Aloha x Mute!Reader

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《 Aloha x Mute!Reader 》

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Aloha x Mute!Reader

゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚
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☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Additional Text ࿐ྂ

• Ok first chapter here we go! I've requested this on a couple of oneshot books so I may as well make it happen myself. 🤷‍♀️

•I am gonna try and keep the reader gender mutual but it's gonna be tough! I will try tho 💕

•Reader is an inkling!!

☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Things to know ࿐ྂ

•Y/N = Your name

•POV = Point of view

•T/M = Team mate (Give your team mate a name)

•I/C = Ink Color

•F/C = Favorite color

•No ones POV•

Your team mate was invited to a party held by one of the S4. They wanted to bring you along but you weren't the type to enjoy those types of events.

"C'mon Y/n, don't be such a party pooper!" T/M complained. You grabbed out your notebook and scribbled something on it. "I don't wanna go! I have to make so many interactions and write so much stuff down my hand'll fall off." You shoved the notebook in T/M's face for them to read.

"Whatever. You're coming, even if you don't want to. You don't have a choice in the matter." T/M grinned. You took the notebook back and quickly started writing. "Fine.. But you can't leave my side." You turned the notebook toward your I/C friend.

"Yes! Thanks a million Y/N!" Your team mate embraced you which made you smile. You quickly jot down a "You owe me a seanwich" on your notebook and showed it to your friend.

"Yeah, yeah." T/M rolled their eyes. "I'll meet you there, I will text ya the deets!" T/M walked out of your house waving to you. You waved back and headed toward your room and started to get ready.

•Time Skip•

You wore your usual gear and quickly left your house. You held your squidphone in your hand as well as your notebook and a writing utensil. You quickly read T/M's texts briefly.


T/M (*'ー`*): I will just meet you there!
6:50 pm

T/M (*'ー`*): The address is *insert address*!
8:29 pm

T/M (*'ー`*): Just got done getting ready, see ya!

Y/N: Okie doki! See you soon!

•Y/N has left the chat•

•Time Skip•

You finally arrived and you looked up at the door in front of you. You truly did not want to go, but you told T/M you'd be there and you didn't wanna let them down. You took a deep breath in and out. And knocked on the door. You saw the door knob jiggle as the door flew open.

There stood before you, a pink ink colored inkling. He wore a Snorkel Mask, a Logo Aloha Shirt, and White Seahorses. You had a nervous, yet serious face. You didn't like going to partys.

"What do you look so serious about? This is a party, loosen up!" He said with a lively tone. He elbowed you playfully.

You didn't write anything down, but instead you gave him a nod. He moved over to the side so you could get inside the house. He pat you on the shoulder before saying, "See ya around, sweet cheeks." He winked.

"Oh! I'm Diver by the way, or Snorkel. Call me either." He gave you a thumbs up as he walked away.

"Seems like a nice guy." You thought.

"But more importantly, where was T/M! They said they would stay by my side." You crossed your arms.

"Hiya, gorgeous." Someone spoke.

You didn't think it was aimed towards you but you decided to check anyways. You turned around and I guess you two were too close, and bumped heads.

You rubbed your bruised forehead with a painful facial expression but still yet, had a smile plastered onto your face.

The pink tentacled male rubbed his temples as well, his head had stopped aching and he looked up at you.

"Ouch, sorry." He said. You stopped massaging the bruised mark and took out your notebook, opening it, with a F/C writing utensil. "Sorry about that, don't wanna ruin that handsome face of yours." The notebook read, you smiled winking at him.

He blushed, no one really flirted with him. You thought he was really cute, and he thought the same about you.

He kissed your forehead and quickly pulled away. "The name's Aloha, catch you later!"



T/M arrived later than usual, and came in looking for you. T/M finally found you, since there was a large crowd, it took ages to find you.

T/M was about to approach you. But they caught you with a pink tentacled inkling. They observed you two for awhile and once the inkling kissed your forehead. They quickly whipped out their phone and snapped a couple of shots. They decided to post it on inkstagram, and tagged you and Aloha. They knew the inkling was Aloha because T/M got their invite to the party from Aloha. And well, Aloha is one of the S4.

You and Aloha had exchanged numbers and you two do turf wars together sometimes. Someone approached you two and said, "Are you guys a couple?" You blushed. "Hmm? Where'd you get that idea?" Aloha spoke.

"Well, T/M's inkstagram has a picture of you kissing her forehead-" The stranger got cut off. "Ahh, well. I like the thought of us as a couple.." He trailed off smirking at you.

You smacked him on the back of the head. "So are you two dating?" The stranger interrupted. "Yes we are!" Aloha said slyly, rubbing the mark where you smacked him.

You blushed really hard, you're eyes were wide. You hid your face in your hands.

"No need to be shy princess, Love you~" He cooed in your ear. That made you blush even more.


☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋA/N ࿐ྂ

•Ok so, sorry it's super duper short! It's also my first completed oneshot. Next one is a request! So stay tuned for that. 💕💕(*'꒳'*)

•I edited the bonus, since it felt unfinished.

•1019 words•

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