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"Congratulations Meredith! You're pregnant" Bailey said

"Oh my god.. really?" Meredith said, not believing what Bailey just said

"Do you want me to do an ultrasound to see how far you are?" Bailey asked

Meredith looked at Derek who nodded. Meredith turned her head and stared at the ground. She drowned in her own thoughts.

"Mer, babe?" Derek whispered as he puts his arm around her waist

Miranda and Derek were looking at each other, Meredith was frozen. She didn't react.

"Meredith?" Miranda asked as she walked over to them and put her arm on Meredith's shoulder but Meredith pulled away

"I.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pull away"

"Hey, look at me" Miranda said with her sweet voice while giving a confused expression towards Derek "Are you okay?"

"I'm terrified Bailey.. I can't lose this baby too"

"Meredith, did you have a misscariage before?"

Derek looked at Bailey before looking to Meredith with a sad face

Meredith looked at Derek and then turned her head to Bailey, avoiding eye contact but nodding.

"Oh my.. Meredith. Does your OB know?"

"Mer has been placing shots to prepare her uterus"

"If there's anything I can ever do for the two of you, please let me know" Miranda said before placing her hand on Derek's shoulder.

"Thank you, Bailey" Meredith said, finally looking up

Miranda went through Meredith's hair with her fingers before leaving the room "Congratulations, again and I'm on my way to grab an ultrasound machine" She said before closing the door

"Mer.. You're pregnant"

"I.. I am" She smiled

"It's okay to be scared, but this is all gonna be fine, baby"

"I hope so.. Let's wait for Bailey.. We.. We'll need to tell Addi and Mark tonight but we'll wait with the rest, okay?" Meredith suggested

"Of course, only Mark and Addi, no one else" He said before kissing Meredith's soft lips.


"Hey guys" Addison and Mark said before entering the living room

"Hey, did you guys have dinner?" Meredith asked

"We have some leftover mac and cheese if you want" Derek told them

"We're good, we went out for dinner" Addison sighed before she walked over to collapse on the couch.

"Are you guys okay?" Mark asked them

"Actually" Derek started before looking in Meredith's eyes, waiting for approval

"Go tel them Derek" Meredith smiled

"Mer is pregnant, we're having a baby" Derek said before Mark pullen him into a hug

Addison jumped out if the couch and started asking questions.

"It's early.. Bailey did an ultrasound today.. I'm around 7 weeks pregnant" Meredith told them as Derek pulled her closer and he started playing with her hair before pressing his hand on her stomach

"Did you call mom?" Mark asked

"We want to wait until 12 weeks.. with our.. history.." Derek whispered as Meredith nodded

"Hey, that baby will be just fine! That kid couldn't wish for better parents" Mark smiled before huggine Meredith

"Congrats Derek" Addison said before hugging him

"We need to celebrate" Mark said

"Derek, we have that bottle of champagne we got from your sister, open it. I won't be drinking champagne in a while so this is the perfect time to pop that bottle."

AN // Way too short, I'm sorry but I just don't have lat time these upcoming weeks. But in 3 weeks I have 2 weeks off so prepare yourselves!

Hope you at least kind of like this

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