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"Ready to go home, Mer?" Derek asked

"Yes please" She gave him a smile

Derek helped her get up from the hospital bed, she was in a huge long leg cast and struggled to get up so Derek scooped her up and placed her in the wheelchair. She was wheelchair bound for as long as she had to wear the cast. She hated it but she could still go to school and Derek is with her 24/7 so she felt safe. He wheeled her out of the hospital towards their car. He was happy they had a SUV because they needed all the possible room as Meredith's leg was unable to bend because of the cast. Once she was settled in the car he folded the wheelchair and put it in the back of the car and got in himself. They put on the radio and started singing as one of their favorite songs "Grace Kelly" by Mika started playing

They arrived at the house and even before Derek was able to put the engine off, their dad was already out to help. He grabbed her wheelchair out of the car while Derek carried her inside and put her on their large couch.

"Meredith, dear. Do you want some ginger ale?" Carolyn offered

"Thanks mom" Meredith said, giving her a smile before trying to reposition her leg as she felt it throbbing.

Derek noticed and immediately lifted her leg with the cast and supported it with several pillows. "You okay babe?" Derek asked her

"Thank you doctor Shepherd" She giggled

"You're welcome doctor Shepherd" He said before kissing her on her lips


"Mer, I know you've been waiting 4 weeks for your cast to come off but you still need to give your leg some rest" Derek said annoyed when he saw Meredith limping around of the house, now in a brace

"Derek, we're moving next week and we have so much work to do" Meredith sighed as she started to fill another box

"Well me and Mark can help you!"

"Fine" She sighed again before almost tripping over another box but Derek could catch her right on time

"Mer, sit down please."

Meredith limped to their bed and layed down. She wouldn't admit she felt some pain but at least she accepted the fact that she couldn't help with the whole moving stuff.

After packing Derek joined her on their bed as they started cuddling until their mom yelled, asking them to come down to start dinner.

"So guys, 3 of my kids are moving out next week" Carolyn sighed

"It's gonna be weird" Christopher admitted

"And I'm stuck all by myself for another year" Amy started laughing.


"Derek? Are you ready?" Meredith asked

"Yes, Mer! This is the day we've been waiting for"

"God, I can't believe I'm gonna be a real Shepherd, I'm gonna be your wife and I can finally call you my husband" Meredith said with the biggest smile Derek had ever seen

"Meredith, Derek.." Carolyn said as she and Christopher entered the major's office. Today was the day that Derek and Meredith got married. Just them and their family. They didn't want to have a big party, they even wore normal casual chique black clothes. Derek is wearing black pants and a light blue shirt while Meredith is wearing black skinny jeans, with on top her brace, some white Adidas Stan Smith's with a navy detail and a pink blouse.


"Derek? Can you please talk to Mark in the morning? I really like Addison, I really do but she's loud" Meredith sighed

"I will Mer!"

"I can't sleep"

"Well.. Maybe we should make as much fun as them?" Derek proposed before rolling on top of Meredith while he started to kiss her neck moving to her chest and breast. Their warm bodies touch each other and let their bodies relax. Just the two of them, newlyweds.


Addison moved in with Mark as the four of them got really good friends. One night Meredith was laying in bed but when she woke up she noticed Derek was gone, she didn't feel as safe without him but she thought he was going to the bathroom or grabbing himself a glass of water until he heard some glass shattering on the ground. She started to panic, she couldn't move and she couldn't control her breathing what led to having a panic attack and hyperventilating. After a few minutes the door opened slowly, showing Derek who immediately saw Meredith sitting on the ground against the wall almost passing out.

"Babe, what's wrong? It was just me, I broke a glass, it slipped out of my hands. He tried to calm her down. He grabbed a plastic bag and handed it to Meredith so she could try to control her breathing again.

"Mer, are you okay?" Derek whispered when Meredith started to calm down as she laid her head on his chest

"I.. I-"

"Calm down, Mer. You're okay. No one is here, it's just us and Mark and Addi. No one will hurt us"

"I.. Thank.. Thank you Derek"

"Shtt Mer, you don't have to thank me!" He said before scooping her up and setting her down careful on the bed before tucking her in

"I.. Can I please listen to the podcast?" Meredith asked, referring to her favorite podcast of one of her favorite actresses, knowing this is one of the best ways for her to fall asleep

"Of course" Derek said before pressing play. He saved the podcast on his phone too when he notices she can't sleep.

"Try to sleep, Mer"

"Hmm" She groaned

"I love you, Meredith. I love you so much"

"I love you too, Derek.." She whispered back before a tear escaped her eyes

AN // So this is just a filler to make some time jump to when they start their internship. I'm excited for this story so please text me if you want to see something happening, I'll re-write some episodes but with different outcomes so comment if you have any ideas! 

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