Prince x Suicidal!Reader

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《 Prince x Suicidal!Reader 》

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Prince x Suicidal!Reader

゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚
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☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Additional Text ࿐ྂ

•requested by toast-1234

☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Things to know ࿐ྂ

•Y/N = Your name

•POV = Point of view

•T/M = Team mate (Give your team mate a name)

•I/C = Ink Color

•F/C = Favorite color

No ones POV

"I wish I could have fun playing like Team Blue.." You mumbled to yourself. You were depressed, suicidal. Your teammates bullied you, because you aren't "good enough".


I lie down on my bed, paralyzed. I just laid there, ignoring all the cuts and bruises I had done to myself prior to that moment.

I got up and made my way to the bathroom, and took a razor and started slicing my wrists roughly. Tears escaped my eyes as I bit down my lip making them bleed.

"Y/N!" I heard a voice outside my door, and a continuous knock.

"Hello.." I weakly called out, I walked toward the front door and opened it.

"Y/N?" Prince gasped, he was staring at my arms. Huh? Oh.. shit.

I quickly rolled my sleeves down, "Forget about that." I looked down at my feet.

"Y/N.. Why didn't you tell me!?" Prince yelled at me, he grabbed my wrist and pushed my sleeve up. He looked back at me, with a worrisome stare. He looked as if he were about to cry.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry!" I yelped, I let all my feelings spill out of me. I shoved my face against Prince's chest and tears began to spill out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." I repeated over and over, until Prince wrapped his arms around me.

"Sh.. Y/N. I-It's ok.. Just.. Never. Ever. Do it again. For me.." He begged. And to which I just nodded in agreement and hugged him tighter.


A couple months has passed since Prince caught me cutting myself. Hes never left my side. I sleep at his house most of the time, next to him in his bed, and normally hangout with Prince, with Team Emperor too.

They make me feel a lot better about myself. And I soon stopped cutting.

And not long after all this..

"Goodnight, Prince." I smiled snuggling along beside him.

"Night~Night!" He said, signaling for me to go to sleep.

I closed my eyes. Soon falling deep asleep..

"Love you.."

☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋA/N ࿐ྂ

•aaaaa its snowing outside where i am 🥺

•414 words•

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