Vintage x Female!Reader

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《 Vintage x Female!Reader 》

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Vintage x Female!Reader

゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚
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☁️✨. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Additional Text ࿐ྂ

• requested by Agent_7_Ellie

• idk if i already used that gif ahhdabd

• i'm doing requests again, sorry this took way too long..

☁️✨. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Things to know ࿐ྂ

•Y/N = Your name

•POV = Point of view

•T/M = Team mate (Give your team mate a name)

•I/C = Ink Color

•F/C = Favorite color

No ones POV

"{Name}!" Someone called out to you. You turned around to face the voice and there stood before you was Red Sole.

The psychotic female had her hands gripped on her hips, they swayed as she talked. "What is it now?" You spoke up.

"Welllll~" The girl started. "We're going on a little vacay, Vintage said he wanted you to come!" The pigtailed girl smirked at you.

"Vintage? Why does he want me to come..?" You questioned yourself. "Who cares, come with!" The girl answered for you.

"I don't do vacations, now scram." You tried pushing the girl away, but to your dismay, that didn't work.

"Nooo waaaay~! C'mon he wants you to come." She begged. "When's the vacation?" You averted your head away from hers to avoid eye contact.

"We're leaving right now!" She smiled, oblivious to the fact that you have nothing in preparation.

"I don't even have clothes, sunscreen, or anything for that matter.." You sighed. "I got cha' covered!" She threw a backpack at you making your knees lose balance, but you caught yourself.

"C'mon now, don't slack off. We should get going before they leave us." She sighed walking away.

'As if it were my fault..' You thought.


You walked to the beach with team 'X-Blood', and once you guys arrived you started unpacking. You spread Red Sole's loaned towel on the hot sand and sat on it.

"Hey {Name}, sorry if Red Sole caused you any trouble. She can get a little.. carried away." Omega said, playing with her sloppy chopped tentacles.

"No, no. It's ok." You smiled reassuring the timid girl.

"{Name}! I forgot sunscreen.." Red Sole giggled. And to which, you sighed. "I have some if you guys need it." Vintage spoke up.

You still wondered why he wanted YOU to come, it pestered you. "Can you help me put this on..?" You questioned him, holding the sunscreen.

He looked nervous, "Sure.."

He took the sunscreen from your hands and opened it, squeezing out the sticky solution. He clapped his hands together rubbing them causing friction. You moved your tentacles to the side and he placed his hands on your back trying to cover every aspect of your body.

Double Egg winked at Vintage, and to which Vintage just glared at him back.

When Vintage was done, he took his hands off you. "Thank you." You smiled at him.

You sat there watching Red Sole and Omega play in the water, the two of them giggling and smiling.

"I'm gonna go with them, you two can come if you want." Double Egg offered.

"I'd rather stay here, but thank you anyways." You kindly declined. "How about you Vintage?"

"I can stay here with {Name}." Vintage declined as well.

"K! Suit yourselves." He declared before dashing toward the water.

It was pretty awkward, you two never really talked much and you weren't the type to break the silence.

"So.. what now?" He broke the cold ice between the two of you.

"I don't know," You shrugged "why don't you hangout with your teammates?"

"I mean.. I did invite you here. So I may as well hangout with you." He focused his gaze onto you eyeing you, admiring you.

"Hey.. I'm pretty tired. May I use you as a pillow?" You asked him without any intention.

"U-uh.. Sure." He accepted knowing it would he awkward if he declined. You prompted your head against his shoulder as your head was almost nuzzling into his neck.

You soon drifted to sleep after that.

"No way! Vintage ya perv!"

"It isn't like that!"

☁️✨. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋA/N ࿐ྂ

• Not as short as the last, but it's pretty short. I have so many Vintage requests im gonna sob

• I also updated so be grateful 🥺✌️

•692 words

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