Yandere!Red-Sole X F!Reader

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《 Yandere!Red-Sole x F!Reader 》

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Yandere!Red-Sole x F!Reader

゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚
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☁️✨. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Additional Text ࿐ྂ

•hey everyone! first update in a really long time!

•it's been so long and my writing style is definitely different.

•uhh yeah oopsies

•ty for requesting klaudek1987

☁️✨. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Content Warning ࿐ྂ

•yandere, jealousy, no blood or death or anything like that

•No one's POV•

It was a normal day in Inkopolis, you were ordering a caffeinated drink as per usual (or just anything surgery) and kinda taking it back a bit and relaxing. Normally, your close friend, Red-Sole, would be pestering you with questions and asking if she could take a sip of your drink. Of course you'd normally let her but she wasn't anywhere to be found.

You sorta missed her pestering sometimes.


You were met with a pair of red eyes, it was Red-Sole. "Hiya Y/N! How've you been!" She giggled a bit before grabbing your drink and drinking it without even asking first. You blushed out of embarrassment knowing you had just indirectly kissed..

"I've been.. fine." You managed to spit out. She chuckled, "Just fine!? I know what'll make you feel better! Spending time with me duh! We should do some turf matches!" She smiled before shoving the drink back into your hands. 'Cheerful as always..' you thought.

"So.. what'do you say!?" She smiled brightly at you elbowing you. You were about to accept right then and there, but remembered you promised to help your teammates unload some things then hangout afterwards. "Oh.. sorry I can't today i'm busy."

"Ehhh!? Busy!? Busy with what? Busy with what!?" She sounded pushy and more aggressive than her previous tone. "I promised to hangout with my teammates and help them with stuff.. why do you sound mad?"

"I'm not mad! I couldn't care a less anyways. Have fun with your teammates." She had disappeared into thin air, you turned your head around but still no Red-Sole in sight. Confused you still proceeded with your day, and made your way back to your home which to where your teammates were going to meet up with you.

You stretched your arms and plopped onto the couch waiting for your friends but it's been hours and still none of them showed up. You went on your phone and noticed 5 posts from your teammates, they were having fun without you? Did they forget about you? Can't be right.. Right?

Maybe you should've just hung out with Red-Sole, she would never leave you right? She wouldn't forget about you right?

You had closed your eyes and passed out.

"Y/N! Y/N!" "Wake up silly!" You were being shaken by an unknown being, your eyes then shot open and your eyes met with the same pair of red, crimson eyes.

Red-Sole was on top of you on the couch! You yelped confused why you were so embarrassed, I mean.. you were just best friends? "H-How'd you get in here?"

"Duh I just happened to have keys to your house!" She giggled and you blushed.

You remembered what had happened, your other friends forgot about you.. Unknowingly a tear had fallen down your cheek. "WHA- Why are you crying!?" Red-Sole cried out to you, you wiped away your tear and shook your head profusely. "I'm fine! Sorry.. I ended up not hanging out with my other friends.. I think they forgot about me.."

"I know silly, I told them you were busy hanging out with me today!" She snuggled into your chest, confused and kind of embarrassed you began to blush a/an (I/C).

"W-Why would you say that! I thought you didn't care and I really wanted to-" You were cut off by the inkling who'd lie on top of you, she smiled and a brief laugh escaped her lips. "What's so funny..?"

"You look mad! Don't you want to be with me.. have fun with me?" She smiled crashing her lips onto yours and you shoved her off. "What's gotten into you!? Why are you being like this..?" You didn't know how to feel, should you be mad? Happy?

"You're all mine now.. now I don't have to worry about you dumb little friends taking your time away from me! You don't need them when i'm here anyways." She smiled about to kiss you again but you pushed her off and ran to the door.

You ran outside, it was already night time and no one seemed to be around for help. "Is anyone out there!? Help me!" You turned around and saw Red-Sole, then everything turned black.

You are her's forever, and you will never be able to leave.
•keep requesting im bored </3


•791 words•

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