Gloves X Soulmate!Inkling!Reader

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《 Gloves x Soulmate!Inkling!Reader 》

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Gloves x Soulmate!Inkling!Reader

゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚
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☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Additional Text ࿐ྂ

• requested by Bobble-Chan

•I added the soulmate part, cause i had no other ideas

•inspired by toast-1234 go read their oneshot book! 💕

• so basically when you first speak to your soulmate the words are tattooed onto their wrist and their eyes glow when their soulmate sings

☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Things to know ࿐ྂ

•Y/N = Your name

•POV = Point of view

•T/M = Team mate (Give your team mate a name)

•I/C = Ink Color

•F/C = Favorite color

No one's POV

"Hey Gloves!" Goggles called out to Gloves. Gloves turned around to face Goggles.

"Oh, hey Goggles." Gloves smiled at the Blue Inkling.

"There's a new idol in town! They're gonna perform tonight, if you'd like to tag along with Team Blue and I."  Goggles offered smiling. Gloves thought about the suggestion and decided he would, indeed, go.

"Sure, I don't see why not." He gave a thumbs up, reassuring Goggles.

"Fresh! Let's meet at Crusty Sean's around 7." Goggles spoke before taking his leave.

Gloves nodded.


I've been looking for my soulmate since I was a little chick. But I haven't found them yet..

What if I never find them. What if i'm just lonely forever!

I sighed, I should probably head to the square and scope things out.

I headed toward the square and looked around, there were plenty of stores and cafes, even an arcade!

"Wow this place looks-"

"O-ouch." A male inkling groaned. I opened my eyes and saw a Green Inkling. He had a hairstyle I have never seen before.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to fall for you. I mean ON you!" I shook my head and blushed in embarrassment.

He just stared at me, and soon started laughing. "Mind getting off?"

"Oh. Right!" I immediately got off the lewd position we were in.

I dusted myself off, I offered my hand to help him get up. He accepted and soon got back up on his feet.

"The name's Y/N."


"Nice meeting you Gloves, but I have a concert to get ready for." I said scratching my cheek gently.

"Oh, I'm going to a concert later too. Hope to see you there!" He smiled at me.

"Oh you will!" I smiled and waved before taking my leave.

Gloves then looked down at his arm and there before him, were the words, "S-sorry. I didn't mean to fall for you. I mean ON you!" printed on his arm.



"It's concert time!" I called out to the large crowd. The crowd rumbled with roars and screams.

"Alright! I'm gonna be doing a cover of "Tide Goes Out"! Are you reeeaady~!" I cheered. The crowd roared again signaling me to begin.

"I hope this will help me find my soulmate.." I mumbled to myself and opened my mouth to sing.

Tide Goes Out
Lyrics by : Caitlin Koi
"Who would have thought"
"That you and me."
"That it cannot be true"
But maybe it's true~
"Nothing's tough, for you and me"
It cannot be, cannot be~
"Let me, let me know~"
"Look there~, what do you do"
"Do you feel it?"
"Do you feel it, feelin' me?"
"Oh what can I say?"
"You're waiting to walk me away"
"When I learn it's true"
"What did I, did I do?"
"I mean, I should~"
"What I yearn is you"
"I really, really do"
"Really could~"
"Love you too, love you too"
"Honey, I don't need you"
"lying~ tonight~"
"Maybe you are not, you are not"
"You are not my fate~"

"Who would have thought"
"That you and me."
"That it cannot be true"
But maybe it's true~
"Nothing's tough, for you and me"
It cannot be, cannot be~
"Let me, let me know~"
"Look there~, what do you do"
"Do you feel it?"
"Do you feel it, feelin' me?"
"Oh what can I say?"
"You're waiting to walk me away"
"When I learn it's true"
"What did I, did I do?"
"I mean, I should~"
"What I yearn is you"
"I really, really do"
"Really could~"
"Love you too, love you too"
"Honey, I don't need you"
"lying~ tonight~"
"Maybe you are not, you are not"
"You are not my fate~"

Once I finished singing, I bowed and blew a kiss toward the crowd.

But one of them caught my eye.

It was the green inkling from earlier, but his eyes..

His eyes were glowing! Once it hit me I immediately looked down and checked my arm and had the words, "O-ouch." written on it.

My eyes began to tear up and I jumped off the stage, "G-Gloves!" I engulfed him into a big hug, to which he hugged back.

"You're my soulmate." I smiled.

"I know." He replied and kissed me.

☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋA/N ࿐ྂ

• aaaaa this was fun to write

•819 words•

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