Army x Clumsy!Best Friend!Reader

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《 Army x Clumsy!Best Friend!Reader 》

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Army x Clumsy!Best Friend!Reader

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☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Additional Text ࿐ྂ

• not a request, just something i came up with.

• when i originally wrote this i didn't know who i was writing about lmfao.

•i'd die for Army! i love him sm!!! ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡

•reader is also an inkling!! 💕

☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Things to know ࿐ྂ

•Y/N = Your name

•POV = Point of view

•I/C = Ink Color

•F/C = Favorite color

•No ones POV•

You and Army are best friends, you two did everything together. People even suspected you two of being a couple.

You two would be spotted in League, Turf War, Ranked, Private Battles, but not only just in Deca Tower. You two were found in the arcade, cafe, at each other's house, basically everywhere! (You get the idea.(๑>◡<๑) )

•Y/N's POV•

"Army.." I sighed, I'm sure it was pretty obvious that I had a major crush on the curry obsessed boy. "You should just tell him already!" Aloha scolded. He took a sip of his drink and sighed. I observed him as his lips pressed the straw.

I continued to scroll through my inkstagram feed. "I can't.." I replied groaning. I could never tell Army how I feel. "What's stopping you?" Aloha questioned me. I know he already knew the answer to his own question. I am really bad at expressing my feelings. So bad I become a stuttering mess, and i'll just make up an excuse.

"Besides, I'm just a friend." I spoke up. I could hear my voice cracking. My throat was so sore. "Hey, stop." Aloha said putting his drink down, he then rushed over towards me embracing me.

"It'll be ok, Army is a very understanding squid. If you tell him, i'm sure it won't be awkward afterwards." He let go of our embrace to look at me wiping tears off my cheeks with his thumb.

I looked down at the ground avoiding eye contact, Aloha was like a big brother to me. He knows me too well.

"Thank you.." I started.

"Thank you Aloha."

"It's no problem! You should probably go tell him soon." Aloha spoke smiling at me. He was like a big ball of sunshine.

"Speaking of Army, here he comes!" He said pointing towards Army. I turned my head to see if it was actually him. It was indeed Army! I gasped, and tripped over a rock and hit my face.

Aloha couldn't stop laughing at me! "Hey! It's not funny!" I pouted, I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks.

"You're so clumsy Y/N~!" Aloha said between chuckles. "Jerk.. Tch" I said making sure he couldn't hear me.

"What was that Y/N?" Aloha chirped. I ignored Aloha, and looked back at Army, staring him down. He wore his usual gear, he looks so cute!

I was never really interested in love or really much of anything. I have incredible bad luck, I trip over basically everything. Even my own feet! So why wouldn't my bad luck affect my love life too.

I hadn't realized I had been staring at him, and Army turned his head and spotted me! I freaked out and looked down. I peeked back up and he waved at me. I of course waved back.

God, I wish I could just tell him. He was everything to me. And all I want is for him to feel the same. I pressed my back up against the wall behind me and sat down hugging my knees. I let out a sigh.

"Yo, Y/N. I gotta blast, so see ya later!" Aloha said, he gave me a peace sign and left.

"Y-you can't leave me here!" I mumbled. I didn't wanna be alone for the rest of the day.. I let out a groan.

"Hey Y/N."

I blushed, I immediately knew who that was. I looked up and saw Army.

"Hey Army.." You said still red, but smiling.

"Are you ok? Do you have a fever?" He had asked me, crouching down moving my tentacles away from my forehead. He took his hand and felt my forehead.

"You feel warm, Y/N." Army stated. "I-I.. I'm fine." I stuttered. I have never stuttered talking to Army. I want to tell him! I just want to tell him so bad!

"Well, if you're fine.. I'll be on my way." He stood up with a soft expression. I want to tell him.. but-

"D-don't go.." I tugged on his parka. He turned to look at me.

"Ok, fine.." He sat down next to me. I couldn't help it. I put my head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep.

"I love you, Army.."


Army blushed at your words, he soon placed his head on yours and fell asleep. Aloha came back looking for you and found you two together. He snapped some pictures and posted them on Inkstagram.

Aloha and Mask teased you two non-stop after that.

☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋA/N ࿐ྂ

• ok well um, i accidentally deleted the bonus and A/N so oops 😬

• 863 words•

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