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"Mer? Bel?"

"Da!" Bel exclaimed

"Dad" Meredith told Bella. "Derek, what do you need?" She asked once she stood up after putting on Bella's shoes

"Are the two of you ready?"

"No, she still needs to put on her jacket and then I have to put on mine" Meredith replied

"I'll buckle her in while you put on yours" Derek smiled when he kissed her forehead

"Come on, baby. Let's put on your jacket" Meredith said

"Ya!" Bella said as she threw her arms in the air

"Bella, can you try to say jacket?"

"Ja-kt" Bella said

Meredith kissed her forehead before the little girl strumbled to Derek. Bella recently turned 3 but she still couldn't really talk and walking was a huge task. They had a walker for Bella so she could walk around the house by herself and when they went out she alway sat in her stroller. At Carolyn and Christopher's house she had everything she needed. She usually went to their house if Meredith and Derek both had a long shift and needed to stay the night. It didn't happen too often but today was one of those days.

"Na?" Bella asked once Derek buckled her up in the car

"Yes, Bel. You're going to nana and dada" Derek smiled


Meredith walked out of the house and climbed in the car once Bella was buckled up. Derek stepped into the driver side and began their ride to Carolyn's house. They were early so they could come in and make sure everything would be fine. Bella developed asthma and some allergies and still needed everyday treatment as they noticed the BPD did some damage to her little lungs. She had to nebulize at least once a day and she had her inhaler for the times she started wheezing and seemed to be out of breath.

Once they arrived at the house, Meredith took out Bella and let her try to walk to the house as she held the girl's both hands to make sure she could find her balance. They worked really hard on making everything as easy as possible for their girl. She had PT three times a month to train her muscles.

Derek walked next to them and rang the bell. Christopher opened the door and his attention immediately went to the little girl "Bella! There you are, my big girl!" He said

"Hi dad!" Meredith and Derek said as they all walked into the house to the living room.

"Hi, Meredith, Derek! Hi Bella!" Carolyn said as she walked into the living room with coffee for the adults and some juice for Bella

"Na!" Bella exclaimed as she tried to stand up but immediately fell back on her butt.

"Easy, girl" Meredith giggled as she helped her up

"We'll talk to doctor Parker today about her needs.." Meredith said with a sad smile. She just wanted what's best for her daughter but still felt a little anger against the circumstances the little girl was born in.

"We'll hear everything about it after your shift. Do you want to stay for lunch tomorrow?" Christopher asked

"Yes, thanks. We need to bring her to speech therapy after so we can't stay too long" Derek said

"I'll ask Addison and Mark to join us. Addison is on maternity leave as Mark took some time off to make sure everything will be ready once their baby is born.

"Thanks!" Meredith said as she took a look at her watch. "Derek, we need to go"

"Okay, Mer. Mom, Dad, thanks for watching Bella" He said as he stood up

"Good day at work, guys!"

"Bye Bella" Derek said as he kissed her forehead and took his jacket

"Bye, baby girl" Meredith smiled before she gave her a kiss on her forehead

"Ma! Da!" She whimpered

"Bel, you need to stay with nanna and dadda today. Mommy and daddy need to go to work"

"No!" She started crying

"Come on, Bel. Want to bake some cookies together?" Carolyn asked as she immediately saw the tears appearing in Meredith's eyes

"No!" She yelled before letting herself fall on the ground before slamming on the floor with her tiny little fists

"Come on, Mer" Derek said as he kissed her forehead and pulling her close

"We'll call mommy and daddy later, Bella. Come on, show us you're a brave big girl"

Bella stopped crying and Meredith picked her up before hugging her tightly and kissing her forehead again "Nana will call me if you feel sad again but for now you're gonna have fun with Nana and Dada, okay?"

Bella nodded and Carolyn took Bella from Meredith as she followed them outside. Bella and Carolyn waved as Derek and Meredith left to the hospital


"Mo-mmy" Bella whimpered

"Mommy and daddy will call soon" Cristopher explained, knowing the two of them soon had lunch break.

"Ya!" Bella yelled "No-v"

"Now?" Carolyn asked


"We have to wait a bit longer, mommy is grabbing some food first"

"No!" Bella started crying again as the phone rang

"Mommy's calling" Christopher said as he picked up the phone and put it on speaker.


"Hey Bel!" Derek's voice was heard through the phone

"Ya! Da!"

"Hey, baby girl" Now Meredith's voice was heard

"Mo-mmy!" Bella yelled again

"How's it at Nana's?" Derek asked


"Are you being nice for Nana and dada?" Meredith asked


"Is she, mom?" Meredith asked again

"Yes, dear. We'll have lunch soon and then Bella will do a nap, will you, Bel?" Carolyn asked


"Mommy and I are proud, Bel! You're a good girl" Derek said

"Me, ya!"

"Yes, you, Bella" Meredith giggled

"Bel, we need to go. We'll call after your nap, okay?" Derek asked


"Be good, baby!" Meredith said

"By!" Bella said as Carolyn hung up the phone.

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