Aloha x Flirty!Octoling!Reader

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《 Aloha x Flirty!Octoling!Reader 》

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Aloha x Flirty!Octoling!Reader

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requested by
- Milk_fanfics3624

☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Additional Text ࿐ྂ

• First request!

•Really hope this fits your expectations, and very sorry if the plot is a little wacky. 💕

•Hope you enjoy~ ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡

☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Things to know ࿐ྂ

•Y/N = Your name

•POV = Point of view

•I/C = Ink Color

•F/C = Favorite color

•F/W = Favorite weapon


I'm an octoling. I'm not proud of it, but that's just who I am. I get made fun of for being one. People give me dirty looks, throw things at me, only target me in turf wars or ranked battles, and much more. I feel left out, excluded, alone.

But i've made at least one group of friends in all this mess. Those friends were the blue team.

No ones POV•

"Y/N~Chan!" Goggles called out to you. "C'mon, watch me do a turf war" He said, he spoke without a care in the world. He was always so happy, you yearned to be like that.

"I'd watch you do a lot of things, but I don't know if i'd enjoy watching you play turf, Goggles.." You trailed off. "Please! Please! Please~!" He repeated tugging on your arm. "With your team?" You sighed. You had given up, his happy persona was rubbing off on you.

"Well of course!" He replied as carefree as usual. "Ok.. fine. But only because-" You were cut off. "Yay! I'm so happy Y/N~Chan!"

Most people would think you're a sad type of person, but you're actually quite flirty. You can lack enthusiasm sometimes, but overall you can be laid back.

Time Skip•

You and Blue Team were waiting for Goggles, since he's always late. Once Goggles arrived everyone had their focus on him.

"Goggles! You're late again." Specs scolded. Goggles came into view and stood next to you. He was absolutely naked! "Goggles. Why are you always naked, not that I mind-" You were cut off.

"Oh, right, oops forgot!" Goggles chuckled and scratched his cheek. "How do you forget to put clothes on?!" Headphones rebuked him. "Haha! Goggles is naked again!" Bobble hat said laughing.

Once Goggles got changed you all headed toward Deca Tower before someone had called to Blue Team.

"Hey Blue Team!" A male inkling called. Blue team and you had turned around facing the source of the voice.

"Hey Aloha~Kun!" Goggles replied to the so called "Aloha". Everyone had said their greetings. You eyed him up and down. He was quite cute so you began to flirt with him. "Hiya, cutie. The name's Y/N." You spoke winking at him. You had caught his attention and he looked at you, scoping out every aspect of your body.

"I'm Aloha, don't think i've seen you around before?" Aloha asked placing his hand on his chin.

"She's an octoling!" Bobble Hat said aloud. "Interesting~." The handsome pink tentacled inkling spoke.

You were eyeing at his shirt, it was pretty cute.

"Well, do you like my shirt? It's made out of boyfriend material." He smirked winking at you.

"Watch yourself handsome." You eyed him smirking.

"I can't watch myself, if i'm too busy looking at your beautiful face." He winked at you.

"I'm glad you think so." You stated slyly.

"No, I know so." He smiled at you. You've never been so defeated.

"You're very persistent." You eyed him. He just winked in response.

"We're still here." Specs scoffed.


"Oops my bad." Aloha said scratching his cheek before turning back towards you. "Here's my number, sweet cheeks." He said handing you a piece of paper.

"Well i'll be on my way, catch you all later~!" He said loud enough for everyone to hear. He waved towards you and you waved flirtatiously.

Time Skip•

After watching Blue Team win a couple of turf wars, you were resting on your bed, scrolling through your inkstagram feed on your octophone. You were thinking about Aloha and his cute face. Then you remembered the paper. "His number!" You spoke with excitement.

You pulled out the paper and sat up. You quickly typed in his number and began texting him.


Y/N: Hello! Is this Aloha?

Unknown: Guess this is the beautiful octoling I met a couple of hours ago~?

Y/N: You guessed it, cutie~.

Aloha ♪('ε ): Well, are you busy tomorrow?

Y/N: No, why?

Aloha ♪('ε ): Wanna go on a date?


☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋA/N ࿐ྂ

•This oneshot is shorter than the last! Super sorry about that. ψ(`∇')ψ

•Sorry if this isn't how you wanted it, I tried my hardest!! Milk_fanfics3624

•781 words•

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