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A few days later

"Meredith, what's this?" Ellis asked pointing to Meredith's latest school results

"I.. I'm sorry"

"Go to your room, I don't want to see your face anymore"

Meredith ran off to her room, she climbed into bed and began to cry, as silent as possible so no one would hear her. She just started high school, she didn't have many friends except this one girl Sadie, who lived in the same area as Meredith.

"Meredith?!" She heard Thatcher yelling from downstairs

"Yes dad?" She asked while running downstairs, slightly out of breath

"Oh there you are, well no wonder it took you so long. You're way to fat Meredith"

Meredith stared to the ground

"Look at me when I'm talking to you" He yelled before hitting her in the face

Don't cry.. Don't you dare to cry Meredith She thought to herself while she looked up and looked him in the eyes

"I want you to wait downstairs until your mother comes home" Thatcher said

Meredith sat on the couch and started to watch TV. An hour or so later her mother arrived. Ellis walked through the doors, ignoring Thatcher and Meredith.

"Mom? How was work?" Meredith asked

"Don't bother me Meredith, mind your own damn business"

Meredith looked into her lap, starting to hide behind a pillow and a blanket

Ellis walked over to the kitchen "You don't have to ask me how my day went, no one's interested in me and I'm the only one here who does something important" Ellis said ignoring the fact Meredith just asked her how her day went

"Whatever" Thatcher yelled which was the trigger to a loud and explosive fight between Ellis and Thatcher. They yelled for over an hour until he ran outside to the yard.

Meredith knew something was wrong, she was scared and watched his actions. They have a big yard and he walked all the way to the back of the yard to grab a sledge hammer they used when they renovated the house a few weeks back

Thatcher returned to the house with the sledgehammer resting on his shoulder

"Mom? There.. There's something wrong.. He.. He has a sledgehammer" Meredith said, totally in fear, half frozen to the floor

"He won't do a thing Meredith, he's scared, he's a pussy"

But Meredith was right, he walked all the way back to the house, to enter the kitchen which made it possible for her to ran outside. Once she was outside of the house, she wasn't able to move.. Her mother didn't follow.. Is she dead? What's happening? Where's Thatcher?

After 10 seconds but what felt as 5 hours, Thatcher came outside without the sledgehammer, but no Ellis, once he saw Meredith was a few houses further he decided to go back in. Meredith kept staring until she saw Ellis "Go to Sadie" Ellis yelled

Meredith nodded and ran off. She was so distracted but her mother told her to go to Sadie's so she listened. She rang the bell and Sadie opened the door "Hey, Mer!"

"Hey Sadie, can I euhm.. do you want to play outside?" Meredith asked

"Hey Mer, what's wrong? Come inside I need to change clothes first" Sadie said as she saw Meredith has tears in her eyes

They walked upstairs to Sadie's room, while she got changed Meredith started to tell her parents had a fight, not telling the full story

"Are.. Are you okay?" Sadie asked

Meredith nodded, of course she wasn't okay but what could she do?

"My older sister is here, we should go downstairs to wait for your mom" Sadie said

Meredith nodded and they made their way downstairs.

Maybe an hour or so later the doorbell rang, Meredith was scared but Sadie didn't really notice as she was distracted by the TV

"Is my daughter here?" Meredith could hear Ellis' voice, the living door opened and her mother walked in "Come on Meredith, we're going home"

Meredith didn't move

"Don't let me say this again, you're coming now. Your dad left"

Meredith stood up, gave a weak smile to Sadie and her sister and walked back home with Ellis.

Trapped in fear as history repeatsWhere stories live. Discover now