Rider X Reader

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《 Rider x Reader 》

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Rider x Reader

゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚
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☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Additional Text ࿐ྂ

• requested by Vee_mo_

•sorry if ooc 😎


☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Things to know ࿐ྂ

•Y/N = Your name

•POV = Point of view

•T/M = Team mate (Give your team mate a name)

•I/C = Ink Color

•F/C = Favorite color

•S/C = Skin Color
No ones POV

"Y/N! Y/N! I'm going out to meet the rest of team blue!" Your brother said loud enough for you to hear.

Goggles is your brother, not long ago, he had a tournament. And since his first battle in the tournament, he's improved a lot.

You can tell, because you were watching him from the audience. You were happy with his successfulness.

And after that, you noticed that Rider was always hanging out with Team Blue and you. Training them, when they tried to beat Skull of the s4.

And thanks to Rider, Team Blue beat him! And soon enough, you began to see Rider differently..


"Thanks." I smiled at the Yellow-Green inkling.

"For?" He questioned me. He crossed his arms and stood in a tough guy stance.

"For.. helping my brother."

"It's no big deal. They helped me realize something too." He responded.

"Realize something.." I mumbled.

"Well.. you helped me realize something too." I smiled

"Realize what?" He looked at me with a serious and stern look.

"It's not important." I/C was dusted on my S/C cheeks, I turned away so he couldn't see my face.

"C'mon spill it ouuut.." He said grasping on my shoulders and shaking me up.

I pushed him away gently, "Well the great Zapfish is back!" I said changing the subject. "Oh, yeah." He replies.

"My brother has a battle and stuff, I should get going." I said hoping to leave the conversation. "Don't you see all his battles?" He questioned me, he sounded aggravated..

"Well, of course.. He is my brother after all." I answered, it is normal for me to go to all his battle right?

"Isn't it always the same?" He asked me, sounding even more aggravated.

"Is that even a question? Of course not! Goggles is my brother, never a dull moment with him around." I smiled to myself.

"Ehh, I guess.."

"Whaaaats wrong~?" I cooed.

He looked at me, softness clearly visible.

I giggled. "Want me to see all your battles too?"

"W-why would you even ask that!? I mean.. only if you'd like." He looked away from me hiding his face.

I hugged him tightly, "Of course."

He shook me off. "I should probably get going now though. My brother's next match is starting soon! See you soon, hopefully." I waved at him before leaving him alone.


My brother won of course, with being ridiculous. But there was a really good player, with a strange haircut and weapon type named Gloves.

And Gloves invited us to come to Inkopolis Square. I was beyond stoked!

Right after we entered Inkopolis Square, Blue Team decided to enter into the Square King Cup. And they made it past preliminaries!

"The opening ceremony is about to begin." Gloves signaled for us to shut up.

" Gloves signaled for us to shut up

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"He's famous and I know him!" I shouted out

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"He's famous and I know him!" I shouted out.

"Look over there!"

"It's Rider!"

Rider? What's he doing here?

"Rider!" I called out to him while rushing over.

"Y/N? Why are you here?" Rider questioned me looking me up and down.

"Well, this is perfect! Now I can watch your battles like I said I would." I smiled at him.

He just turned away, "What about your brother?"

"I have everything recorded at home, so i'm good to go." I said, reassuring him.

"Tch.. goofball." He embraced me. I was shocked, but of course hugged back.

"Who's the girl?"

"Rider acts so cold, so sweet that he has a soft spot!"

"Hey! Hands off my sister!" Goggles declared while pulling down Rider's pants.

"G-Goggles!" I yelped covering my eyes.

I moved my hands away to see again, and Rider was beating Goggles up with his Dynamo. I giggled at this action.

☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋA/N ࿐ྂ

• this was the most fun to write!

• sorry this took so longgggg i rewrote it three times hagahevev

•709 words•

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