated with a kick that I deflected with my forearm, pushing his attack aside. He tried various techniques, but I thwarted them all. Undeterred, he launched successive fire attacks, which I skillfully navigated to close the distance between us. Moving swiftly, I launched a relentless assault, overwhelming him until I finally incapacitated him.

"Hao Xuan of the Ruan Clan is out."

A third opponent charged towards me, battle-worn from previous fights. We engaged in a fierce exchange, but I swiftly gained the upper hand, dispatching him efficiently. The subsequent matches ended quickly as fatigue set in for the remaining competitors. As I defeated my final opponent, I scanned the arena and spotted Prince Sūn finishing his last adversary, his gaze fixed on me.

"Prince Lì, it seems you were eager to face me," he remarked confidently.

"Prince Sūn, I couldn't afford to disappoint your expectations," I replied evenly.

"Be careful not to overextend yourself. I'd hate to see you harm yourself more than me," he taunted with a smirk.

"You make it sound like you'll go easy on me," I retorted, meeting his challenge as our swords clashed.

"Easy?" He laughed sarcastically, while aiming his attack at me before charging into another one "The only thing easy here is ending you" he uttered once our swords clashed again.

I let out an exasperated laugh and dragged my sword from the clash, attacking him.

Yán Mei Ling POV

Watching the unfolding battle, the movements of the tall boy dressed in red and black, with a sleek, fire-shaped hairpin, immediately captured my attention. His maneuvers felt eerily familiar yet distinctly different. Engaged in a prolonged duel with the first three opponents, he fought fiercely, while another contestant swiftly dispatched his adversaries, leaving the arena poised at a critical juncture with a half-circle of fire remaining. Their gazes locked, intense and almost lethal.

"Looks like this match is heating up," I murmured, focusing intently on the two combatants who had yet to make their move but exchanged tense words.

"Lady Yán, that's the Second Prince Sūn, son of Noble Consort Sūn," my companion gestured towards the tall boy dressed in black with a silver hairpin, "and that's the First Prince Lì, son of Empress Yǎhuì," she continued, nodding towards the figure who had my initial interest. Though it was hard to catch, his irises swirled with flames just like how my eyes swirled with waves of flames. Before they quickly returned to his natural eye color.

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