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"No!" Bella yelled as she ran away as fast as her legs let her

"Bella, please.. come back" Meredith sighed but Bella ran off, not turning around.

Meredith leaned against the kitchen counter, her hands in her hair. This was a daily struggle. Stretching Bella's legs like Callie showed her before strapping her braces on. Now even before dinner. So now she wears them at least 12 hours a day and it's been a hell of a ride so far

"Bel, please come back, auntie Addi and uncle Mark will be here any minute with Lily and you need to do your exercises first" Meredith said as she slowly made her way to the little girl's room.

"Mommy, don't want to" Bella whined

"I know but aunt Addi is gonna bring dinner with her and we don't want it to get cold, do we?"


"Come on, let's go to the living room" Meredith said as she wanted to grab Bella's hand

"Up!" Bella immediately lifted both hands

"Don't tell daddy, you know you're supposed to walk around the house by yourself" Meredith said as she quickly carried the girl over to the couch and laid her down and started stretching the girl's legs

"Mommy, stop" Bella sobbed

"I only need to roll your ankles, sweetie. I'm almost done" Meredith said as she kissed Bella's forehead.

"Done?" Bella asked after Meredith finished with the stretching

"Yes, you were such a brave girl! Now let's strap your braces on" Meredith said as the Sloans walked through the door "Hey, guys!" Mark yelled

"We're in the living room" Meredith said, moving to Bella's left leg

"I'm gonna serve the food" Mark said

Addison walked in with the 2 year old Lily balanced on her hip "Need a hand?"

"We're fine, thanks" Meredith smiled as she helped Bella sit up "Here you go"

"Hi" bella said as she ran over to Addison and Lily to say hi

"Hi!" Lily said

"You girls gonna go to the dining room together?" Addison asked as the both girls nodded and took off. Bella was older but her walking was as wobbling as Lily's

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Meredith asked as she rubbed Addison's invincible pregnancy bump

"Finally in the second trimester so the vomiting should stop soon" Addison said relieved

"When do you find out the gender?"

"We have an appointment next wednesday to check on the baby but.. I don't know if I'll be able to wait and not do an ultrasound on myself before that time"

"Dinner!" Mark yelled from the dining room

"We're coming!" Addison replied as the two woman made their way to the dining table and set down. Bella next to Meredith on her high chair as Lily sat next to Addison in the other high chair.

"When daddy comes home?" Bella asked

"Daddy will be here before bedtime" Meredith said as she was inspecting how Bella tried to cut her food

"Mommy, help!" Bella whimpered as she got frustrated

"Hey, calm down baby. I'll help you with the meat"


"No, you can cut your potatoes" Meredith said "You're almost five and you're so brave and so good, I know you can do that" Meredith encouraged

"Me can?"

"Yes you can" Meredith smiled as she rubbed Bella's back once she finished cutting her meat

During the dinner, the three adults were talking when Mark reminded them off the trip they were planning to make soon.

"So, where are we going too?" Mark asked

"We were thinking not too far.. something we can drive too" Meredith said

"Sounds good to me!" Mark said

"As long as it's calm so we can rest before baby #2 is born" Addison laughed

"I can imagine" Meredith giggled

"Have you and Derek been thinking about another baby?" Addison asked

"Me mommy daddy's baby!" Bella said before looking sad and scared at Meredith

"You will always be our baby, Bel. Aunt Addi isn't saying we're gonna replace you" Meredith said "Don't be scared, daddy and I will always love you" Meredith whispered in Bella's ear before returning to answer Addison's question. To be honest, I don't think we want another baby. Not in these circumstances.. we already run out of time and it wouldn't be fair towards both kids'' Meredith smiled sadly. She wanted another baby but didn't want to cut the time she could spend with Bella to stimulate her to provide her the best chances in life

"Hey!" Derek said as he walked into the house

"Dad!" Bella started yelling and clapping her hands

"Calm down, baby" Derek laughed and said hello to everyone before sitting down and joining them at dinner

"We were talking about the trip" Mark said as he filled in Derek on the conversation they had


"Did you have fun tonight?" Derek asked Bella as he placed her on the couch one the Sloans had left

"Ya, daddy! Lily and I play-ed pretend" Bella said as she explained to Derek what games she and Lily had played that evening

"Aren't you super tired now?" Derek asked her

"Bit" Bella giggled and releasing a few coughs

"It's time to nebulize" Meredith said after she noticed and she put everything ready for Bella to start her treatment.

"Can you take her?" Derek asked

Meredith nodded and Derek placed Bella on Meredith's lap before placing the mask on Bella's face before he got out of the room. Meredith frowned for a minute but went with her hands through her daughter's honey blonde curls and watched her watching her favourite show and heard some small giggles now and then.

A bit before Bella's treatment ended, Derek walked back in and he was nervous. Meredith could see it.

"Oh.. I.. I thought her treatment was already over" And he started pacing as Meredith shut off the nebulizer as Bella was done. The little girl was still in her lap and Derek walked over to them as he went down on one knee.

"Mer.. I know we never married the way we should have. You've been Meredith Shepherd for years and we have our beautiful Bella so now seemed like the perfect timing to renew our vows and finally have a real party with all the people we love. We've been through hell and back but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I'm so happy with my two girls so.. Meredith Shepherd, do you want to renew our vows?" Derek asked with tears in his eyes

"Derek" Meredith gasped as Bella had no clue what was happening "Of course, yes!" Meredith stood up and Derek pulled her and Bella in a hug and kissed Meredith on her lips

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