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AN // TW of abuse, self harm, suicide, .. please don't read if you get triggered by any of these. 

Meredith is 12 years old, Thatcher and Ellis are still together. He's an alcoholic, she's a workaholic.

"Meredith!" Thatcher yelled

"Dad?" Meredith replied when walking into the living room

"You piece of shit, didn't I tell you I was hungry"

"Well.. mom.. euhm.. I'm so sorry"

"You better go get something"

"I'll go buy some pizza"

"Hurry up, i want pizza with pineapple"

Meredith grabbed her bike and stopped at the closest pizza restaurant to buy 2 pizzas and ride back home

"Dad? Do you want to.. euhm.. eat here or.. euhm.. at the table?"

"I'm staying here, do you think I want to sit with you?"

"I'm.. I'm sorry" Meredith said before walking over to the kitchen. She sat down and started eating her pizza until she heard footsteps.

"Can't you do anything right?! There's pineapple on it!"

"Dad.. you.. you asked with pineapple"

"You're always lying, Merdith! You're stupid, fat and ugly! You're like your mother!"

Meredith froze.. she wanted Thatcher to back off but she was too afraid to tell him to leave her alone but instead he got angry and threw the pizza to Meredith. It touched her head. She tried not to react. This wasn't the first time it happened, even with Ellis around but she claimed Thatcher was stressed, Meredith was overreacting. Tatcher was just stresses and Meredith was being the stupid child who takes too much attention and is too stupid.

"You're a piece of shit, go to your room and leave the pizza here" Tached yelled

"I..I'm sorry" She said before running of to her room to hide

A few hours later Ellis arrived at home

"What's for dinner?" She asked

"I don't care, you better make something" Thatcher said

"Oh, you're drunk again, aren't you? I'm going back to the hospital, I don't need you"

"What about your daughter? Why am I the one who's stuck with her?" Thatcher yelled, not knowing Meredith was listening on the stairs

"I don't care about any of you, you wanted to keep her, I didn't" Ellis yelled before leaving the house

"Meredith, out of the house! I don't want to see your face today, can't you go to one of your friends, at least that's what you call them because they think you're a burden"

"I'll.. I'll go pack some stuff" Meredith said before packing a pair of panties and a fresh bra, a pair of black leggings and a sweater, she put them into a bag before running to the bathroom to grab her toothbrush."

"I don't want to see your face anymore today" Thatcher yelled "And let me guess, you're gonna go grab some food first? Of course, you fat cow!"

Meredith left on her bike.. Should I call someone? Where can I go?"

Meredith grabbed her phone and stared at it for 20 minutes. But she didn't dare to call so instead she decided to go somewhere quiet and prepare her for the night. It was a hot summer night so she was relieved. It meant it wouldn't rain or freeze.

She was scared, she sat on a playground hidden so no one could see her, afraid they would ask questions or even kidnap her. She couldn't sleep, she was scared, she wanted to be gone forever.

AN // @Deena1132 gave me the idea to start this story. I'll try to upload at least a few times a week.

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