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They wheeled Meredith's gurney inside of Mercy West

"Bring her to the OR, now!" Addison yelled

"We need an incubator for the baby and give her steroids, now!" Arizona yelled

Meredith woke up and grabbed Derek's hand. She looked terrified

"Mer, I'm not gonna leave you. You and Bel will be fine!" Derek said as her eyes closed again

"Derek.." Mark started


"We'll watch in the gallery" Mark said as he took Derek with him

They started to cut and quickly got Bella out. Arizona got a worried look on her face. Meanwhile Derek ran into the OR followed by Mark. Everyone in that room was terrified. This was one of their own.

"Arizona?" Derek chocked out

"Derek.." Mark whispered

"No! Arizona?"

He got disturbed by the sound of his baby who started crying

"Hey, Bella" He whispered as they took her up to the NICU

"Go be with Bella, I'll stay with Mer" Mark offered


"Hmm?" Meredith groaned finally waking up after her emergency C section and a placental abruption  

"Mer?" Derek whispered


"Yeah.. I'm here Mer"


"She's in the NICU. Addi and Mark are with her. I wanted to be here when you woke up"

"Can I go see her?"

"Not yet, Mer."

"Is.. Is she okay?"

"She's so tiny.. I've never seen such a tiny baby but they are keeping a close eye on her. I have a picture if you want?"

"Oh.. Please" Meredith said as her eyes lighted up

Derek showed Meredith the pictures he took off their newborn daughter.

"Derek? She's so.. tiny" Meredith said, her voice cracking

"She's gonna pull through. She's as strong as her mommy" Derek smiled

"When can I see her?" 

"I think.. We should.. Mer.."


"I.. We need the best doctors, this isn't the best hospital"


"We should try and transfer both of you to Seattle Grace"

"What.. What happened after we got out?"

"Gary Clark shot a few others.. The chief went in and talked to him and he shot himself trough the head"

"He.. He's dead?" 

"He is, Mer! He won't hurt any of us"

"When could we get transferred?"

"I'm gonna talk to Bailey and the chief. Do you want me to page Addi and Mark to keep you company?"

"No! Someone needs to stay with Bel. Derek, I don't want her alone at any time, please"


"I'm fine, Derek!" She begged


"Hey, baby girl. Mommy wants to come take a look to" Derek said as he was watching his daughter, surrounded by many tubes, wires and lamps

Trapped in fear as history repeatsWhere stories live. Discover now